Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering 2024

August 27-29, 2024, Amsterdam


Programme August 27-29, 2024

The conference consisted of three days of single sessions, on subjects related to the conference topics.

  Tuesday 27    Wednesday 28    Thursday 29
08:30   Registration + coffee   
09:00   Computing   08:45   Vision & Robotics   08:45   Mathematical Aspects 2
11:00   Coffee   10:45   Coffee   10:45   Coffee
11:15   STA Physics   11:15   Control & GIS   11:15   Electro-Magnetism
13:15   Lunch   13:15   Lunch   13:15   Lunch
14:15   Machine Learning 1   14:15   Machine Learning 2   14:15   Visualization/Education
15:45   Tea   15:45   Tea   15:45   Tea
16:15   Mathematical Aspects 1   16:15   Pitches, Posters/Demos   16:15   Computational Geometry
18:45     Reception/Boat Tour   19:15   Conference Dinner   18:15   Awards, Next venue

There were regular talks during the day, and a Wednesday afternoon session of posters and demonstrations.

The social programme included a canal boat ride with welcome drinks on the Tuesday evening, and a conference dinner on Wednesday (optional, at additional charge, and only if pre-reserved by August 1).

At the closing session on Thursday , The David Hestenes Promising Young Researcher Award was handed out, as well as the Waldyr R. Rodrigues Jr. Best Poster prize, and we announced the venue for the next AGACSE.

Schedule per Session

  • Click on SPEAKER for a summary.txt.
  • Click on TITLE for the 4-page abstract.pdf.

Tuesday August 27, 2024, 08:30
COMPUTING (Chair Hongbo Li)

09:00-09:30  Chris Doran
Cambridge University
   Multi-algebra Fluency
09:30-10:00  Martin Roelfs
Flanders Make, University of Antwerp
   The Willing Kingdon Clifford Algebra Library
10:00-10:30  Silvia Franchini
National Research Council of Italy
   A FPGA Coprocessor for Accelerating Geometric Algebra Algorithms based on the GAPPCO Design
10:30-11:00  Steven De Keninck
University of Amsterdam
   Look, Ma, No Matrices!

Tuesday August 27, 2024, 11:15
STA PHYSICS (Chair Leo Dorst)

11:15-11:45  Anthony Lasenby
University of Cambridge
   Spacetime Algebra and Octonions: Links with the groups used in particle physics and computer graphics
11:45-12:15  Greg Wilmot
University of Adelaide
   Construction of Exceptional Lie Algebra G2 and Non-Associative Algebras using Clifford Algebra
12:15-12:45  Sofia Rumyantseva
HSE University
   On multidimensional Dirac-Hestenes equation
12:45-13:15  James Chappell
University of Adelaide
   A Multivector Description of Spacetime

Tuesday August 27, 2024, 14:15
MACHINE LEARNING 1 (Chair Chris Doran)

14:15-14:45  David Ruhe
University of Amsterdam
   From Clifford Neural Layers to Clifford Group Equivariant Networks
14:45-15:15  Yuxin Yao
University of Cambridge
   Simplifying and Generalising Equivariant Geometric Algebra Networks
(slides) (ppt slides)
14:45-15:15  Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano
Politechnical University of Posnan, Poland
   Coordinates to Color Quaternion Neural Network (CoCoQNN) and Coordinates to Color Quaternion Convolutional Neural Network (CoCoQCNN) for Image Processing

Tuesday August 27, 2024, 16:15

16:15-16:45  Pierre-Philippe Dechant
University of Leeds
   Characteristic multivectors of Coxeter transformations give novel insights into the geometry of root systems
16:45-17:15  Dmitry Shirokov
HSE University
   On Rank of Multivectors in Geometric Algebras
17:15-17:45  Hongbo Li
Chinese Academy of Sciences
   From Null Monomials to Versors in Conformal Geometry
17:45-18:15  Timothy Havel
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
   The Zeros of Heron's Formula in Orthocentric Tetrahedra
(handout) (slides)

Tuesday August 27, 2024, 18:45

18:45    We went on a 1-hour canal boat tour, with drinks and snacks. The route is shown on the Venue page.
We assembled in front of the conference venue to walk 5-10 minutes to the boarding site.
Dinner afterwards was not arranged, and left to the participants.

Wednesday August 28, 2024, 08:45
VISION & ROBOTICS (Chair Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano)

08:45-09:15  Isiah Zaplana
Universitat Politècnia de Catalunya, Spain
   Closed-form inverse kinematics solutions for a class of serial robots without spherical wrist using conformal geometric algebra
09:15-09:45  Oliver Rettig
DHBW-Karlsruhe, Germany
   Towards an Integrated Development tool for GA and a symbolic CGA implementation based on CasADi for application in robotics.
09:45-10:15  Charalampos Matsantonis
University of Cambridge
   A Novel Line Alignment Algorithm using Geometric Algebra
10:15-10:45  Roman Byrtus
Brno University of Technology
   CGA-Based Snake Robot Control Models

Wednesday August 28, 2024, 11:15
CONTROL & GIS (Chair Eckhard Hitzer)

11:15-11:45  Anna Derevianko
Brno University of Technology
   On Control of 2D Switched Systems by Means of Geometric Algebra for Conics
11:45-12:15  Jorge Ventura
Universidad de Almeria
   Applications of Geometric Algebra in Surveying and Geodesy
(slides) (ppt slides)
12:15-12:45  Jaroslav Hrdina
Brno University of Technology
   Notes on geometric algebras in geometric control theory (sub-Riemannian geometry)
12:45-13:15  Johanka Brdečková
Brno University of Technology
   Transformation in four phase power system using CGA

Wednesday August 28, 2024, 14:15
MACHINE LEARNING 2 (Chair Salvatore Vitabile)

14:15-14:45  Maksim Zhdanov
University of Amsterdam
   Clifford-Steerable Convolutional Neural Networks
(slides) (ppt slides)
14:45-15:15  Alberto Pepe
U of Cambridge, TU Brandenburg
   STAResNet: A Network in Spacetime Algebra Network to Solve 3D Maxwell's PDEs
15:15-15:45  Cong Liu
AI4Science Lab, AMLab, University of Amsterdam
   Clifford Group Equivariant Simplicial Message Passing Networks

Wednesday August 28, 2024, 16:15

16:15-16:40  2-MINUTE PITCHES    Plenary room
16:40-17:30  POSTER SESSION    Room next door
Jens Andresen
Independent Scientist, Køge, Denmark
   Local Space Structure by Geometric Algebra Using the Hurwitz Unit Quaternions
(pitch) (poster)
Peter Brands
Lumina Innovation
   Bridge between hyperbolic and circular symmetry illuminates spacetime spinors
(pitch) (handout)
Steven De Keninck
University of Amsterdam
   Look, Ma, No Trigonometry!
Leo Dorst
University of Amsterdam
   Paraxial Geometric Optics in 3D through Point-based Geometric Algebra
(pitch) (poster)
Simon Hartel
Hochschule Landshut
   A Unifying “Anycentric” Pinhole Camera Model for Calibrating Ento-, Tele- and Hypercentric Lenses
(ppt pitch) (poster) (handout)
Zachary Leger
University of Waterloo
   A modern Tool for Teaching Projective Geometric Algebra
(pitch) (poster)
Alberto Pepe
U of Cambridge, Huawei Munich Research Center
   DPGNN: Differentiable Physics- and Geometry-Assisted Neural Network
(no pitch)
Heerak Sharma
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, India
   Inverse of a Multivector
(pitch) (poster)
Hamish Todd
University of Cambridge
   Snappets: A VR user interface for animation with bendable vectors
(pitch link)
Greg Wilmot
University of Adelaide
   The Algebra of Geometry
17:30-18:30  ONLINE GUEST TALK    Plenary room, online presentation
David Hestenes
Arizona State University
   Gyromagnetics of the Electron Clock

Wednesday August 28, 2024, 19:15

19:15    For those who pre-registered and paid for the conference dinner (by August 1), it was at:
Kantjil en de Tijger, Spuistraat 291-293, Amsterdam.
This is a 2-minute-walk from the conference venue.

Thursday August 29, 2024, 08:45
MATHEMATICAL ASPECTS 2 (Chair Pierre Dechant)

08:45-09:15  Leo Dorst
University of Amsterdam
   Dual Spaces are Real: Orientation Types in Geometric Algebras
09:15-09:45  Ekaterina Filimoshina
HSE University
   On Generalized Degenerate Lipschitz and Spin Groups
09:45-10:15  Daren Thimm
University of Innsbruck, Austria
   Factorizations of the Conformal Villarceau Motion
10:15-10:45  Petr Vašík
Brno University of Technology
   Hamiltonian mechanics in terms of geometric algebras

Thursday August 29, 2024, 11:15
ELECTRO-MAGNETISM (Chair Joan Lasenby)

11:15-11:45  Chris Doran
Cambridge University
   Projective and Conformal Formulations of Electromagnetism
11:45-12:15  Lucas Burns
Chapman University
   Representation and Gauge Freedom in Electromagnetism and Acoustics
12:15-12:45  Gene McClellan
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
   Flux Quantization in Type II Superconductors
12:45-13:15  Kristján Óttar Klausen
University of Iceland
   Symmetries of the boundary theorem in electrodynamics

Thursday August 29, 2024, 14:15

14:15-14:45  Stephen Mann
University of Waterlo, Canada
   A Virtual Reality System for Visualizing Geometric Algebras
14:45-15:15  Duane Storti
University of Washington-Seattle
   Bringing Engineers to Geometric Algebra (and vice versa)
(slides) (ppt slides)
15:15-15:45  Hamish Todd
University of Cambridge
   A Comprehensive Visualization of Versors of Conformal Geometric Algebra
(CGA video)

Thursday August 29, 2024, 16:15
COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY (Chair Dietmar Hildenbrand)

16:15-16:45  Pavel Loučka
Brno University of Technology
   Construction of Special Conics in Bundles of Conics Using Geometric Algebras
16:45-17:15  Clément Chomicki
Université Gustave Eiffel, CNRS
   Pencils and set operators in 3D CGA
17:15-17:45  Eckhard Hitzer
International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan
   Geometric Algebra and symmetry in crystallography and physics
17:45-18:15  Carlile Lavor
University of Campinas Brazil
   Computing interatomic distances using Euclidean, Homogeneous, and Conformal Models (online presentation)

Thursday August 29, 2024, 18:15


18:15-18:45     (closing slides)
The David Hestenes Promising Young Researcher Award was awarded to two new talents:
• Jorge Ventura for his presentation "Applications of Geometric Algebra in Surveying and Geometry"
• Daren Thimm for his presentation "Factorization of the Conformal Villarceau Motion".

The Waldyr R. Rodrigues Jr. Best Poster prize was awarded to:
• Heerak Sharma for his poster "Inverse of a Multivector".

   Next Venue: ACACSE 2026 will be in Beijing, Chine at the begining or end of Summer. Hongbo Li will set up the organization. (We are thus leaving the 3-year schedule alternating with ICCA, but will not overlap with ICCA 2026 in time.)