Editorial work and
selected Reports
Not all versions given here are identical to the associated published one. The technical contents are the same. The documents distributed by this server have been provided as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2025.
Fracterm calculus for partial meadows.
[cs.LO], 19 February 2025.
Ponse, A. and Staudt, D. J. C., 2025.
Fully evaluated left-sequential logics.
[cs.LO], 13 February 2025. Revision of version v1, 21 March 2024.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2025.
Conditional logic as a short-circuit logic.
[cs.LO], 10 February 2025. Revision of version v2, 28 September 2023.
Papuc, D. and Ponse, A., 2022.
Non-commutative propositional logic with short-circuited biconditional and NAND.
[cs.LO], 17 March 2022.
Bergstra, J. A., Ponse, A., and Staudt, D. J. C., 2021.
Non-commutative propositional logic with short-circuit evaluation.
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 31(3-4), 234-278
(published online: 19 Dec 2021).
Revision of [108].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2021.
Division by zero in common meadows.
[math.RA], 22 March 2021.
Revision of [98].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2021.
Datatype defining rewrite systems
for naturals and integers.
Logical Methods in Computer Science, 17(1), 17:1-17:31.
Issue dedicated to Jos Baeten for his retirement.
Revision of [103].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2020.
Arithmetical datatypes with true fractions.
Acta Informatica, 57(3), 385-402.
Bergstra, J. A., Ponse, A., and Staudt, D. J. C., 2018.
Propositional logic with short-circuit evaluation: a non-commutative and a commutative variant.
[cs.LO], 4 October 2018.
Revised as [112].
Ponse, A. and Staudt, D. J. C., 2018.
An independent axiomatisation for free short-circuit logic.
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 28(1), 35-71
(published online: 20 Apr 2018).
Also available at arXiv:1707.05718v3
[cs.LO], 30 July 2018 (v1: 17 July 2017).
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2017.
Probability functions in the context of signed involutive meadows: Extended Abstract.
In: P. James and M. Roggenbach (eds.), Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, Proceedings WADT 2016, LNCS 10644, pp. 73-87.
Full version: [104].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2017.
Evaluation trees for proposition algebra.
Available at arXiv:1504.08321v3
[cs.LO], 28 August 2017 (v1: 30 April 2015).
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2016.
Probability functions in the context of signed involutive meadows.
Available at arXiv:1307.5173v4
[math.LO], 22 December 2016.
Revision of [93] (with a new title).
Extended abstract: [106].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2016.
Datatype defining rewrite systems for the ring of integers,
and for natural and integer arithmetic in unary view.
Available at arXiv:1608.06212v1
[cs.LO], 22 August 2016.
Revised as [110].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2016.
Three Datatype Defining Rewrite Systems for Datatypes
of Integers each extending a Datatype of Naturals.
Available at arXiv:1406.3280v4
[cs.LO], 18 July 2016
(33 pages). Revision of [94].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2016.
Fracpairs and fractions over a reduced commutative ring.
Indagationes Mathematicae, 27(3), 727-748.
Preprint available at arXiv:1411.4410v2
[math.RA], 22 January 2016.
Revision of [96].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2015.
Evaluation trees for proposition algebra: The case for free and
repetition-proof valuation congruence.
In: R. Meyer, A. Platzer and H. Wehrheim (eds.),
Correct System Design (Festschrift
LNCS 9360,
pages 44-61,
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2015.
Poly-infix operators and operator families.
Available at arXiv:1505.01087v1
[math.HO], 5 May 2015.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2015.
Division by zero in common meadows.
In: R. De Nicola and R. Hennicker (eds.),
Software, Services, and Systems
(Wirsing Festschrift),
LNCS 8950, pages 46-61, Springer.
A revised version [111] is available at arXiv:1406.6878v4
[math.RA], 22 March 2021.
Bergstra, J. A., Bethke, I., and Ponse, A., 2015.
Equations for formally real meadows.
Journal of Applied Logic, 13(2), 1-23.
Also available at arXiv:1310.5011v4
[math.RA, cs.LO], 18 October 2013, this version (v4): 13 January 2015.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2014.
Fracpairs: fractions over a reduced commutative ring.
Available at arXiv:1411.4410v1
[math.RA], 17 November 2014.
Revised as [101].
Bergstra, J. A., Bethke, I., and Ponse, A., 2014.
Rekenen-Informatica. (In Dutch.)
University of Amsterdam, Section Theory
of Computer Science,
Report TCS1412,
October 2014.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2014 - 2016.
Three Datatype Defining Rewrite Systems for Datatypes
of Integers each extending a Datatype of Naturals.
University of Amsterdam, Section Theory
of Computer Science,
Report TCS1409v3,
February 2016.
Also available at arXiv:1406.3280v3
[cs.LO], 3 February 2016.
Revised as [102].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2013.
Signed meadow valued probability mass functions.
Available at arXiv:1307.5173v1
[math.LO], 19 July 2013.
Revised as [104].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2013.
Periodic single-pass instruction sequences.
Available at arXiv:0810.1151v2
[cs.PL], 16 April 2013.
Revision of [79].
Bergstra, J. A., Bethke, I., and Ponse, A., 2013.
Cancellation meadows: a generic basis theorem and some
applications. The Computer Journal, 56(1), 3-14.
Also available at arXiv:0803.3969v3
[math.RA,cs.LO], 22 May 2013.
Bethke, I., Diertens, B., and Ponse, A., 2013 - 2017.
Electronic publication in Dutch (course material):
Webklas Informatica:
Wat is een programma?.
Section Theory of Computer Science, University of Amsterdam, Edition
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2012.
Proposition algebra and short-circuit logic.
In: F. Arbab and M. Sirjani (eds.),
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fundamentals
of Software Engineering (FSEN 2011), Tehran,
LNCS 7141, pages 15-31, Springer-Verlag, 2012.
Bethke, I., Ponse, A., and Rodenburg, P. H., 2011.
Preface: This issue is dedicated to Jan Bergstra on the occasion
of his sixtieth birthday.
Theoretical Computer Science, 412(28), 3033-3034.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2011.
Proposition algebra.
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 12(3), Article 21 (36 pp).
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2010.
On Hoare-McCarthy algebras.
Available at arXiv:1012.5059v1
[cs.LO,math.LO], 22 December 2010.
Bergstra, J. A., Ponse, A., and Staudt, D. J. C., 2010.
Short-circuit logic.
Available at arXiv:1010.3674v4
[cs.LO,math.LO], 18 October 2010 (this version (v4): 12 March 2013).
Ponse, A. and Schroevers, S. H. P., 2010.
(In Dutch)
UvA Webklas Informatica: Wat is een Programma?.
In F. Vodegel and M. Loots (eds.). NIOC Proceedings,
Het Nationale Informatica Onderwijs Congres (NIOC) 2009,
7-8 april 2009. Utrecht. Hogeschool Utrecht, pp. 85-92.
(Published in 2010.)
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2009.
A progression ring for interfaces of instruction sequences,
threads, and services.
Available at arXiv:0909.2839v1
[cs.PL], 15 September 2009.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2009.
An instruction sequence semigroup with involutive
Annals of Computer Science, XIX, 57-92.
Also available at arXiv:0903.1352v2
[cs.PL,math.RA], 7 November 2009.
Bergstra, J. A., Ponse, A., and Zwaag, M. B. van der, 2008.
Tuplix calculus.
Annals of Computer Science, XVIII, 35-61.
Also available at arXiv:0712.3423v1
[cs.LO,cs.CE], 20 December 2007.
Ponse, A. and Zwaag, M. B. van der, 2008.
Risk assessment for one-counter threads.
Theory of Computing Systems, 43, 563-582.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2008.
An instruction sequence semigroup with repeaters.
Available at arXiv:0810.1151v1
[cs.PL], 7 October 2008.
Revised as [92].
Leeuw, K. M. M. and Ponse, A., 2008.
Informatics and secondary education in the Netherlands.
A 4-page note, June 2008.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2008.
Differential meadows.
Available at arXiv:0804.3336v1
[math.RA,cs.LO,math.AC], 21 April 2008.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2008.
A generic basis theorem for cancellation meadows.
Available at arXiv:0803.3969v2
[math.RA], 30 March 2008.
Bergstra, J. A., Bethke, I., and Ponse, A., 2007.
Thread algebra and risk assessment services.
In Costas Dimitracopoulos, Ludomir Newelski, Dag Normann and
John R. Steel (eds.), Proceedings
Logic Colloquium 2005, Lecture Notes in Logic (No. 28), pages 1-17, Cambridge University Press.
Ponse A. and Zwaag, M. B. van der, 2007.
Belnap's logic and conditional composition.
Theoretical Computer Science,
388(1-3), 319-336.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2007.
Interface groups and financial transfer architectures.
Electronic report PRG0702,
Programming Research Group, University of Amsterdam, April 2007.
Also available at
[cs.SE], 11 July 2007.
Bergstra, J. A., Bethke, I., and Ponse, A., 2007.
Decision problems for pushdown threads.
Acta Informatica, 44(2), 75-90.
Appeared earlier as
Electronic report PRG0502.
Programming Research Group, University of Amsterdam, June 2005.
Presented by Jan Bergstra at the Logic Colloquium 2005 (ASL) in Athens.
Abstract appeared as [65].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2007.
Execution architectures for program algebra.
Journal of Applied Logic, 5(1), 170-192.
See [17]
for an earlier version.
Ponse, A. and Zwaag, M. B. van der, 2007.
A generalization of ACP using Belnap's logic.
Journal of Logic and Algebraic
Programming, 70(2), 222-235.
Ponse, A. and Zwaag, M. B. van der, 2006.
A generalization of ACP using Belnap's logic: extended abstract.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 162, 287-293.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2006.
Projection semantics for rigid loops.
Electronic report PRG0604,
Programming Research Group, University of Amsterdam, September 2006.
Also available at arXiv:0707.1059v1
[cs.PL], 6 July 2007.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2006.
A bypass of Cohen's impossibility result -
extended version on the VX Heaven site
(and there also offered as a 12-page PDF document),
used for a lecture in Security of Systems and Networks at UvA,
November 2004.
See also [61].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2006.
Program algebra with repeat instruction.
Electronic report PRG0602,
Programming Research Group, University of Amsterdam, June 2006.
Bergstra, J. A., Bethke, I., and Ponse, A., 2006.
Decision problems for pushdown threads: Abstract.
Presented by Jan Bergstra at the
Logic Colloquium 2005 (ASL) in Athens.
Meeting report: The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12(2), 311-361.
Full version appeared as [72].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2006.
Interface groups for analytic execution architectures.
Electronic report PRG0601,
Programming Research Group, University of Amsterdam, May 2006.
Ponse, A. and Zwaag, M. B. van der, 2006.
An introduction to program and thread algebra.
In: A. Beckmann, U. Berger, and J.V. Tucker (eds.),
Logical Approaches to Computational Barriers, Proceedings CiE 2006, LNCS 3988, pages
445-458, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
Ponse, A. and Zwaag, M. B. van der, 2006.
ACP and Belnap's logic.
In: L. Aceto and A. Gordon
(eds.), Algebraic Process Calculi: The First Twenty Five
Years and Beyond (PA'05),
Notes Series NS-05-3, pages 204-208, 2005.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2005.
A bypass of Cohen's impossibility result.
In: P.M.A. Sloot, A.G. Hoekstra, T. Priol, A. Reinefeld, M.
Bubak (eds.), Advances in Grid Computing - EGC 2005, LNCS 3470,
pages 1097-1106, Springer-Verlag.
Also appeared as
Electronic report PRG0501,
Programming Research Group, University of Amsterdam, 2005.
See [67] for an extended version.
Bethke, I. and Ponse, A., 2003.
(In Dutch)
een Inleiding tot de Programmatuur.
Amsterdam University Press,
ISBN 90 5629 279 X.
Ponse, A. and Zwaag, M. B. van der, 2003.
Orthogonality and logic (of course in process algebra), slide
In: L. Aceto, Z. Esik, W.J. Fokkink, A.
Ingolfsdottir (eds.), Process Algebra: Open Problems and
Future Directions (PA'03),
BRICS Notes Series NS-03-3, pages 121-126.
Bergstra, J. A., Ponse, A., and Zwaag, M. B. van der, 2003.
Branching time and orthogonal bisimulation equivalence.
Theoretical Computer Science, 309(1-3), 313-355.
Ponse, A., 2002.
Program algebra with unit instruction operators.
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 51(2), 157-174.
(Special issue on Program Algebra edited by C.A. Middelburg.)
An earlier version appeared as [14].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2002.
Combining programs and state machines.
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 51(2), 175-192.
(Special issue on Program Algebra edited by C.A. Middelburg.)
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2001.
Register-machine based processes.
Journal of the ACM, 48(6), 1207-1241.
Extends [12].
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2001.
Non-regular iterators in process algebra.
Theoretical Computer Science, 269(1-2), 203-229.
This version extends the original 1998 submission [11].
Ponse, A. and Usenko, Y. S., 2001.
Equivalence of recursive specifications in process algebra.
Information Processing Letters, 80(1), 59-65.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2001.
Process algebra and conditional composition.
Information Processing Letters, 80(1), 41-49.
Groote, J. F., Ponse, A., and Usenko, Y. S., 2001.
Linearization in parallel pCRL.
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 48, 39-70.
Bergstra, J. A., Fokkink, W. J., and Ponse, A., 2001.
Process algebra with recursive
In: J.A. Bergstra, A. Ponse and S.A. Smolka (eds.),
Handbook of Process
Algebra, pages 333-389, Elsevier.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2000.
Process algebra with four-valued logic.
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics,
10(1), 27-53.
Earlier version (nearly identical):
report P9724, Programming
Research Group, University of Amsterdam, 1997.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 1999.
Process algebra with five-valued logic.
In: C.S. Calude and M.J. Dinneen (eds.),
Combinatorics, Computation, and Logic, Proceedings
of DMTCS'99 and CATS'99, Auckland, vol. 21, nr. 3 of Australian
Computer Science Communications, pages 128-143. Springer-Verlag.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 1998.
Bochvar-McCarthy logic and process algebra.
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 39(4), 464-484.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 1998.
Grid protocol specifications.
In: B. Möller and J.V. Tucker (eds.),
Prospects for Hardware Foundations,
LNCS 1546,
pages 278-308. Springer-Verlag.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 1998.
Kleene's three-valued logic and process algebra.
Information Processing Letters, 67(2), 95-103.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 1997.
Process algebra primitives for file transfer.
In: Dat is dus heel interessant,
Liber Amicorum dedicated to Paul Klint, pages 33-42, CWI, Amsterdam.
See also [10].
Bergstra, J. A., Hillebrand, J. A., and Ponse, A., 1997.
Grid protocols based on
synchronous communication.
Science of Computer Programming, 29(1-2), 199-233.
Bezem, M. A. and Ponse, A., 1997.
Two finite specifications of a queue.
Theoretical Computer Science, 177(2), 487-507.
Ponse, A., 1996.
Computable processes and bisimulation equivalence.
Formal Aspects of Computing, 8(6), 648-678.
Bosscher, D. F. and Ponse, A., 1995.
Translating a process algebra with symbolic
data values to linear format.
In: U.H. Engberg, K.G. Larsen, and A. Skou
(eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Tools and Algorithms for
the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), Aarhus 1995,
Notes Series NS-95-2, pages 119-130. University of Aarhus.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 1995.
Frame-based process logics.
In: A. Ponse, Y. Venema, and M. de Rijke (eds.).
Modal Logic and Process Algebra, a Bisimulation Perspective,
vol. 53 of CSLI
Lecture Notes, Stanford, pages 39-64.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 1995.
Frame algebra with synchronous communication.
In: R.J. Wieringa and R.B. Feenstra (eds.), Information Systems -
Correctness and Reusability (Selected papers from the IS-CORE
Workshop'94), pages 3-15. World Scientific.
Groote, J. F. and Ponse, A., 1995.
The syntax and semantics of muCRL.
A. Ponse, C. Verhoef, and S.F.M. van Vlijmen (eds.).
Algebra of Communicating Processes, Utrecht 1994,
Workshops in Computing,
pages 26-62.
Springer, London.
Also appeared as technical report CS-R9076, CWI, Amsterdam, 1990.
Groote, J. F. and Ponse, A., 1994.
Proof theory for muCRL: a language for processes with data.
In: D.J. Andrews, J.F. Groote, and C.A. Middelburg (eds.),
Semantics of Specification Languages (SoSL),
Workshops in Computing,
pages 232-251.
Springer, London.
Extended by [2].
(Also appeared in: S. Brlek (ed.),
Méthodes Mathématiques pour la Synthèse des
Systèmes Informatiques, ACFAS 94, Publications du Laboratoire
de Combinatoire et d'Informatique Mathématique 15,
Université du Québec à Montréal &
Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal, 1994.)
Bergstra, J. A., Bethke, I., and Ponse, A., 1994.
Process algebra with combinators.
In: E. Börger, Y. Gurevich, and K. Meinke (eds.),
Proceedings CSL '93, Swansea, LNCS 832,
pages 36-65. Springer-Verlag.
See also
Report P9319 (University of Amsterdam, 1993).
Bergstra, J. A., Ponse, A., and Wamel, J. J. van, 1994.
Process algebra with backtracking.
In: J.W. de Bakker, W.P. de Roever, and G. Rozenberg (eds.),
Proceedings of the REX Symposium "A Decade of Concurrency: Reflections
and Perspectives", LNCS 803,
pages 46-91, Springer-Verlag.
See also
Report P9306b (University of Amsterdam, 1993).
Bergstra, J. A., Bethke, I., and Ponse, A., 1994.
Process algebra with iteration and nesting.
The Computer Journal, 37(4), 243-258.
Partly extended by [7].
Ponse, A., 1994.
Process algebra and dynamic logic.
In: J. van Eijck and A. Visser (eds.), Logic and
Information Flow, pages 125-148. MIT Press, 1994.
Groote, J. F. and Ponse, A., 1994.
Process algebra with guards: combining Hoare logic and
process algebra.
Formal Aspects of Computing, 6(2), 115-164.
An extended abstract appeared as
Ponse, A. et al., 1993.
Analysis: Chapter 3 in:
R. Reed, W. Bouma, M. Dauphin, G.D. Evans, and M. Michel
(eds.), SPECS - Specification and Programming Environment for
Communicating Software, pages 105-122. North-Holland.
Ponse, A., 1992.
Process Algebras with Data, PhD. Thesis, University of Amsterdam.
Chapter 2 was published as [26],
Chapter 3 as [31],
and Chapter 4 as
(extended abstract) and
(full version).
Chapter 5 was published as report
CS-R9207 (CWI, 1992) and appeared later
as [41].
Groote, J. F. and Ponse, A., 1991.
muCRL: A base for analysing processes with data.
In: E. Best and G. Rozenberg (eds.), Proceedings 3rd
Workshop on Concurrency and Compositionality, Goslar, GMD-Studien
Nr. 191, pages 125-130. Universität Hildesheim, May 1991.
Groote, J. F. and Ponse, A., 1991.
Process algebra with guards: combining Hoare logic and
process algebra (extended abstract).
In: J.C.M. Baeten and J.F. Groote (eds.), Proceedings
CONCUR 91, Amsterdam, LNCS 527,
pages 235-249. Springer-Verlag.
Full version appeared as
Ponse, A., 1991.
Process expressions and Hoare's logic: Showing an irreconcilability of context-free recursion with Scott's induction rule.
Information and Computation, 95(2), 192-217.
- Ponse, A., 1987. Encoding types in the Lambek calculus. In: J.F.A.K. van Benthem and E. Klein (eds.), Categories, Polymorphism and Unification, pages 262-276. Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh & Institute for Language, Logic and Information, University of Amsterdam.
Bethke, I., Ponse, A., and Rodenburg, P. H., 2011 (guest editors).
Festschrift in Honour of Jan Bergstra,
dedicated to Jan Bergstra on the occasion
of his sixtieth birthday.
Computer Science, 412(28).
Bergstra, J.A., Ponse, A., and Smolka, S. A., 2001 (editors).
of Process Algebra, Elsevier Science.
Review by J.V. Tucker, The Computer Journal, 45(1):68-69, 2002.
Ponse, A., Verhoef, C., and Vlijmen, S. F. M. van, 1997 (guest editors).
Selected papers from the Workshop on
Algebra of Communicating Processes, Eindhoven 1995.
Computer Science, 177(2).
Ponse, A., Venema, Y., and Rijke, M. de, 1995 (editors).
Modal Logic and Process Algebra: A Bisimulation
vol. 53 of CSLI Lecture Notes, Stanford.
Ponse, A., Verhoef, C., and Vlijmen S. F. M. van, 1995 (editors).
De proceedings:
ACP'95, vol. 95-14 of Computing Science Reports. Eindhoven
University of Technology.
Boer, F. S. de, Olderog, E.-R., Ponse, A., and Vries, F.-J. de, 1994 (guest editors).
Selected papers from the Workshop on Assertional Methods.
Formal Aspects of Computing, 6(1 Supplement).
Ponse, A., Verhoef, C., and Vlijmen, S. F. M., 1995 (editors).
Algebra of Communicating Processes, Utrecht 1994.
Workshops in Computing,
Springer, London.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2004.
Execution architectures for program algebra.
Group Preprint Series 230,
Dept. of Philosophy,
Utrecht University.
Revised version: [71].
Ponse, A. and Zwaag, M. B. van der, 2002.
The logic of ACP.
Report SEN-R0207, ISSN 1386-369X, CWI, Amsterdam.
Ponse, A., 2001.
Iteration in process algebra.
In R. Backhouse, D. Kozen,
and B. Möller,
Applications of Kleene algebra,
Report 298, Dagstuhl Seminar
No. 01081.
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 2000.
Program algebra with unit instruction operator.
Reader, University of Amsterdam.
Abstract. Full version appeared as [57].
Bergstra, J. A., Bethke, I., and Ponse, A., 2000.
Basic multi-competence programming.
Report P0001,
Programming Research Group, University of
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 1999.
Register-machine based processes, Reader, University of Amsterdam.
(Extended version appeared as 55.)
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 1998.
Two recursive generalizations of iteration in process algebra.
Report P9808,
Programming Research Group,
University of Amsterdam.
(Extended version appeared as 54.)
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 1997.
Process algebra primitives for file transfer.
Report P9725, Programming
Research Group, University of Amsterdam.
(See also [44].)
Diertens, B. and Ponse, A., 1994.
New features in PSF II: iteration and nesting.
Report P9425, Programming
Research Group, University of Amsterdam.
Bethke, I. and Ponse, A., 1993.
A car registration authority - a concise PSF specification.
Report P9318,
Programming Research Group, University of
Bergstra, J. A., Bethke, I., and Ponse, A., 1993.
Process algebra with iteration.
Report P9314 (Abstract only),
Programming Research Group, University of
This report partly extends the journal version
Brunekreef, J. J. and Ponse, A., 1993.
An algebraic specification of a model factory - Part IV.
Report P9316, Programming Research Group, University of
Ponse, A. and Verschuren, J. A., 1993.
An algebraic specification of a model factory - Part III.
Report P9303, Programming Research Group, University of
Hillebrand, J. A. and Ponse, A., 1992.
An algebraic specification of a model factory - Part II.
Report P9214, Programming Research Group, University of
Bergstra, J. A. and Ponse, A., 1991.
Translation of a muCRL-fragment to I-CRL.
© SPECS, RACE Project no. 1046.
Abstract available.
Groote, J. F. and Ponse, A., 1991.
Proof theory for muCRL. Report CS-R9138, CWI,
(An extended abstract was published
as [36].)
Abstract available.
- Ponse, A., 1988. Process algebra and Hoare's logic. Note CS-N8802, CWI, Amsterdam. Abstract available.