Professional Activities
For current events and activities, please also see the main page.
There is a separate page listing seminar talks.
Multi-year Roles
- Head of the Theoretical Computer Science Unit of the ILLC (2021-2025)
- Head of the (former) Logic and Computation Unit of the ILLC (2011-2016; deputy head, 2010-2011)
- Director of the Master of Logic Programme of the ILLC (2010-2015)
- SCW:
Social Choice and Welfare (associate editor, since 2024)
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (associate editor, 2015-2024; editorial board member, 2010-2015)
- AIJ:
Artificial Intelligence Journal (associate editor, 2013-2020)
Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (associate editor, 2007-2019)
Society for Social Choice and Welfare (elected member of the council, 2016-2022)
International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (elected member of the board of directors, 2012-2018)
- COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice (chair, 2012-2016)
- COST Action IC0602 on Algorithmic Decision Theory (vice chair, 2007-2011)
International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (founder and steering committee member, 2006-2012)
- DSCC: Dutch Social Choice Colloquium (co-organiser, since 2016)
- COMSOC Video Seminar (chair of the steering committee, 2020-2023)
- EurAI: Fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (since 2023)
- 3rd Amsterdam/Saint-Etienne Workshop on Social Choice, Amsterdam, April 2025 (co-organiser)
- AAMAS-2025: 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Detroit, May 2025 (PC member, doctoral consortium reviewer)
- SING20: 20th European Meeting on Game Theory, Maastricht, June 2025 (invited speaker)
- COMSOC-2025: 10th International Workshop on Computational Social Choice, Vienna, September 2025 (PC member)
- Dagstuhl Seminar on Societal Impact of Computational Social Choice, September/October 2025 (invited participant)
- ECAI-2025: 28th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Bologna, October 2025 (PC member)
- 2nd Amsterdam/Saint-Etienne Workshop on Social Choice, Saint-Etienne, March 2024 (co-organiser)
- AAMAS-2024: 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Auckland, May 2024 (area chair)
- SCaLA-2024, Workshop on Social Choice and Learning Algorithms, Auckland, May 2024 (PC member)
- ICMS Workshop on Mathematics of Voting and Representation, Edinburgh, June 2024 (invited speaker)
- SCW-2024: 17th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Paris, July 2024 (PC member)
- SAGT-2024: 17th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, Amsterdam, September 2024 (member of the organising committee)
- ECAI-2024 (proceedings, faq): 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Santiago de Compostela, October 2024 (PC co-chair)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Guillermo Menéndez Turata, University of Amsterdam (ILLC), January 2024
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Patrick Lederer, TU München, March 2024
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Grzegorz Pierczyński, University of Warsaw, June 2024
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Roy Fairstein, Ben-Gurion University, September 2024
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Willem Feijen, University of Amsterdam (CWI), December 2024
- 1st Amsterdam/Saint-Etienne Workshop on Social Choice, Amsterdam, March 2023 (co-organiser)
- Awesome IT 2023, Amsterdam, May 2023 (invited speaker)
- AAMAS-2023: 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, London, May/June 2023 (doctoral consortium co-chair, SPC member, Outstanding SPC Member Award)
- AAMAS-2023 Tutorial on Automated Reasoning for Social Choice Theory, London, May 2023 (lecturer)
- COMSOC-2023: 9th International Workshop on Computational Social Choice, Beersheba, July 2023 (PC member)
- PFIA-2023: Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle, Strasbourg, July 2023 (invited speaker)
- Summer School on Computational Social Choice, Amsterdam, July 2023 (organiser)
- IJCAI-2023:
32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cape Town, August 2023 (journal track chair, SPC member, doctoral consortium reviewer)
- ECAI-2023: 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Kraków, September/October 2023 (SPC member)
- Talk on "How to write a review" at ECAI-2023 Doctoral Consortium, Kraków, September 2023 (invited speaker)
- ECAI-2023 Tutorial on Automated Reasoning for Social Choice Theory, Kraków, September 2023 (lecturer)
- Workshop on Participatory Budgeting, Amsterdam, October 2023 (co-organiser)
- Mini Workshop on Social Choice Theory, Groningen, November 2023 (invited speaker)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Yuliya Veselova, Maastricht University, September 2023
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Yuzhe Zhang, University of Groningen, November 2023
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Gogulapati Sreedurga, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, December 2023
- Graduated Dr. Simon Rey, University of Amsterdam (ILLC), October 2023 (thesis)
- Workshop on Formal Models of Democracy, Rotterdam, April 2022 (invited speaker)
- GAIW-2022:
4th Games, Agents and Incentives Workshop, Online, May 2020 (PC member)
- AAMAS-2022: 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Online, May 2022 (PC member for main and Blue Sky Ideas track)
- Workshop on Computational and Topological Social Choice, Mexico City, June 2022 (invited speaker)
- MPREF-2022: 13th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling, July 2022 (PC member)
- IJCAI-ECAI-2022:
31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 25th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vienna, July 2022 (area chair)
- Lorentz Center Workshop on Algorithmic Technology for Democracy, October 2022 (invited participant)
- IA2 Autumn School on AI and Preferences, Porquerolles, October 2022 (invited lecturer)
- OSGAD-2022: Seminar on Ordered Structures in Games and Decision, Paris, November 2022 (invited speaker)
- AAMAS-2021 (proceedings, faq): 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Online, May 2021 (PC co-chair)
- COMSOC-2021: 8th International Workshop on Computational Social Choice, Haifa/Online, June 2021 (PC member)
- ADT-2021: 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory, Toulouse, October 2021 (PC member)
- Workshop on Social Choice Theory, Amsterdam, November 2021 (co-organiser)
- Graduated Dr. Zoi Terzopoulou, University of Amsterdam (ILLC), June 2021 (thesis)
- Graduated Dr. Sirin Botan, University of Amsterdam (ILLC), November 2021 (thesis)
- Conference in Honour of Hans Peters on Social Choice, Game Theory, and Applications, Maastricht, January 2020 (invited speaker)
- AAAI-2020:
34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, New York, February 2020 (area chair)
- GAIW-2020:
2nd Games, Agents and Incentives Workshop, Online, May 2020 (PC member)
- AAMAS-2020:
19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Online, May 2020 (SPC member, Best SPC Member Award, doctoral consortium mentor)
- ECAI-2020: 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Online, August/September 2020 (SPC member)
- Workshop on Social Choice Theory: "Beyond Strategyproofness", Online, November 2020 (invited speaker)
- NeurIPS-2020: 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Online, December 2020 (auxiliary reviewer, recognised as top-10% reviewer)
29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Online, January 2021 (area chair)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Jan Maly, TU Wien, September 2020
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Hossein Khani, Université Paris-Dauphine, October 2020
- AAAI-2019:
33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Honolulu, Hawaii, January/February 2019 (SPC member)
- Workshop on Individual Preferences and Social Choice, Graz, April 2019 (invited speaker)
- JELIA-2019:
16th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, Rende, May 2019 (PC member)
- GAIW-2019:
1st Games, Agents and Incentives Workshop, Montréal, May 2019 (PC member)
- AAMAS-2019:
18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Montréal, May 2019 (area chair)
- CoCoRICo Workshop on Collective Decision Making, Paris, May 2019 (invited panelist)
- 3rd ILLC Workshop on Collective Decision Making, Amsterdam, June 2019 (organiser)
- IJCAI-2019:
28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Macao, August 2019 (area chair)
- Dagstuhl Seminar on Application-Oriented Computational Social Choice, September 2019 (invited participant)
- E-Vote-ID 2019: 4th International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting, Bregenz, October 2019 (PC member)
- SRA-2019: 2nd Interdisciplinary Workshop on Social Responsibility of Algorithms, Paris, December 2019 (invited speaker)
- Visiting Professor (professeur invité), LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, October 2019
- SCW-2018: 14th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Seoul, June 2018 (PC member)
- OE-2018:
1st International Workshop on Ontology of Economics, Cape Town, September 2018 (PC member)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Anaëlle Wilczynski, Université Paris-Dauphine, December 2018
- AAAI-2017:
31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, California, February 2017 (SPC member)
- Workshop on Formal Argumentation in Online Discussions, Düsseldorf, April 2017 (invited speaker)
- AAMAS-2017: 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, São Paulo, May 2017 (SPC member, finalist for the Best SPC Member Award)
- Dagstuhl Seminar on Voting: Beyond Simple Majorities and Single-Winner Elections, June 2017 (invited participant)
- IJCAI-2017:
26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Melbourne, August 2017 (area chair)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Swarnendu Chatterjee, Maastricht University, September 2017
- NWO Vici Award 2017 for a project on Collective Information [awarded February 2018]
- AAAI-2016:
30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Phoenix, Arizona, February 2016 (SPC member)
- NIAS Workshop on Voting, Power and Decision-Making, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Wassenaar, March 2016 (invited participant)
- KR-2016:
15th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Capetown, April 2016 (PC member)
- AAMAS-2016: 15th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Singapore, May 2016 (SPC member)
- Dagstuhl Seminar on Fair Division, June 2016 (invited participant)
- COST Action IC1205 Industry Day, Toulouse, June 2016 (co-organiser)
- COMSOC-2016:
6th International Workshop on Computational Social Choice, Toulouse, June 2016 (PC member)
- IJCAI-2016:
25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, New York City, July 2016 (SPC member)
- COST Action IC1205 Summer School on Computational Social Choice,
Miramar Palace, San Sebastián, July 2016 (co-organiser)
- STAIRS-2016:
8th European Starting Artificial Intelligence Researcher Symposium, The Hague, August 2016 (PC member)
- ECAI-2016:
22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, The Hague, August/September 2016 (SPC member)
- COST Action IC1205 Workshop on Future Directions in Computational Social Choice, Budapest, November 2016 (co-organiser)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Andrea Loreggia, University of Padova, March 2016
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Shaun White, University of Auckland, September 2016
- Visiting Professor (professeur invité), LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, January/February 2016
- Visiting Professor (professeur invité), LIP6, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, February/March 2016
- Visiting Academic, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, London School of Economics, April/May 2016
- Public Lecture on Collective Annotation at the FNWI Student Colloquium, University of Amsterdam, January 2015 (outreach)
- AAAI-2015:
29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Austin, Texas, January 2015 (SPC member)
- 2nd ILLC Workshop on Collective Decision Making, Amsterdam, March 2015 (organiser)
- SMART Cognitive Science: Workshop on Communication and Agency, Amsterdam, March 2015 (invited speaker)
- Public Lecture on Cake Cutting at Leve de Wiskunde!, University of Amsterdam, April 2015 (outreach)
- ACAN-2015:
8th International Workshop on Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiations, Istanbul, May 2015 (invited speaker)
- AAMAS-2015: 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Istanbul, May 2015 (PC member, exhibition chair, doctoral consortium mentor)
- Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Social Choice: Theory and Applications, June 2015 (invited participant)
- TTL-2015:
4th International Conference on Tools for Teaching Logic, Rennes, June 2015 (PC member)
- Lorentz Center Workshop on Clusters, Games and Axioms, June 2015 (invited participant)
- FairDiv-2015:
COST Summer School on Fair Division, Grenoble, July 2015 (lecturer)
- IJCAI-2015:
24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Buenos Aires, July/August 2015 (area chair for KR and sponsorship co-chair)
- ADT-2015:
4th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory, Lexington, Kentucky, September 2015 (PC member)
- MATES-2015:
13th German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies, Cottbus, September/October 2015 (PC member)
- Public Lecture on Social Choice and Democracy for the Société Européenne de Culture (Nederland), Amsterdam, November 2015 (outreach)
- LABEX CIMI Pluridisciplinary Workshop on Game Theory, Toulouse, November 2015 (invited speaker)
- WINE-2015:
11th Conference on Web and Internet Economics, Amsterdam, December 2015 (PC member)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Piotr Skowron, University of Warsaw, April 2015
- Visiting Professor (professeur invité), University of Toulouse 1, November/December 2015
- Workshop on Iterative Voting and Voting Games, Padova, January 2014 (invited speaker)
- KNAW Academy Colloquium on Dependence Logic:
Amsterdam, March 2014 (invited speaker)
- Lectures on the Theory of Aggregation, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, April 2014 (invited lecturer)
- Workshop on Fair Division, Voting and Computational Complexity,
Graz, April 2014 (invited speaker)
- AAMAS-2014:
13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Paris, May 2014 (SPC member and doctoral consortium mentor)
- Dagstuhl Seminar on Judgment Aggregation for Artificial intelligence, May 2014 (co-chair)
- Lectures on Computational Social Choice, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, May 2014 (invited lecturer)
- COMSOC-2014:
5th International Workshop on Computational Social Choice, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 2014 (PC member and panelist)
- SINTELNET Workshop Arguing on the Web 2.0, Amsterdam, June/July 2014 (local organiser)
- NMR-2014:
15th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Vienna, July 2014 (PC member)
- KR-2014:
14th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Vienna, July 2014 (PC member)
- AAAI-2014:
28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Québec City, July 2014 (PC member, Outstanding PC Member Award)
- ECAI-2014:
21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Prague, August 2014 (PC member)
- STAIRS-2014:
7th European Starting Artificial Intelligence Researcher Symposium, Prague, August 2014 (co-chair)
- KES-2014:
18th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Gdynia, September 2014 (invited speaker)
- MATES-2014: 12th German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies, Stuttgart, September 2014 (invited speaker)
- JELIA-2014:
14th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, Madeira, September 2014 (PC member)
- Public Lecture on Moeilijke Beslissingen, SPUI25 Academic-Cultural Centre, Amsterdam, October 2014 (outreach)
- Evening Lecture on Tough Choices for the Interdisciplinair Alumni Netwerk Amsterdam (IANA), De Badcuyp, Amsterdam, November 2014 (outreach)
- FAIR-2014:
Forum for Artificial Intelligence Research Summer School, Stellenbosch, December 2014 (invited lecturer)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Albert Pla, University of Girona, April 2014
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Eva Hendriks, University of Amsterdam (Economics), June 2014
- Voted "Lecturer of the Year" at the Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam
- Tutorial on Judgment Aggregation at the IMS Programme on Algorithmic Game Theory and Computational Social Choice, Singapore, January 2013 (invited lecturer)
- 1st ILLC Workshop on Collective Decision Making, Amsterdam, April 2013 (organiser)
- 6th Munich-Sydney-Tilburg Conference on "Models and Decisions", Munich, April 2013 (PC member)
- AAMAS-2013:
12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Saint Paul, Minnesota, May 2013 (PC member, Best PC Member Award)
- AAMAS-2013 Tutorial on Judgment Aggregation,
Saint Paul, Minnesota, May 2013 (lecturer)
- CiE-2013:
Computability in Europe, Milan, July 2013 (invited speaker)
- EASSS-2013 Tutorial on Voting Theory, London, July 2013 (lecturer)
- AAAI-2013:
27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Bellevue, Washington, July 2013 (PC member)
- IJCAI-2013:
23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Beijing, August 2013 (area chair for MAS and doctoral consortium mentor)
- ESSLLI Workshop on Logical Models of Group Decision Making,
Düsseldorf, August 2013 (co-chair)
- ESSLLI-2013 Course on Logic and Social Choice Theory,
Düsseldorf, August 2013 (lecturer)
- ICCCI-2013:
5th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence Technologies and Applications, Craiova, September 2013 (invited speaker)
- LORI-2013:
4th International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction, Hangzhou, October 2013 (PC member)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Lachlan Dufton, University of Waterloo, January 2013
- Organised reaccreditation effort for the MSc Logic (report)
- Lorentz Center Workshop on Modeling Strategic Reasoning, February 2012 (invited participant)
- Dagstuhl Seminar on Computation and Incentives in Social Choice, March 2012 (invited participant)
- AAMAS-2012:
11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Valencia, June 2012 (PC member)
- NMR-2012:
14th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Rome, June 2012 (PC member)
- KR-2012:
13th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Rome, June 2012 (PC member)
- LOFT-2012:
10th Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory, Sevilla, June 2012 (PC member)
- Tutorial on Voting Theory at the 2nd International Summer School on Secure Voting, Schloss Dagstuhl, July 2012 (invited lecturer)
- AAAI-2012: 26th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Toronto, July 2012 (SPC member)
- ECAI-2012:
20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Montpellier, August 2012 (PC member)
- MPREF-2012:
6th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling, Montpellier, August 2012 (PC member)
- BNC-2012:
ECAI Workshop on Belief Change, Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Conflict Resolution, Montpellier, August 2012 (PC member)
- COMSOC-2012: 4th International Workshop on Computational Social Choice, Kraków, September 2012 (PC member)
- JELIA-2012:
13th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, Toulouse, September 2012 (PC member)
- Workshop on Frameworks for Multiagent Aggregation,
Amsterdam, September 2012 (co-organiser)
- Tutorial on Judgment Aggregation at the 8th Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE-2012), Liverpool, December 2012 (invited lecturer)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Marija Slavkovik, University of Luxembourg, January 2012
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Dorothea Baumeister, University of Düsseldorf, September 2012
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Pietro Galliani, University of Amsterdam (ILLC), September 2012
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Wietske Visser, TU Delft, December 2012
- Graduated Dr. Umberto Grandi, University of Amsterdam (ILLC), September 2012 (thesis)
- Dagstuhl Seminar on Reasoning about Interaction: From Game Theory to Logic and Back, March 2011 (invited participant)
- Session on Computational Social Choice at the European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition (FET'11), Budapest, May 2011 (organiser)
- AAMAS-2011:
10th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Taipei, May 2011 (SPC member)
- RAMiCS-2011:
12th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, Rotterdam, May/June 2011 (PC member)
- EASSS-2011 (call for tutorials):
13th European Agent Systems Summer School, Girona, July 2011 (programme co-chair)
- IJCAI-2011:
22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, July 2011 (SPC member)
- IJCAI Workshop on Soical Choice and Artificial Intelligence (proceedings),
Barcelona, July 2011 (co-chair)
- CLIMA-2011:
12th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multiagent Systems, Barcelona, July 2011 (invited speaker)
- AAAI-2011: 25th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, August 2011 (PC member)
- Tutorial on Computational Social Choice at the 9th Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Kutaisi, September 2011 (invited lecturer)
- LORI-2011:
3rd International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction, Guangzhou, October 2011 (PC member)
- ADT-2011:
2nd International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory, DIMACS/Piscataway, NJ, October 2011 (PC member)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Fernando Velázquez-Quesada, University of Amsterdam (ILLC), February 2011
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Helena Keinänen, Turku School of Economics, June 2011
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Stefan Minica, University of Amsterdam (ILLC), December 2011
- Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Foundations of Social Choice, March 2010 (invited participant)
- Course on Fair Division at the COST-ADT Doctoral School on Computational Social Choice, Estoril, Portugal, April 2010 (lecturer)
- KR-2010:
12th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Toronto, May 2010 (PC member)
- AAMAS-2010:
9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Toronto, May 2010 (SPC member)
- EC-2010:
11th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, Harvard, June 2010 (PC member)
- LOFT-2010:
9th Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory, Toulouse, July 2010 (PC member)
- AAAI-2010: 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Atlanta, July 2010 (PC member)
- AAAI-2010 Tutorial on Voting Theory, Atlanta, July 2010 (lecturer)
- SCW-2010:
10th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Moscow, July 2010 (PC member)
- ECAI-2010 (workshop call):
19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon, August 2010 (workshop chair and PC member)
- ECAI-2010 Tutorial on Computational Social Choice, Lisbon, August 2010 (invited lecturer)
- JELIA-2010:
12th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, Helsinki, September 2010 (PC member)
- COMSOC-2010: 3rd International Workshop on Computational Social Choice, Düsseldorf, September 2010 (PC member)
- SAC-AT-2009:
24th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Track on Agreement Technologies,
Honolulu, March 2009 (PC member)
- AAMAS-2009:
8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems,
Budapest, May 2009 (PC member)
- AMEC-2009:
11th Workshop on Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce,
Budapest, May 2009 (PC member)
- OPTMAS-2009:
2nd International Workshop on Optimisation in Multiagent Systems,
Budapest, May 2009 (PC member)
- SocInfo-2009:
International Conference on Social Informatics, Warsaw, June 2009 (PC member and invited speaker)
- EC-2009:
10th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, Stanford, California, July 2009 (PC member)
- SS@EASSS-2009:
Student Session of the 11th European Agent Systems Summer School, Torino, August/September 2009 (PC member)
- EASSS-2009 Course: Fair Division, Torino, August/September 2009 (lecturer)
- ADT-2009:
1st International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory, Venice, October 2009 (PC member)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Andreas Witzel, University of Amsterdam (ILLC), September 2009
- Graduated Dr. Joel Uckelman, University of Amsterdam (ILLC), December 2009 (thesis)
- AAMAS-2008:
7th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems,
Estoril, Portugal, May 2008 (SPC member, finalist for the Best SPC Member Award)
- AAMAS-2008 Tutorial: Fair Division,
Estoril, Portugal, May 2008 (lecturer)
- AMEC-2008:
10th Workshop on Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce, Estoril, Portugal, May 2008 (PC member)
- 3rd MARA Get-Together:
Workshop on Multiagent Resource Allocation, Amsterdam, June 2008 (chair)
- LOFT-2008:
8th Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory, Amsterdam, July 2008 (PC member)
- EC-2008:
9th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, Chicago, July 2008 (PC member)
- AAAI-2008:
23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Chicago, July 2008 (PC member)
- ECAI-2008:
18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Patras, July 2008 (PC member)
- ESSLLI-2008 Course: Introduction to Computational Social Choice, Hamburg, August 2008 (lecturer)
- COMSOC-2008
2nd International Workshop on Computational Social Choice, Liverpool, September 2008 (co-chair)
- KR-2008:
11th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Sydney, September 2008 (PC member)
- SBIA-2008:
19th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Salvador, Bahia, October 2008 (PC member)
- EUMAS-2008:
6th European Workshop on Multiagent Systems, Bath, December 2008 (PC member)
- Guest Researcher, CSLI, Stanford University, January 2008
- Visiting Professor (professeur invité), LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, July 2008
- LCD-2007:
Workshop on Logics and Collective Decision Making, Lille, March 2007 (PC member)
- ARW-2007:
14th Workshop on Automated Reasoning, London, April 2007 (PC member)
- AAMAS-2007:
6th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Honolulu, May 2007 (PC member)
- AMEC-2007:
9th Workshop on Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce, Honolulu, May 2007 (PC member)
- DALT-2007:
5th International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies, Honolulu, May 2007 (PC member)
- EC-2007:
8th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, San Diego, June 2007 (PC member)
- EASSS-2007 Course: Multiagent Resource Allocation, Durham, August 2007 (co-lecturer)
- LADS-2007:
Workshop on Languages, Methodologies and Development Tools for Multiagent Systems,
Durham, September 2007 (PC member)
- Tbilisi-2007:
7th International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, October 2007 (PC member)
- Dagstuhl Seminar
on Computational Issues in Social Choice, October 2007 (co-chair)
- BNAIC-2007:
19th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Utrecht, November 2007 (PC member)
- EUMAS-2007:
5th European Workshop on Multiagent Systems, Hammamet, Tunisia, December 2007 (PC member)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Sylvain Bouveret, University of Toulouse and Supaéro, November 2007
- NWO Vidi Award 2007 for a project on Collective Decision Making in Combinatorial Domains
- ARW-2006:
13th Workshop on Automated Reasoning,
Bristol, April 2006 (PC member)
- DALT-2006
4th International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies,
Hakodate, May 2006 (co-chair)
- AAMAS-2006:
5th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems,
Hakodate, May 2006 (PC member)
- AAMAS-2006 Tutorial: Multiagent Resource Allocation,
Hakodate, May 2006 (lecturer)
- EASSS-2006 Course: Multiagent Resource Allocation,
Annecy, July 2006 (co-lecturer)
- ECAI-2006:
17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Lake Garda, August 2006 (PC member)
- COMSOC-2006
1st International Workshop on Computational Social Choice, Amsterdam, December 2006 (co-chair)
- Member of PhD Committee for Dr. Sylvia Estivie, Université Paris-Dauphine, December 2006
- ARW-2005:
12th Workshop on Automated Reasoning,
Edinburgh, July 2005 (PC member and secretary/treasurer)
- DALT-2005
3rd International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies,
Utrecht, July 2005 (co-chair)
1st Meeting of the AgentLink Technical Forum Group on Multiagent Resource Allocation (TFG-MARA),
Ljubljana, February/March 2005 (chair)
2nd Meeting of the AgentLink Technical Forum Group on Multiagent Resource Allocation (TFG-MARA),
Budapest, September 2005 (chair)
2004 and before
- ARW-2004:
11th Workshop on Automated Reasoning,
Leeds, March/April 2004 (PC member and secretary/treasurer)
- ARW-2003:
10th Workshop on Automated Reasoning,
Liverpool, April 2003 (PC member and secretary/treasurer)
- ARW-2002:
9th Workshop on Automated Reasoning,
London, April 2002 (PC member and secretary/treasurer)
- ARW-2001:
8th Workshop on Automated Reasoning,
York, March 2001 (PC member and secretary/treasurer)
- ARW-2000
7th Workshop on Automated Reasoning,
London, July 2000 (local co-organiser)
- 1st International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic,
Salamanca, June 2000 (invited speaker)
- Guest Researcher, Department of Informatics, University of Pisa, May/June 2004
- Guest Researcher, LIIA, ENSAIS Strasbourg, May/June 2000
- Guest Researcher, Department of Philosophy, University of Ferrara, several short stays during 1997 and 1998