- The Model Railway
- - People involved
- - Track System
- - Components
- - Petri Net Model
- - Hardware
- - Software
- - Teaching
- - Links
- - Kicking Horse Pass
- - Photos

People involved (in alphabetical order)

Sven Bruns
Prototype implementation of RailControl library
Clemens Grelck
Prototype implemention of control software, development and maintenance of RailControl library, documentation, teaching
Martin Heldt
GAL optimisation and programming for first electronic interface
Wolfgang Hielscher
Petri Net Model, implementation and maintainance of railroad control software railctrl, maintaining web-documentation
Werner Kluge
Idea and main responsibility
Jochen Koberstein
Reconstruction after move to new location
Jürgen Noss
Technical realisation and support, electronic interface, all hardware issues
Claus Reinke
Petri Net model
Jörg Schwarzwälder
Implementation of railroad control software db / dbplan
Lars Urbszat
Petri Net model

Clemens Grelck
generated on: Mon May 31 10:18:08 MET DST 1999