Graduation students (from 2015 onwards) and PhD students

18 June 2021 (BSc Informatica):
Joris Smeets. Normal forms for FSCLU, three-valued Free Short-Circuit Logic (28 pp + 14 pp App, PDF)

29 January 2021, main supervisor was Dr. Robbert Krebbers (TU Delft, RU Nijmegen) (MSc Logic):
Daniël Louwrink. A Separation Logic for Stacked Borrows (105 pp, PDF)

25 June 2020 (MSc Logic):
Sven Cornets de Groot. Logical systems with left-sequential versions of NAND and XOR (70 pp + 8 pp App, PDF)

26 June 2020, main supervisor was Dr. Machiel van der Bijl (Axini) (BSc Informatica):
Florine de Geus. On the Use of SMT Solvers in Model-Based Testing (35 pp, PDF)

4 July 2019, main supervisor was Dr. Jorge A. Pérez (RUG) (MSc Logic):
Bas van den Heuvel. The Logic of Fault-Tolerance in Message-Passing Concurrency (65 pp + 28 pp App, PDF)

17 June 2019, with Bob Diertens (BSc Informatica):
S.J.C. van Berckel. ElevatorLib: A Generic Library for Elevator Systems - A Software Engineering Case Study in PSF and Go (35 pp, PDF)

8 June 2018, with Inge Bethke (BSc Informatica):
S.D. (Sebastian) Melzer. Thread-oriented program algebra (35 pp, PDF)

28 August 2017, with Bob Diertens (BSc Informatica - thesis was submitted 8 June 2016):
Bas van den Heuvel. Purely event-driven programming: A programming language design (38 pp + 14 pp App, PDF)

30 July 2017 (BSc Kunstmatige Intelligentie - Honours extension):
Wijnand K. van Woerkom. Rascal Tooling for Datatype Defining Rewrite Systems (18 pp + 28 pp App, PDF)

2 July 2017 (BSc Kunstmatige Intelligentie):
Wijnand K. van Woerkom. Towards a Datatype Defining Rewrite System for Rational Arithmetic (24 pp, PDF)

9 June 2017 (BSc Informatica):
M.G. (Gracia) Redder. On finite projections and program length in thread and program algebra (29 pp, PDF)

8 June 2016 (BSc Informatica):
Jeroen van Wier. On the Axiomatizability of Contractive Short-Circuit Logic (30 pp, PDF)

8 June 2016 (BSc Informatica):
Luca van der Kamp. A Term Rewrite System for Decimal Integer Arithmetic (45 pp, PDF)

17 June 2015 (BSc Informatica):
Sjoerd Bouber. On the Length of Instruction Sequences for C (23 pp, PDF)

More PDF's and BSc/MSc projects: (as of 2015 only).

PhD supervision:

29 October 2009:
Bob Diertens. Software Engineering with Process Algebra, UvA (promotor: prof.dr. J.A. Bergstra, copromotor: dr. A. Ponse)

13 February 2007:
Vu Thuy Duong. Semantics and Applications of Process and Program Algebra, UvA (promotor: prof.dr. J.A. Bergstra, copromotores: dr. I. Bethke and dr. A. Ponse)

11 February 2005:
Mauro Gattari. Distributed Systems: The delta- and gamma-calculus, University of Siena (promotores: prof. Anna Labella, prof. Rocco De Nicola, and prof. G. Michele Pinna; supervisor: dr. A. Ponse)

2 December 2002:
Yaroslav S. Usenko. Linearization in μCRL, Eindhoven University of Technology (promotores: J.F. Groote and prof.dr. W.J. Fokkink; co-supervisor: dr. A. Ponse)

23 October 1997:
Doeko J. B. Bosscher. Grammars Modulo Bisimulation, UvA (promotor: prof.dr. J.A. Bergstra, copromotor: dr. A. Ponse)

12 December 1996:
J.A. Hillebrand. Experiments in Specification Re-Engineering, UvA (promotor: prof.dr. J.A. Bergstra, copromotor: dr. M.G.J. van den Brand; co-supervisor: dr. A. Ponse)

15 September 1995:
J.J. van Wamel. Verification Techniques for Elementary Data Types and Retransmission Protocols, UvA (promotor: J.A. Bergstra, copromotor: dr. P.H. Rodenburg; co-supervisor: dr. A. Ponse)

29 June 1994:
H.P. Korver. Protocol Verification in mCRL, UvA (promotor: J.A. Bergstra, copromotor: prof.dr. J.C.M. Baeten; reading and PhD committee: (a.o.) dr. A. Ponse)

  Last modified: Sept 20, 2022