Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NdaiNamespace for libDAI
 CBBPImplements BBP (Back-Belief-Propagation) [EaG09]
 CPropertiesParameters for BBP
 CBBPCostFunctionPredefined cost functions that can be used with BBP
 CBipartiteGraphRepresents the neighborhood structure of nodes in an undirected, bipartite graph
 ClevelTypeUsed internally by isTree()
 CBPApproximate inference algorithm "(Loopy) Belief Propagation"
 CEdgePropType used for storing edge properties
 CPropertiesParameters for BP
 CBP_dualCalculates both types of BP messages and their normalizers from an InfAlg
 C_edges_tConvenience label for storing edge properties
 CbeliefsGroups together the data structures for storing the two types of beliefs and their normalizers
 CmessagesGroups together the data structures for storing the two types of messages and their normalizers
 CCBPClass for CBP (Conditioned Belief Propagation) [EaG09]
 CPropertiesParameters for CBP
 CClusterGraphA ClusterGraph is a hypergraph with variables as nodes, and "clusters" (sets of variables) as hyperedges
 CCobwebGraphA CobwebGraph is a special type of region graph used by the GLC algorithm
 CConnectionThe information in connection between two regions
 CCondProbEstimationEstimates the parameters of a conditional probability table, using pseudocounts
 CDAGRepresents the neighborhood structure of nodes in a directed cyclic graph
 CDAIAlgCombines the abstract base class InfAlg with a graphical model (e.g., a FactorGraph or RegionGraph)
 CDEdgeRepresents a directed edge
 CEMAlgEMAlg performs Expectation Maximization to learn factor parameters
 CEvidenceStores a data set consisting of multiple samples, where each sample is the observed joint state of some variables
 CExactInfExact inference algorithm using brute force enumeration (mainly useful for testing purposes)
 CPropertiesParameters for ExactInf
 CExceptionError handling in libDAI is done by throwing an instance of the Exception class
 CFactorGraphRepresents a factor graph
 CFBPApproximate inference algorithm "Fractional Belief Propagation" [WiH03]
 Cfo_absFunction object that takes the absolute value
 Cfo_absdiffFunction object that returns the absolute difference of x and y
 Cfo_divides0Function object similar to std::divides(), but different in that dividing by zero results in zero
 Cfo_expFunction object that takes the exponent
 Cfo_HellingerFunction object useful for calculating the Hellinger distance
 Cfo_idFunction object that returns the value itself
 Cfo_invFunction object that takes the inverse
 Cfo_inv0Function object that takes the inverse, except that 1/0 is defined to be 0
 Cfo_KLFunction object useful for calculating the KL distance
 Cfo_logFunction object that takes the logarithm
 Cfo_log0Function object that takes the logarithm, except that log(0) is defined to be 0
 Cfo_maxFunction object that returns the maximum of two values
 Cfo_minFunction object that returns the minimum of two values
 Cfo_plog0pFunction object that returns p*log0(p)
 Cfo_powFunction object that returns x to the power y
 CFRegionAn FRegion is a factor with a counting number
 CGraphALRepresents the neighborhood structure of nodes in an undirected graph
 CGraphELRepresents an undirected graph, implemented as a std::set of undirected edges
 CgreedyVariableEliminationHelper object for dai::ClusterGraph::VarElim()
 CHAKApproximate inference algorithm: implementation of single-loop ("Generalized Belief Propagation") and double-loop algorithms by Heskes, Albers and Kappen [HAK03]
 CPropertiesParameters for HAK
 Chash_mapHash_map is an alias for std::tr1::unordered_map
 CIndexForTool for looping over the states of several variables
 CInfAlgInfAlg is an abstract base class, defining the common interface of all inference algorithms in libDAI
 CJTreeExact inference algorithm using junction tree
 CPropertiesParameters for JTree
 CLCApproximate inference algorithm "Loop Corrected Belief Propagation" [MoK07]
 CPropertiesParameters for LC
 CMaximizationStepA MaximizationStep groups together several parameter estimation tasks (SharedParameters objects) into a single unit
 CMFApproximate inference algorithm "Mean Field"
 CPropertiesParameters for MF
 CMRApproximate inference algorithm by Montanari and Rizzo [MoR05]
 CPropertiesParameters for MR
 CmultiforMultifor makes it easy to perform a dynamic number of nested for loops
 CNeighborDescribes the neighbor relationship of two nodes in a graph
 CParameterEstimationBase class for parameter estimation methods
 CPermuteTool for calculating permutations of linear indices of multi-dimensional arrays
 CPropertySetRepresents a set of properties, mapping keys (of type PropertyKey) to values (of type PropertyValue)
 CRegionA Region is a set of variables with a counting number
 CRegionGraphA RegionGraph combines a bipartite graph consisting of outer regions (type FRegion) and inner regions (type Region) with a FactorGraph
 CRootedTreeRepresents a rooted tree, implemented as a vector of directed edges
 CsequentialVariableEliminationHelper object for dai::ClusterGraph::VarElim()
 CSharedParametersRepresents a single factor or set of factors whose parameters should be estimated
 CSmallSetRepresents a set; the implementation is optimized for a small number of elements
 CStateMakes it easy to iterate over all possible joint states of variables within a VarSet
 CTFactorRepresents a (probability) factor
 CTProbRepresents a vector with entries of type T
 CTreeEPApproximate inference algorithm "Tree Expectation Propagation" [MiQ04]
 CPropertiesParameters for TreeEP
 CTreeEPSubTreeStores the data structures needed to efficiently update the approximation of an off-tree factor
 CTRWBPApproximate inference algorithm "Tree-Reweighted Belief Propagation" [WJW03]
 CUEdgeRepresents an undirected edge
 CVarRepresents a discrete random variable
 CVarSetRepresents a set of variables
 CWeightedGraphRepresents an undirected weighted graph, with weights of type T, implemented as a std::map mapping undirected edges to weights