Notes etc.

CS2LAP: Coursework

In order to pass the CS2LAP coursework you'll have to get an average of at least 40% over the first four assignments. If you fail to do that, you'll have to submit coursework 5 and get 40% then. This is a necessary requirement for passing the exam.

Coursework is due at the end of the day specified (unless otherwise stated on the problem sheet). In case of manual submission throw your paper into the pigeon hole marked CS2LAP in the main corridor of the Department of Computer Science. Marked coursework will be left for collection next to the pigeon holes.

Electronic submission. From coursework 2 on solutions to some of the questions have to be submitted electronically. Save your files in a directory called cs2lap on your home directory. Check the problem sheet for the right names of the Prolog files. Files are automatically collected at midnight on the due date (unless otherwise stated on the problem sheet). If you anticipate any problems, let me know well before the deadline.

Click here to view the coursework results.

Coursework 1

Coursework 2

Coursework 3

Coursework 4

Coursework 5

 last modified on Monday, 16-Oct-2017 12:12:01 CEST by Ulle Endriss