Ulle Endriss
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation
University of Amsterdam
Plantage Muidergracht 24
1018 TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Email: ulle.endriss@uva.nl
For enquiries regarding the proof system KE or the textbook by Marcello
D'Agostino and Marco Mondadori, please contact:
Marcello D'Agostino
Dipartimento di Economia e Management
Università di Ferrara
via Savonarola 38
44100 Ferrara, Italy
Email: dgm@dns.unife.it
The WinKE project has been mainly funded by the University of Ferrara,
through the Academic Centre for Research and Didactive Innovation (CARID).
We have also received support from research grants held by Prof. Dov Gabbay
at King's College London (and previously at Imperial College London).