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TCP Profile Tests


In this section the results of TCP profile tests will be presented. The TCP bandwidth will be shaped according to the triangle profile that has been shown in figure 1 from the "Rate Limit" main section. The shaped TCP profile has been generated with a modified version of the Iperf V. 1.6.5 traffic generator. Also in this version the pthread library will be used to generate multiple parallel flows.


In the following figures the resulting TCP bandwidth values, induced by the provided shaping profile bandwidth, have been displayed as a function of the profile time. Both the client and server bandwidth results are presented in these figures with separate plot traces. The results for various values of the top triangle bandwidth have been shown by individual plots. In these tests a TCP window size of 2 MBytes have been used. Only results are presented for the direction where the rate limiting is active, also for: Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight.

In the these results are presented for top triangle bandwidths of 50, 100, ..., 500 Mbits/s with a single TCP flow from source to destination.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 50 Mbits/s; N = 1

.    Single flow TCP profile throughput as a function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth is 50 Mbits/s. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 100 Mbits/s; N = 1

.    Single flow TCP profile throughput as a function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth is 100 Mbits/s. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 150 Mbits/s; N = 1

.    Single flow TCP profile throughput as a function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth is 150 Mbits/s. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 200 Mbits/s; N = 1

.    Single flow TCP profile throughput as a function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth is 200 Mbits/s. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 250 Mbits/s; N = 1

.    Single flow TCP profile throughput as a function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth is 250 Mbits/s. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 300 Mbits/s; N = 1

.    Single flow TCP profile throughput as a function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth is 300 Mbits/s. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 350 Mbits/s; N = 1

.    Single flow TCP profile throughput as a function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth is 350 Mbits/s. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 400 Mbits/s; N = 1

.    Single flow TCP profile throughput as a function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth is 400 Mbits/s. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 450 Mbits/s; N = 1

.    Single flow TCP profile throughput as a function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth is 450 Mbits/s. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 500 Mbits/s; N = 1

.    Single flow TCP profile throughput as a function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth is 500 Mbits/s. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

Show also the plots from the as in a new browser window.

In the corresponding results have been displayed as in the previous figures, but here two parallel flows were used. Both for the top triangle bandwidths and for the presented throughput values the sums have been taken over the parallel flows. To be able to take this sum, the throughput interval reports have been re-sampled according to the original profile intervals.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 50 Mbits/s; N = 2
.    TCP throughput sum, taken over two parallel flows, as function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size sum is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth sum is 50 Mbits/s. Both sums are also taken over the parallel flows. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 100 Mbits/s; N = 2
.    TCP throughput sum, taken over two parallel flows, as function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size sum is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth sum is 100 Mbits/s. Both sums are also taken over the parallel flows. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 150 Mbits/s; N = 2
.    TCP throughput sum, taken over two parallel flows, as function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size sum is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth sum is 150 Mbits/s. Both sums are also taken over the parallel flows. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 200 Mbits/s; N = 2
.    TCP throughput sum, taken over two parallel flows, as function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size sum is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth sum is 200 Mbits/s. Both sums are also taken over the parallel flows. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 250 Mbits/s; N = 2
.    TCP throughput sum, taken over two parallel flows, as function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size sum is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth sum is 250 Mbits/s. Both sums are also taken over the parallel flows. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 300 Mbits/s; N = 2
.    TCP throughput sum, taken over two parallel flows, as function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size sum is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth sum is 300 Mbits/s. Both sums are also taken over the parallel flows. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 350 Mbits/s; N = 2
.    TCP throughput sum, taken over two parallel flows, as function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size sum is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth sum is 350 Mbits/s. Both sums are also taken over the parallel flows. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 400 Mbits/s; N = 2
.    TCP throughput sum, taken over two parallel flows, as function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size sum is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth sum is 400 Mbits/s. Both sums are also taken over the parallel flows. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 450 Mbits/s; N = 2
.    TCP throughput sum, taken over two parallel flows, as function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size sum is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth sum is 450 Mbits/s. Both sums are also taken over the parallel flows. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

BW; ASP -> SL; T = 500 Mbits/s; N = 2
.    TCP throughput sum, taken over two parallel flows, as function of the profile time for the test direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight. The used TCP window size sum is 2 MBytes/s, and the top triangle bandwidth sum is 500 Mbits/s. Both sums are also taken over the parallel flows. The client and server throughput values have been presented with separate plot traces.

Show also the plots from the as in a new browser window.


From the TCP profile tests presented in the the following conclusions can be drawn:

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