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6.3 N-S

3A9B8 xNEG ( x → x' )
Negate Analytic Func
Changes the sign or negates an object.
z → -z
#n1 → #n2
[ arr ][ -arr ]
'sym' → '-(sym)'
x_u → -x_u
grob1 → grob2
3E98E xNEXT ( → )
Ends definite loop structures. See the FOR and START command entries for syntax information.
3DDBE xNOT ( x → x' )
Returns the one's complement or the logical inverse of the argument.
#n1 → #n2
T/F → 0/1
"str1" → "str2"
'sym' → 'NOT sym'
Related: AND,OR,XOR
0550AB ~xNSUB ( → npos )
Number of Sublist Cmd
Provides a way to access the current sublist position during an iteration of a program or command applied using DOSUBS.
3A648 x>NUM ( x → x' )
Evaluate to Number Cmd
Evaluates a symbolic argument object and returns the numerical result.
objsym → z
Related: →Q,→Qpi UserRPL: x→NUM
3A3BD xOFF ( → )
Off Cmd
Turns off the calculator.
3DD33 xOR ( x y → x' )
OR Func
Returns the logical OR of two arguments.
#n1 #n2 → #n3
"str1" "str2" → "str3"
T/F1 T/F2 → 0/1
T/F 'sym' → 'T/F OR sym'
'sym' T/F → 'sym OR T/F'
'sym1' 'sym2' → 'sym1 OR sym2'
Related: AND,NOT,XOR
Parametric Plot Type Cmd
Sets the plot type to PARAMETRIC.
0110AB ~xPCOEF ( [roots] → [coefs] )
Monic Polynomial Coefficients Cmd
Returns the coefficients of a monic polynomial (a polynomial with a leading coefficient of 1) having specific roots.
3C624 xPERM ( n k → n' )
Permutations Func
Returns the number of possible permutations of n items taken m at a time.
n m → Pn,m
'symn' m → 'PERM(symn,m)'
n 'symm' → 'PERM(n,symm)'
'symn' 'symm' → 'PERM(symn,symm)'
Related: COMB,!
0120AB ~xPEVAL ( [coefs] x → x' )
Polynomial Evaluation Cmd
Evaluates an n-degree polynomial at x.
03F701 ~xPINIT ( → )
Port Initialize Cmd
Initializes all currently active ports. Does not affect data already stored in a port.
3DC54 xPOLAR ( → )
Polar Plot Type Cmd
Sets the plot type to POLAR.
0100AB ~xPROOT ( [coefs] → [roots] )
Polynomial Roots Cmd
Returns all roots of an n-degree polynomial having real or complex roots.
0A20F2 ~xPSDEV ( → xpsdev )
( → {x1...xn} )
Population Standard Deviation Cmd
Calculates the population standard deviation of each of the m columns of coordiate values in the current stastics matrix (reserved variable ΣDAT).
2BDA2 xPVARS ( nport → {} mem )
Port-Variables Cmd
Returns a list of the backup objects (:nport:name) and the lib- rary objects (:nport:nlibrary) in the specified port. Also returns the available memory size (if RAM) or the memory type.
Related: VARS
3D80A x->Q ( x → a/b )
To Quotient Cmd
Returns a rational form of the argument.
x → 'a/b'
(x,y) → 'a/b+c/d*i
'sym1' → 'sym2'
Related: →Qπ,/ UserRPL: x→Q
3D829 x->QPI ( x → symb )
To Quotient Times π Cmd
Returns a rational form of the argument, or a rational form of the argument with π factored out, whichever yields the smaller denominator.
x → 'a/b*π'
x → 'a/b'
'sym1' → 'symb2'
(x,y) → 'a/b*π+c/d*π*i
(x,y) → 'a/b+c/d*i
Related: →Q,/,π UserRPL: x→Qπ
00C0AB ~xQR ( [[]] → [[Q]] [[R]] [[P]] )
QR Factorization of a Matrix Cmd
Returns the QR factorization of an n×m matrix.
Related: LQ,LSQ
3DB03 xQUAD ( symb var → symb' )
Solve Quadratic Equation Cmd
Solves an algebraic object symb for the variable var, and returns an expression symb' representing the solution.
3D068 xQUOTE ( ob → 'ob )
Quote Argument Func
Returns its argument unevaluated.
'sym' → 'sym'
obj → obj
Related: APPLY,|
3C5AD xRAND ( → x )
Random Number Cmd
Returns a pseudo-random number generated using a seed value, and updates the seed value.
Related: COMB,PERM,RDZ,!
0050AB ~xRANK ( [[]] → n )
Matrix Rank Cmd
Returns the rank of a rectangular matrix.
Related: LQ,LSQ,QR
03C0AB ~xRANM ( {m n} → [[]] )
( [[]] → [[]]' )
Random Matrix Cmd
Returns a matrix of specified dimensions that contains random integers in the range -9 through 9.
{ m n } → [[ rand mat ]]m×n
[[ mat ]]m×n → [[ rand mat ]]m×n
Related: RAND,RDZ
3D977 xPREDIV ( x y → x/y )
Prefix Divide Func
Prefix form of / (divide) generated by the Equation Writer Application.
z1 z2 → z1/z2
[arr] [[mat]] → [[arr×mat^-1]]
[arr] z → [arr/z]
z 'sym' → 'z/sym'
'sym' z → 'sym/z'
'sym1' 'sym2' → 'sym1/sym2'
#n1 n2 → #n3
n1 #n2 → #n3
#n1 #n2 → #n3
x_u1 y_u2 → (x/y)_u1/u2
x y_u → (x/y)_1/u
x_u y → (x/y)_u
'sym' x_u → 'sym/x_u'
x_u 'sym' → 'x_u/sym'
Related: / UserRPL: xRATIO
0490AB ~xRCI ( [[]] x nrow → [[]]' )
[] x n []'
Multiply Row by Constant Cmd
Multiplies row n of a matrix (or element n of a vector) by a const x, and returns the modified matrix.
Related: RCIJ
04A0AB ~xRCIJ ( [[]] x n* n+ → [[]]' )
( [] x n* n+ → []' )
Add Multiplied Row Cmd
Multiplies row n* of a matrix by a constant x, adds this product to row n+ of the matrix, and returns the modified matrix. Or, multiplies element n* of a vector by a constant x, adds this product to element n+ of the vector, and returns the modified vector.
Related: RCI
3C5C2 xRDZ ( x → )
Randomize Cmd
Uses a real number xseed as a seed for the RAND command.
3CA30 xRE ( (x,y) → x )
( [] → []' )
Real Part Func
Returns the real part of the argument.
x → x
x_u → x
(x,y) → x
[ R-arr ][ R-arr ]
[ C-arr ][ R-arr ]
'sym' → 'RE(sym)'
Related: C→R,IM,R→C
3E634 xREPEAT ( 1/0 → )
Starts loop clause in
indefinite loop structure.
Related: END,WHILE
0180AB ~xREVLIST ( {1...n} → {n...1}' )
Reverse List Cmd
Reverses the order of the elements in a list.
Related: SORT
3C07F xRND ( x n → x' )
Round Func
Rounds an object to a specified number of decimal places or significant digits, or to fit the current display format.
z1 nrnd → z2
z 'symrnd' → 'RND(z,symrnd)'
'sym' nrnd → 'RND(symb,nrnd)'
'sym1' 'symrnd' → 'RND(sym1,symrnd)'
[arr1] nrnd → [arr2]
x_u nrnd → y_u
x_u 'symrnd' → 'RND(x_u,symrnd)'
Related: TRNC
3C307 xRNRM ( [] → x )
Row Norm Cmd
Returns the row norm (infinity norm) of its argument array.
3CCB5 xROOT ( prog/s var guess → x )
( prog/s var {guesses} → x )
Root-Finder Cmd
Returns a real number xroot that is a value of the specified variable var for which the specified program or algebraic object most nearly evaluates to zero or a local extremum.
0430AB ~xROW- ( [[]] nrow → [[]]' [] )
( [] n → []' elt )
Delete Row Cmd
Deletes row n of a matrix (or element n of a vector), and returns the modified matrix (or vector) and the deleted row (or element).
Related: COL-,COL+,ROW-,RSWP
0440AB ~xROW+ ( [[]] [[]]' n → [[]]" )
( [[]] [] n → [[]]' )
( [] n n' → [] )
Insert Row Cmd
Inserts an array into a matrix (or one or more numbers into a vector) at a position indicated by nindex, and returns the modified matrix (or vector).
Related: COL-,COL+,ROW-,RSWP
00F0AB ~xRREF ( [[]] → [[]]' )
Reduced Row Echelon Form Cmd
Converts a rectangular matrix to a reduced row echelon form.
3C430 xRSD ( [B] [[A]] [Z] → []' )
( [[B]] [[A]] [[Z]] → [[]]' )
Residual Cmd
Computes the residual B - AZ of the arrays B, A, and Z.
0470AB ~xRSWP ( []/[[]] i j → []/[[]] )
Row Swap Cmd
Swaps rows i and j of a matrix and returns the modified matrix, or swaps elements i and j of a vector and returns the modified vector.
Related: CSWP,ROW+,ROW-
3C24F xR>D ( x → (180/π)x )
Radians to Degrees Func
Converts a real number expressed in radians to its equivalent in degrees.
x → (180/π)x
'sym' → 'R→D(sym)'
Related: D→R UserRPL: xR→D
3DC72 xSAME ( ob1 ob2 → 1/0 )
Display information about the makers of the calculator. Same Object Cmd
Compares two objects, and returns a true result (1) if they are identical, and a false result (0) if they are not.
Related: TYPE,==
00E0AB ~xSCHUR ( [[]] → [[Q]] [[T]] )
Schur Decomp. of Squ. Matrix Cmd
Returns the Schur decomposition of a square matrix.
0130AB ~xSEQ ( prog var start end incr → {} )
Sequential Calculation Cmd
Returns a list of results generated ated by repeatedly executing prog using index var over the range start to end, in increments of incr.
3DB51 xSHOW ( symb name → symb' )
( symb {names} → symb' )
Show Variable Cmd
Returns symb' which is equivalent to symb except that all implicit references to a variable name are made explicit.
3B5EF xSIGN ( x → x' )
Sign Func
Returns the sign of a real number argument, the sign of the numerical part of a unit object argument, or the unit vector in the direction of a complex number argument.
3B781 xSIN ( x → x' )
Sine Analytic Func
z → sin z
'sym' → 'SIN(sym)'
x_uangular → sin(x_uangular)
3B87D xSINH ( x → x' )
Hyperbolic Sine Analytic Func
Returns the hyperbolic sine of the argument.
z → sinh z
'sym' → 'SINH(sym)'
0040AB ~xSNRM ( [] → x )
Spectral Norm Cmd
Returns the spectral norm of an array.
0190AB ~xSORT ( {} → {}' )
Ascending Order Sort Cmd
Sorts the elements in a list in ascending order.
Related: REVLIST
3B6E6 xSQ ( x → x' )
Square Analytic Func
Returns the square of the argument.
z → z2
x_u → x2_u2
[[ mat ]] → [[ mat × mat ]]
'sym' → 'SQ(sym)'
Related: √,^
0030AB ~xSRAD ( [[]] → x )
Spectral Radius Cmd
Returns the spectral radius of a square matrix.
3E710 xSTART ( start finish → )
START Definite Loop Structure Cmd
START xstart xfinish →
NEXT xstart xfinish →
STEP xincrement →
STEP 'symbincrement' →
3EABD xSTEP ( n → )
( symb → )
Defines the increment (step) value, and ends definite loop struct See the FOR and START command entries for syntax information.
0570AB ~xSTREAM ( {} prog → x )
Stream Execution Cmd
Moves the first two elements from the list onto the stack, and executes prog. The moves the next element (if any) onto the stack, and executes obj again using the previous result and the new element. Repeats this until the list is exhausted, and returns the final result.
Related: DOSUBS
0090AB ~xSVD ( [[]] → [[U]] [[V]] [S] )
Singular Value Decomposition Cmd
Returns the sigular value decomposition of an m×n matrix.
Related: DIAG→,MIN,SVL
00A0AB ~xSVL ( [[]] → [] )
Singular Values Cmd
Returns the singular values of an m×n matrix.
Related: MIN,SVD
3A5C4 xSYSEVAL ( # → ? )
Evaluate System Object Cmd
Evaluates unnamed operating system objects specified by their memory addresses.

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