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6.2 G-M

0520AB ~xHEAD ( {} → ob )
( $ → $' )
First Listed Element Cmd
Returns the first element of a list or string.
Related: TAIL
044701 ~xHELP
3C2E5 xHMS- ( hms1 hms2 → hms3 )
Hours-Minutes-Seconds Minus Cmd
Returns the difference of two real number, where the arguments and the result are interpreted in hours-minutes-seconds format.
Related: HMS→,→HMS,HMS+
3C2CB xHMS+ ( hms1 hms2 → hms3 )
Hours-Minutes-Seconds Plus Cmd
Returns the sum of two real number, where the arguments and the result are interpreted in hours-minutes-seconds format.
Related: HMS→,→HMS,HMS-
3C27B x>HMS ( x → x' )
Decimal to Hours-Minutes-Seconds Cmd
Converts a real number representing hours or degrees with a decimal fraction to hours-minutes-seconds format.
Related: HMS→,HMS+,HMS- UserRPL: x→HMS
3C2A7 xHMS> ( x → x' )
Hours-Min-Sec to Decimal Cmd
Converts a real number in hours -minutes-seconds format to its decimal form (hours or degrees with a decimal fraction.
Related: →HMS,HMS+,HMS- UserRPL: xHMS→
3AB7D xi ( → i )
3E416 xIF ( → )
IF Conditional Structure Cmd
Starts IF ... THEN ... END and IF ... THEN ... ELSE ... END conditional structures.
IF →

IF →
3EB17 xIFERR ( → )
If Error Conditional Struct Cmd
Starts IFERR ... THEN ... END and IFERR ... THEN ... ELSE ... END error trapping structures.
3A569 xIFT ( 0/1 obj → ? )
Executes obj if T/F is nonzero. Discards obj if T/F is zero.
Related: IFTE
3A475 xIFTE ( 0/1 objT objF → ? )
Executes objT if T/F is nonzero. Discards objF if T/F is zero.
Related: IFT
3AB7D xi ( → i )
3CA86 xIM ( (x,y) → y )
( [] → []' )
Imaginary Part Func
Returns the imaginary part of its (complex) argument.
x → 0
(x,y) → y
[ R-arr ][ R-arr ]
[ C-arr ][ R-arr ]
'sym' → 'IM(sym)'
Related: C→R,RE,R→C
3B528 xINV ( x → 1/x )
( [[]] → [[]]' )
Inverse (1/x) Analytic Func
Returns the reciprocal or the matrix inverse.
Related: SINV,/
3BE01 xIP ( x → n )
Integer Part Func
Returns the integer part of the argument.
x → n
x_u → n_u
'sym' → 'IP(sym)'
Related: FP
3DAA0 xISOL ( symb var → symb' )
Isolate Variable Cmd
Returns an algebraic symb' that rearranges symb to "isolate" the first occurrence of variable var.
UserRPL: x_
3ED7E x'
UserRPL: x'
3ED4D x<<
3ED68 x>>
3A879 xKEY ( → rc 1 )
( → 0 )
Key Cmd
Returns to level 1 a test result, and if a key is pressed, returns to level 2 the row-column location xn m of that key.
3A3A8 xKILL ( → )
Cancel Halted Programs Cmd
Cancels all currently halted programs. (Halted programs are typically canceled by pressing PRG NXT RUN KILL.) If KILL is executed within a program, that program is also canceled.
3A662 xLAST ( → ob1 .. obn )
Last Arguments Cmd
Returns copies of the arguments of the most recently executed command. UserRPL: xLASTARG
0000AB ~xLININ ( symb var → 0/1 )
Linear Test Func
Tests whether an algebraic is structurally linear for a given variable.
3BBF7 xLN ( x → x' )
Natural Logarithm Analytic Func
Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of the argument.
z → ln z
'sym' → 'LN(sym)'
3BD25 xLNP1 ( x → x' )
Natural Log of x+1 Analytic Func
Returns ln (x + 1).
x → ln(x+1)
'sym' → 'LNP1(sym)'
Related: EXPM,LN
3BC69 xLOG ( x → x' )
Common Logarithm Analytic Func
Returns the common logarithm (base 10) of the argument.
z → log z
'sym' → 'LOG(sym)'
00D0AB ~xLQ ( [[]] → [[L]] [[Q]] [[P]] )
LQ Factorization of a Matrix Cmd
Returns the LQ factorization of an n×m matrix.
Related: LSQ,QR
0060AB ~xLSQ ( [B] [[A]] → []' )
( [[B]] [[A]] → [[]]' )
Least Squares Solution Cmd
Returns the minimum norm least squares solution to any system of linear equations where A × X = B
Related: LQ,RANK,QR,/
00B0AB ~xLU ( [[]] → [[L]] [[U]] [[P]] )
LU Dec of a Sq. Matrix Cmd
Returns the LU decomposition of a square matrix.
Related: DET,INV,LSQ,/
3C1F2 xMANT ( x → x' )
Mantissa Func
Returns the mantissa of the argument.
x → ymant
'sym' → 'MANT(sym)'
Related: SIGN,XPON
3D8C6 xMATCHDN ( symb {spat srepl} → symb' 0/1 )
( symb {spat srepl scond} → symb' 0/1 )
Match Pattern Down Cmd
Rewrites an expression.
Related: X↑MATCH UserRPL: x↓MATCH
3D898 xMATCHUP ( symb {spat srepl} → symb' 0/1 )
( symb {spat srepl scond} → symb' 0/1 )
Bottom-Up Match and Replace Cmd
Rewrites an expression.
Related: X∇MATCH UserRPL: x↑MATCH
3BF1E xMAX ( x y → x' )
Maximum Func
Returns the greater (more positive) of the arguments.
x y → max(x, y)
x 'sym' → 'MAX(x, sym)'
'sym' x → 'MAX(sym, x)'
'sym1' 'sym2' → 'MAX(sym1, sym2)'
x_u1 y_u2 → max(x_u1, y_u2)
Related: MIN
3AB17 xMAXR ( → MAXR )
Maximum Real Func
Returns the symbolic constant 'MAXR' or its numerical representation, 9.99999999999E499.
→ 'MAXR'
→ 9.99999999999E499
Related: Ee,i,MINR,π
3BFF9 xMIN ( x y → x' )
Minumum Func
Returns the lesser (more negative) of its two arguments.
x y → min(x, y)
x 'sym' → 'MIN(x, sym)'
'sym' x → 'MIN(sym, x)'
'sym1' 'sym2' → 'MIN(sym1, sym2)'
x_u1 y_u2 → min(x_u1, y_u2)
Related: MAX
3AB39 xMINR ( → MINR )
Minimum Real Func
Returns the symbolic constant 'MINR' or its numerical representation, 1.00000000000E-499.
→ 'MAXR'
→ 1.00000000000E-499
Related: e,i,MAXR,π
3C1A3 xMOD ( x y → x' )
Modulo Func
Returns a remainder defined by: x mod y = x - y floor (x/y)
x y → x mod y
x 'sym' → 'MOD(x, sym)'
'sym' x → 'MOD(sym, x)'
'sym1' 'sym2' → 'MOD(sym1, sym2)'
Related: FLOOR,/
04F0AB ~xMSGBOX ( $ → )
Message Box Cmd
Creates a user-defined message box.

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This document was generated by Carsten Dominik on May, 30 2005 using texi2html