Ideas worth exploring
File bp_dual.h
BP_dual replicates a large part of the functionality of BP; would it not be more efficient to adapt BP instead?
Frederik Eaton
Class dai::BipartiteGraph
Cache second-order neighborhoods in BipartiteGraph.
Member dai::CBP::runRecurse (InfAlg *bp, Real orig_logZ, std::vector< size_t > clamped_vars_list, size_t &num_leaves, size_t &choose_count, Real &sum_level, Real &lz_out, std::vector< Factor > &beliefs_out)
dai::CBP::runRecurse() could be implemented more efficiently with a nesting version of backupFactors/restoreFactors
Class dai::DAIAlg< GRM >
A DAIAlg should not inherit from a FactorGraph or RegionGraph, but should store a reference to the graphical model object. This prevents needless copying of (possibly large) data structures. Disadvantage: the caller must not change the graphical model between calls to the inference algorithm (maybe a smart_ptr or some locking mechanism would help here?).
Class dai::FactorGraph
Alternative implementation of undo factor changes: the only things that have to be undone currently are setting a factor to 1 and setting a factor to a Kronecker delta. This could also be implemented in the TFactor itself, which could maintain its state (ones/delta/full) and act accordingly. Update: it seems that the proposed functionality would not be enough for CBP, for which it would make more sense to add more levels of backup/restore.
Class dai::IndexFor
Optimize all indices as follows: keep a cache of all (or only relatively small) indices that have been computed (use a hash). Then, instead of computing on the fly, use the precomputed ones. Here the labels of the variables don't matter, but the ranges of the variables do.
Class dai::InfAlg

General marginalization functions like calcMarginal() now copy a complete InfAlg object. Instead, it would make more sense that they construct a new object without copying the FactorGraph or RegionGraph. Or they can simply be made methods of the general InfAlg class.

Use a PropertySet as output of an InfAlg, instead of functions like maxDiff() and Iterations().

Class dai::RegionGraph

Generalize the definition of region graphs to the one given in [YFW05], i.e., replace the current implementation which uses a BipartiteGraph with one that uses a DAG.

The outer regions are products of factors; right now, this product is constantly cached: changing one factor results in an update of all relevant outer regions. This may not be the most efficient approach; an alternative would be to only precompute the factor products at the start of an inference algorithm - e.g., in init(). This has the additional advantage that FactorGraph e can offer write access to its factors.

Class dai::State
Make the State class a more prominent part of libDAI (and document it clearly, explaining the concept of state); add more optimized variants of the State class like IndexFor (e.g. for TFactor<>::slice()).
File doc.h

Adapt (part of the) guidelines in

Use "gcc -MM" to generate dependencies for targets:

Disentangle structures. In particular, ensure that graphical properties are not entangled with probabilistic properties. For example, a FactorGraph contains several components:

  • a BipartiteGraph
  • an array of variable labels
  • an array of variable state space sizes
  • an array of pointers to factor value vectors In this way, each factor could be implemented differently, e.g., we could have some sparse factors, some noisy-OR factors, some dense factors, some arbitrary precision factors, etcetera.

Use boost::uBLAS framework to deal with matrices, especially, with 2D sparse matrices. See However: I read somewhere that boost::uBLAS concentrates more on correct implementation than on performance.

File hak.h
Implement more general region graphs and corresponding Generalized Belief Propagation updates as described in [YFW05].