
This example shows how to use the EMAlg class.

/* This file is part of libDAI -
* Copyright (c) 2006-2011, The libDAI authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dai/alldai.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
using namespace dai;
int main() {
// This example program illustrates how to learn the
// parameters of a Bayesian network from a sample of
// the sprinkler network discussed at
// The factor graph file (sprinkler.fg) has to be generated first
// by running example_sprinkler, and the data sample file
// ( by running example_sprinkler_gibbs
// Read the factorgraph from the file
FactorGraph SprinklerNetwork;
SprinklerNetwork.ReadFromFile( "sprinkler.fg" );
// Prepare junction-tree object for doing exact inference for E-step
PropertySet infprops;
infprops.set( "verbose", (size_t)1 );
infprops.set( "updates", string("HUGIN") );
InfAlg* inf = newInfAlg( "JTREE", SprinklerNetwork, infprops );
// Read sample from file
ifstream estream( "" );
e.addEvidenceTabFile( estream, SprinklerNetwork );
cout << "Number of samples: " << e.nrSamples() << endl;
// Read EM specification
ifstream emstream( "sprinkler.em" );
EMAlg em(e, *inf, emstream);
// Iterate EM until convergence
while( !em.hasSatisfiedTermConditions() ) {
Real l = em.iterate();
cout << "Iteration " << em.Iterations() << " likelihood: " << l <<endl;
// Output true factor graph
cout << endl << "True factor graph:" << endl << "##################" << endl;
cout << SprinklerNetwork;
// Output learned factor graph
cout << endl << "Learned factor graph:" << endl << "#####################" << endl;
cout << inf->fg();
// Clean up
delete inf;
return 0;