
This example shows how one can use approximate inference in factor graphs on a simple vision task: given two images, identify smooth regions where these two images differ more than some threshold. This can be used to seperate foreground from background if one image contains the background and the other one the combination of background and foreground.

In order to build this example, a recent version of CImg needs to be installed.
/* This file is part of libDAI -
* Copyright (c) 2006-2011, The libDAI authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iostream>
#include <dai/alldai.h> // Include main libDAI header file
#include <CImg.h> // This example needs CImg to be installed
using namespace dai;
using namespace std;
using namespace cimg_library;
template<class T>
FactorGraph img2fg( const CImg<T> &img, double J, double th_min, double th_max, double scale, double pbg, CImg<unsigned char> &evidence ) {
vector<Var> vars;
vector<Factor> factors;
#ifndef NEW_CIMG
size_t dimx = img.width; // Width of the image in pixels
size_t dimy = img.height; // Height of the image in pixels
size_t dimx = img.width(); // Width of the image in pixels
size_t dimy = img.height(); // Height of the image in pixels
size_t N = dimx * dimy; // One variable for each pixel
// Create variables
cout << " Image width: " << dimx << endl;
cout << " Image height: " << dimy << endl;
cout << " Pairwise interaction strength: " << J << endl;
cout << " Minimal local evidence strength: " << th_min << endl;
cout << " Maximal local evidence strength: " << th_max << endl;
cout << " Scale of pixel values: " << scale << endl;
cout << " Percentage of background: " << pbg << endl;
cout << " Creating " << N << " variables..." << endl;
// Reserve memory for the variables
vars.reserve( N );
// Create a binary variable for each pixel
for( size_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
vars.push_back( Var( i, 2 ) );
// Build image histogram
CImg<float> hist = img.get_channel( 0 ).get_histogram( 256, 0, 255 );
size_t cum_hist = 0;
// Find the critical level which corresponds with the seperation
// between foreground and background, assuming that the percentage
// of pixels in the image that belong to the background is pbg
size_t level = 0;
for( level = 0; level < 256; level++ ) {
cum_hist += (size_t)hist(level);
if( cum_hist > pbg * dimx * dimy / 100.0 )
// Create factors
cout << " Creating " << (3 * N - dimx - dimy) << " factors..." << endl;
// Reserve memory for the factors
factors.reserve( 3 * N - dimx - dimy );
// th_avg is the local field strength that would correspond with pixel value level
// th_width is the width of the local field strength range
double th_avg = (th_min + th_max) / 2.0;
double th_width = (th_max - th_min) / 2.0;
// For each pixel
for( size_t i = 0; i < dimx; i++ )
for( size_t j = 0; j < dimy; j++ ) {
// Add a pairwise interaction with the left neighboring pixel
if( i >= 1 )
factors.push_back( createFactorIsing( vars[i*dimy+j], vars[(i-1)*dimy+j], J ) );
// Add a pairwise interaction with the upper neighboring pixel
if( j >= 1 )
factors.push_back( createFactorIsing( vars[i*dimy+j], vars[i*dimy+(j-1)], J ) );
// Get the pixel value
double x = img(i,j);
// Apply the nonlinear transformation to get the local field strength
double th = th_avg + th_width * tanh( (x - level) / scale );
// Add a single-variable interaction with strength th
factors.push_back( createFactorIsing( vars[i*dimy+j], th ) );
// For visualization, we calculate a grayscale level corresponding to the local field strength
unsigned char g = (unsigned char)((tanh(th) + 1.0) / 2.0 * 255.0);
// and store it in the evidence image
if( g > 127 ) {
evidence(i,j,0) = 255;
evidence(i,j,1) = 2 * (g - 127);
evidence(i,j,2) = 2 * (g - 127);
} else {
evidence(i,j,0) = 0;
evidence(i,j,1) = 0;
evidence(i,j,2) = 2*g;
// Create the factor graph out of the variables and factors
cout << "Creating the factor graph..." << endl;
return FactorGraph( factors.begin(), factors.end(), vars.begin(), vars.end(), factors.size(), vars.size() );
double doInference( FactorGraph& fg, string algOpts, size_t maxIter, double tol, vector<double> &m, size_t dimx, size_t dimy, CImgDisplay &disp ) {
// Construct inference algorithm
cout << "Inference algorithm: " << algOpts << endl;
cout << "Constructing inference algorithm object..." << endl;
InfAlg* ia = newInfAlgFromString( algOpts, fg );
// Initialize inference algorithm
cout << "Initializing inference algorithm..." << endl;
// Initialize vector for storing the magnetizations
m = vector<double>( fg.nrVars(), 0.0 );
// Construct an image that will hold the intermediate single-variable beliefs
CImg<unsigned char> image( dimx, dimy, 1, 3 );
// maxDiff stores the current convergence level
double maxDiff = 1.0;
// Iterate while maximum number of iterations has not been
// reached and requested convergence level has not been reached
cout << "Starting inference algorithm..." << endl;
for( size_t iter = 0; iter < maxIter && maxDiff > tol; iter++ ) {
// Set magnetizations to beliefs
for( size_t i = 0; i < fg.nrVars(); i++ )
m[i] = ia->beliefV(i)[1] - ia->beliefV(i)[0];
// For each pixel, calculate a color coded magnetization
// and store it in the image for visualization
for( size_t i = 0; i < dimx; i++ )
for( size_t j = 0; j < dimy; j++ ) {
unsigned char g = (unsigned char)((m[i*dimy+j] + 1.0) / 2.0 * 255.0);
if( g > 127 ) {
image(i,j,0) = 255;
image(i,j,1) = 2 * (g - 127);
image(i,j,2) = 2 * (g - 127);
} else {
image(i,j,0) = 0;
image(i,j,1) = 0;
image(i,j,2) = 2*g;
// Display the image with the current beliefs
#ifndef NEW_CIMG
disp << image;
disp = image;
// Perform the requested inference algorithm for only one step
ia->setMaxIter( iter + 1 );
maxDiff = ia->run();
// Output progress
cout << " Iterations = " << iter << ", maxDiff = " << maxDiff << endl;
cout << "Finished inference algorithm" << endl;
// Clean up inference algorithm
delete ia;
// Return reached convergence level
return maxDiff;
int main(int argc,char **argv) {
cout << "This program is part of libDAI -" << endl;
cout << "(Use the option -h for getting help with the command line arguments.)" << endl;
// Display program usage, when invoked from the command line with option '-h'
cimg_usage( "This example shows how libDAI can be used for a simple image segmentation task" );
// Get command line arguments
const char* file_i1 = cimg_option( "-i1", "example_img_in1.jpg", "Input image 1" );
const char* file_i2 = cimg_option( "-i2", "example_img_in2.jpg", "Input image 2" );
const char* file_o1 = cimg_option( "-o1", "example_img_out1.jpg", "Output image (local evidence)" );
const char* file_o2 = cimg_option( "-o2", "example_img_out2.jpg", "Output image (magnetizations)" );
const double J = cimg_option( "-J", 2.4, "Pairwise interaction strength (i.e., smoothing strength)" );
const double th_min = cimg_option( "-thmin", -3.0, "Local evidence strength of background" );
const double th_max = cimg_option( "-thmax", 3.2, "Local evidence strength of foreground" );
const double scale = cimg_option( "-scale", 40.0, "Typical difference in pixel values between fore- and background" );
const double pbg = cimg_option( "-pbg", 90.0, "Percentage of background in image" );
const char *infname = cimg_option( "-method", "BP[updates=SEQMAX,maxiter=1,tol=1e-9,logdomain=0]", "Inference method in format name[key1=val1,...,keyn=valn]" );
const size_t maxiter = cimg_option( "-maxiter", 100, "Maximum number of iterations for inference method" );
const double tol = cimg_option( "-tol", 1e-9, "Desired tolerance level for inference method" );
const char *file_fg = cimg_option( "-fg", "", "Output factor graph" );
// Read input images
cout << endl;
cout << "Reading input image 1 (" << file_i1 << ")..." << endl;
CImg<unsigned char> image1 = CImg<>( file_i1 );
cout << "Reading input image 2 (" << file_i2 << ")..." << endl;
CImg<unsigned char> image2 = CImg<>( file_i2 );
// Check image sizes
#ifndef NEW_CIMG
if( (image1.width != image2.width) || (image1.height != image2.height) )
cerr << "Error: input images should have same size." << endl;
size_t dimx = image1.width;
size_t dimy = image1.height;
if( (image1.width() != image2.width()) || (image1.height() != image2.height()) )
cerr << "Error: input images should have same size." << endl;
size_t dimx = image1.width();
size_t dimy = image1.height();
// Display input images
cout << "Displaying input image 1..." << endl;
CImgDisplay disp1( image1, "Input image 1", 0 );
cout << "Displaying input image 2..." << endl;
CImgDisplay disp2( image2, "Input image 2", 0 );
// Construct absolute difference image
cout << "Constructing difference image..." << endl;
CImg<int> image3( image1 );
image3 -= image2;
// Normalize difference image
image3.norm( 1 ); // 1 = L1, 2 = L2, -1 = Linf
// Normalize the difference by the average value of the background image
for( size_t i = 0; i < dimx; i++ ) {
for( size_t j = 0; j < dimy; j++ ) {
int avg = 0;
#ifndef NEW_CIMG
for( int c = 0; c < image1.dimv(); c++ )
avg += image1( i, j, c );
avg /= image1.dimv();
for( int c = 0; c < image1.spectrum(); c++ )
avg += image1( i, j, c );
avg /= image1.spectrum();
image3( i, j, 0 ) /= (1.0 + avg / 255.0);
image3.normalize( 0, 255 );
// Display difference image
cout << "Displaying difference image..." << endl;
CImgDisplay disp3( image3, "Relative difference of both inputs", 0 );
// Convert difference image into a factor graph and store
// the local evidence in image4 for visualization
CImg<unsigned char> image4( dimx, dimy, 1, 3 );
cout << "Converting difference image into factor graph..." << endl;
FactorGraph fg = img2fg( image3, J, th_min, th_max, scale, pbg, image4 );
// Display local evidence
cout << "Displaying local evidence..." << endl;
CImgDisplay disp4( image4, "Local evidence", 0 );
cout << "Saving local evidence as JPEG in " << file_o1 << endl;
image4.save_jpeg( file_o1, 100 );
if( strlen( file_fg ) > 0 ) {
cout << "Saving factor graph as " << file_fg << endl;
fg.WriteToFile( file_fg );
// Solve the inference problem and visualize intermediate steps
CImgDisplay disp5( dimx, dimy, "Beliefs during inference", 0 );
vector<double> m; // Stores the final magnetizations
cout << "Solving the inference problem...please be patient!" << endl;
doInference( fg, infname, maxiter, tol, m, dimx, dimy, disp5 );
// Visualize the final magnetizations
for( size_t i = 0; i < dimx; i++ )
for( size_t j = 0; j < dimy; j++ ) {
unsigned char g = (unsigned char)((m[i*dimy+j] + 1.0) / 2.0 * 255.0);
if( g > 127 ) {
image4(i,j,0) = image2(i,j,0);
image4(i,j,1) = image2(i,j,1);
image4(i,j,2) = image2(i,j,2);
} else
#ifndef NEW_CIMG
for( size_t c = 0; c < (size_t)image4.dimv(); c++ )
image4(i,j,c) = 255;
for( size_t c = 0; c < (size_t)image4.spectrum(); c++ )
image4(i,j,c) = 255;
cout << "Displaying the final result of the segmentation problem..." << endl;
CImgDisplay main_disp( image4, "Foreground/background segmentation result", 0 );
cout << "Saving the final result of the segmentation problem as JPEG in " << file_o2 << endl;
image4.save_jpeg( file_o2, 100 );
cout << "Close the last image display in order to finish." << endl;
#ifndef NEW_CIMG
while( !main_disp.is_closed )
cimg::wait( 40 );
while( !main_disp.is_closed() )
cimg::wait( 40 );
return 0;