Postdoc in Computational Social Choice

I will soon advertise a 2-year postdoc position in computational social choice, for someone to start in 2022 (ideally in September, but there is some flexibility).

If you have recently finished or are about to finish your PhD in computational social choice, then I would very much like to hear from you. It's helpful if you get in touch even before the formal job ad is out. If your main research topic so far has been something else, but you have recently moved towards computational social choice (say, you have just published your first paper in the area), then you might very well be a great candidate, so please don't hesitate to contact me. We have a large and friendly group working in the area. I especially would like to encourage women to apply for this position.

The position is financed by a project on "collective information", the basic philosophy of which is outlined in my AAAI-2020 Blue Sky Ideas paper. Have a look at this to see whether you would like to work on problems of this kind.

Offical job ad now out. Apply by 25 May 2022!