January 15, 2007
O P - S F N E T Volume 14, Number 1
Diego Dominici dominicd@newpaltz.edu
Martin Muldoon muldoon@yorku.ca
The Electronic News Net of the SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions
Please send contributions to: poly@siam.org
Subscribe by mailing to: poly-request@siam.org
or to: listproc@nist.gov
o --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
Today’s Topics:
1. OP-SF NET format and delivery
2. Lee Lorch gets major MAA award
3. Preprints in arXiv.org
4. About the Activity Group
5. Submitting contributions to OP-SF NET
Calendar of Events:
13.6 #2
13.6 #3
13.6 #1
13.4 #2
13.6 #4
13.5 #1
14.1 #1
Topic #1 ---------- OP-SF NET 14.1 ---------- January 15, 2007
From: OP-SF NET Editors
Subject: OP-SF NET format and delivery
Since its inception the version of OP-SF NET mailed to subscribers has been in a simple text format. This had the advantage of small file-size and no special software being needed by readers. With the passage of time these desiderata have become less crucial and we have begun to discuss alternate formats and modes of delivery. The present issue is being sent in two formats, the usual text-only format within the body of an email and a .htm version as an attachment. Comments on this change and further suggestions will be welcomed by the editors.
Topic #2 ---------- OP-SF NET 14.1 ---------- January 15, 2007
From: OP-SF NET Editors
Subject: Lee Lorch gets major MAA award
Lee Lorch, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at York University, received the Mathematical Association of America's "Yueh-Gin Gung and Dr. Charles Y. Hu Distinguished Service to Mathematics Award" on January 6, 2007, during the Joint Mathematics Meetings in New Orleans. This award is the most prestigious award for service offered by the Association. It honors distinguished contributions to mathematics and mathematical education – in one particular aspect or many, and in a short period or over a career.
Lee Lorch's mathematical research has been in the areas of analysis, differential equations, and special functions. In the Award citation, he was described as a remarkable teacher of mathematics and an inspiration to his students and as a vocal advocate and energetic worker for human rights and educational opportunities for women and minorities.
In accepting the award, Lee wrote: "While this award honors me, it gives me even greater satisfaction that, by making it, the MAA emphasizes its support for equity." But he also noted that "this fight is far from over" pointing to the plight of Katrina and post-Katrina New Orleans.
For further information, see:
Topic #3 ---------- OP-SF NET 14.1 ---------- January 15, 2007
From: OP-SF NET Editors
Subject: Preprints in arXiv.org
The following preprints related to the fields of orthogonal polynomials and special functions were posted or cross-listed to one of the subcategories of arXiv.org during recent months.
The items from September and October 2006 were inadvertently omitted from the original mailing of our November 15, 2006 issue but were added to some of the later issues.
Hence we give here four months worth of items.
We begin with November and December 2006 and follow these with those for September and October 2006
November and December 2006
Title: On The Chaotic Asymptotics of Ramanujan’s Entire Function $A_q(z)$
Authors: Ruiming Zhang
Comments: 12 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Complex Variables
MSC-class: 33D45; 33E05
Title: Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities and interpolation by spherical harmonics
Authors: Jordi Marzo
Subj-class: Functional Analysis; Complex Variables
MSC-class: 94A20; 33C55; 65T40
Title: Factorization formulas for Macdonald polynomials
Authors: Francois Descouens (IGM), Hideaki Morita (Oyama College)
Subj-class: Combinatorics
Title: Macdonald polynomials and multivariable basic hypergeometric series
Authors: Michael J. Schlosser
Comments: 30 pages; dedicated to the memory of Vadim Kuznetsov
Subj-class: Combinatorics; Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 33D52 (Primary) 15A09, 33D67 (Secondary)
Title: Remarks on Ramanujan Function $A_{q}(z)$
Authors: Ruiming Zhang
Comments: 8 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Complex Variables
MSC-class: 30E15;33D45
Title: An Inequality for Basic Confluent Hypergeometric Series
Authors: Ruiming Zhang
Comments: 5 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Complex Variables
MSC-class: 30E15;33D45
Title: A New Changhee q-Euler Numbers and Polynomials Associated with p-Adic q-Integrals
Authors: Taekyun Kim, SAeog-Hoon Rim
Comments: 8 pages
Subj-class: Number Theory
MSC-class: 11B68, 11S80
Title: On the Twisted q-Euler numbers and polynomials associated with basic q-l-functions
Authors: T. Kim, S. H. Rim
Comments: 8 pages
Subj-class: Number Theory
MSC-class: 11B68
Title: Polynomials with real zeros and Polya frequency sequences
Authors: Yi Wang, Y.-N. Yeh
Comments: 12 pages
Subj-class: Combinatorics
MSC-class: 05A20; 26C10
Journal-ref: J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 109 (2005) 63--74
Title: $q$-Eulerian polynomials and polynomials with only real zeros
Authors: Simon S. -M. Ma, Yi Wang
Comments: 8 pages
Subj-class: Combinatorics
MSC-class: 05A20; 26C10
Title: Remark on the paper “Asymptotic behavior of polynomials orthonormal on a homogeneous set”
Authors: F. Peherstorfer, P. Yuditskii
Subj-class: Spectral Theory; Complex Variables
Title: Orthogonality within the Families of C-, S-, and E-Functions of Any Compact Semisimple Lie Group
Authors: Robert V. Moody, Jiri Patera
Comments: Published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA/
Subj-class: Mathematical Physics; Classical Analysis and ODEs
Journal-ref: SIGMA 2 (2006), 076, 14 pages
Title: A physical application of $g$-function
Authors: Sang-Hoon Kim
Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures
Subj-class: Mathematical Physics
Title: Plancherel-Rotach Asymptotics for Stieltjes-Wigert Orthogonal with Complex Scaling
Authors: Ruiming Zhang
Comments: 22 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Complex Variables
MSC-class: 30E15; 33D45
Title: Plancherel-Rotach Asymptotics for $q$-Laguerre Orthogonal Polynomials with Complex Scaling
Authors: Ruiming Zhang
Comments: 22 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Complex Variables
MSC-class: 30E15;33D45
Title: Plancherel-Rotach Asymptotics for Ismail-Masson Orthogonal Polynomials with Complex Scaling
Authors: Ruiming Zhang
Comments: 22 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Complex Variables
MSC-class: 30E15; 33D45
Title: K-Nomial Coefficients
Authors: Florentin Smarandache
Comments: 4 pages
Subj-class: General Mathematics
MSC-class: 11B65; 05A10
Journal-ref: In G\’en\’eralisations et G\’en\’eralit\’es, by F. Smarandache, Ed. Nouvelle, F\‘es, pp. 24-26, 1984
Title: Extension of the Bernoulli and Eulerian Polynomials of Higher Order and Vector Partition Function
Authors: Boris Y. Rubinstein
Comments: 18 pages
Subj-class: Combinatorics; Number Theory
MSC-class: 11P81; 11B68
Title: Classical orthogonal polynomials. A general difference calculus approach
Authors: R. S. Costas-Santos
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 33C45, 42C05
Title: Positive polynomials in scalar and matrix variables, the spectral theorem and optimization
Authors: John William Helton, Mihai Putinar
Comments: 106 pages, survey
Subj-class: Functional Analysis; Optimization and Control
MSC-class: 11E25, 12D15, 47B15, 65K10
Title: Moments of the Riemann zeta-function
Authors: K. Soundararajan
Comments: 11 pages
Subj-class: Number Theory
Title: Plancherel-Rotach Asymptotics for $q$-Series
Authors: Ruiming Zhang
Comments: 115 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Complex Variables
Title: Resonance relations, holomorphic trace functions and hypergeometric solutions to qKZB and Macdonald-Ruijsenaars equations
Authors: K. Styrkas, A. Varchenko
Comments: 57 pages; table of contents added; misprints corrected
Subj-class: Quantum Algebra; Representation Theory
MSC-class: 81R05; 17B37
Title: The Bivariate Rogers-Szegö Polynomials
Authors: William Y. C. Chen, Husam L. Saad, Lisa H. Sun
Comments: 12 pages
Subj-class: Combinatorics
MSC-class: 05A30, 33D45
Title: Two variable deformations of the Chebyshev measure
Authors: Jeffrey S. Geronimo, Plamen Iliev
Comments: 16 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
Title: Statistical regularities in the zeta zeros
Authors: A. M. Edgington
Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures
Subj-class: Number Theory
MSC-class: 11M26
Title: Pascal arrays: counting Catalan sets
Authors: Robert J Marsh, Paul Martin
Comments: 55 pages, 28 figures, the source file is catalan4.tex
Subj-class: Combinatorics; Representation Theory
MSC-class: 05A15; 05C38
Title: The vector-valued big q-Jacobi transform
Authors: Wolter Groenevelt
Comments: 35 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Quantum Algebra
Title: Polynomials, roots, and interlacing
Authors: Steve Fisk
Comments: 770 pages, 69 figures, 23 chapters
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 12D10, 26C10, 30C15
Title: All order epsilon-expansion of Gauss hypergeometric functions with integer and half/integer values of parameters
Authors: M.Yu.Kalmykov (Baylor U. & Dubna, JINR), B.F.L.Ward, S.Yost (Baylor U.)
Comments: 18 pages, JHEP3.cls The code (FORM) is available via http://theor.jinr.ru/~kalmykov/hypergeom/hyper.html
Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics; Computational Physics; Symbolic Computation; Classical Analysis and ODEs
Title: Universality for orthogonal and symplectic Laguerre-type ensembles
Authors: Percy Deift, Dimitri Gioev, Thomas Kriecherbauer, Maarten Vanlessen
Comments: 75 pages
Subj-class: Mathematical Physics
MSC-class: 15A52
Title: Special functions and the Mellin transforms of Laguerre and Hermite functions
Authors: Mark W. Coffey
Comments: 23 pages, no figures, to appear in Analysis
Subj-class: Mathematical Physics; Complex Variables
MSC-class: 33C05, 33C15, 42C05, 44A15, 44A20
Title: Theta and Riemann xi function representations from harmonic oscillator eigensolutions
Authors: Mark W. Coffey
Comments: 15 pages, no figures, appears in Phys. Lett. A
Subj-class: Mathematical Physics
MSC-class: 33C05, 42C05, 44A15, 44A20
and October 2006
Title: Fourth-order Bessel-type special functions: a survey
Authors: W. N. Everitt
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 33C10; 34B05; 34L05
Title: p-adic q-expansion of alternating sums of powers
Authors: Taekyun Kim
Comments: 12 pages
Subj-class: Number Theory
MSC-class: 11S80, 11B68, 11m98
Title: Pade and Hermite-Pade approximation and orthogonality
Authors: Walter Van Assche
Comments: 31 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Numerical Analysis
MSC-class: 41A21; 41A28; 42C05; 33C45
Journal-ref: Surveys in Approximation Theory 2 (2006), 61-91
Title: Hyperbolic Schwarz map for the hypergeometric differential equation
Authors: Takeshi Sasaki, Kotaro Yamada, Masaaki Yoshida
Comments: 16 pages, 8 figures
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 33C05, 53C42
Title: Fibonacci numbers and orthogonal polynomials
Authors: Christian Berg
Subj-class: Number Theory; Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 11B39;33D45
Title: Convexity of the median in the gamma distribution
Authors: Christian Berg, Henrik L. Pedersen
Subj-class: Probability; Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 60E05;41A60;33B15
Title: Asymptotics of the Airy-kernel determinant
Authors: P. Deift, A. Its, I. Krasovsky
Comments: 41 pages, 6 figures
Subj-class: Functional Analysis; Mathematical Physics
Title: Some identities and formulas involving generalized Catalan numbers
Authors: Siu-Ah Ng
Comments: 19 pages, 7 figures
Subj-class: Combinatorics
Title: On Plouffe’s Ramanujan Identities
Authors: Linas Vepstas
Comments: 16 pages, 3 figures
Subj-class: Number Theory; Combinatorics
MSC-class: 11M06
Title: Multiple series connected to Hoffman’s conjecture on multiple zeta values
Authors: Stephane Fischle
Comments: 22 pages
Subj-class: Number Theory
MSC-class: 33C20, 33C70, 11M06, 11J20, 11J72
Title: Introduction to spectral methods
Authors: Philippe Grandclement (LUTH)
Comments: 20 pages, 15 figures
Subj-class: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology; Spectral Theory; Computational Physics
Journal-ref: Stellar fluid dynamics and numerical simulations: from the sun to neutron stars, France (2006) 153
Title: Criterion for polynomial solutions to a class of linear differential equation of second order
Authors: Nasser Saad, Richard L. Hall, Hakan Ciftci
Comments: 12 pages
Subj-class: Mathematical Physics
MSC-class: 34B40; 81Q05; 81Q15
Title: Iterative solution of differential equations
Authors: Paolo Amore, Hakan Ciftci, Francisco M. Fernandez
Comments: 12 pages
Subj-class: Mathematical Physics
Title: Single polymer dynamics in elongational flow and the confluent Heun equation
Authors: D. Vincenzi, E. Bodenschatz
Comments: 9 pages, 6 figures
Subj-class: Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems; Mathematical
Physics; Soft Condensed Matter
Journal-ref: J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., vol. 39, pp. 10691-10701 (2006)
Title: The Continuing Story of Zeta
Authors: Graham Everest, Christian Roettger, Tom Ward
Comments: Extra references added
Subj-class: Number Theory; General Mathematics
MSC-class: 11M06
Title: On Erd\’{e}lyi-Magnus-Nevai conjecture for Jacobi polynomials
Authors: Ilia Krasikov
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 33C45
Title: An upper bound on Jacobi polynomials
Authors: Ilia Krasikov
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 33C45
Title: A matrix Rodrigues formula for classical orthogonal polynomials in two variables
Authors: A. Alvarez de Morales, L. Fernandez, T. E. Perez, M. A. Piñar
Comments: 17 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 42C05 (Primary) 33C50 (Secondary)
Title: A semiclassical perspective on multivariate orthogonal polynomials
Authors: M. Alvarez de Morales, L. Fernandez, T. E. Perez, M. A. Piñar
Comments: 10 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 42C05 (Primary) 33C50 (Secondary)
Title: Actions on permutations and unimodality of descent polynomials
Authors: Petter Branden
Comments: 18 pages
Subj-class: Combinatorics
MSC-class: 06A0; 05A05; 05E99;13F55
Title: Asymptotics of a ${}_3F_2$ polynomial associated with the Catalan-Larcombe-French sequence
Authors: Nico M. Temme
Comments: 10 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in Analysis and Applications
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 41A60; 33C20; 11B83; 33C10
Title: Gaussian hypergeometric series and extensions of supercongruences
Authors: Robert Osburn, Carsten Schneider
Comments: 28 pages
Subj-class: Number Theory
MSC-class: 11F33, 33F10, 11S80
Title: Random Matrix Theory and the Sixth Painlev\’e Equation
Authors: P.J. Forrester, N.S. Witte
Comments: Dedicated to the centenary of the publication of the Painlevé VI equation in the Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences de Paris by Richard Fuchs in 1905
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Mathematical Physics
MSC-class: 05E35; 39A05; 37F10; 33C45; 34M55
Journal-ref: J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. {\bf 39}, 12211-12233 (2006)
Title: Difference independence of the Riemann zeta function
Authors: Yik-Man Chiang, Shaoji Feng
Comments: To appear in Acta Arithmetica
Subj-class: Complex Variables; Number Theory
MSC-class: 10H05, 30D35
Title: The generalized-Euler-constant function $\gamma(z)$ and a generalization of Somos’s quadratic recurrence constant
Authors: Jonathan Sondow, Petros Hadjicostas
Comments: 26 pages, 2 figures, to appear in J. Math. Anal. Appl
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Number Theory
MSC-class: 11M35, 11Y55, 11Y60, 33B15, 33B30, 40A05, 40A20
Title: Finite q-identities related to well-known theorems of Euler and Gauss
Authors: Johann Cigler
Comments: 10 pages
Subj-class: Combinatorics
MSC-class: 05A30; 11B65
Title: Special Solutions of the Sixth Painleve Equation with Solvable Monodromy
Authors: Kazuo Kaneko, Shoji Okumura
Comments: 15 pages, 6 figures
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 34M55; 33E17
Title: Semidefinite programming, multivariate orthogonal polynomials, and codes in spherical caps
Authors: Christine Bachoc, Frank Vallentin
Comments: 14 pages
Subj-class: Metric Geometry; Combinatorics
MSC-class: 52C17, 90C22
Title: Controllability of the Laguerre and the Jacobi Equations
Authors: Diomedes Barcenas, Hugo Leiva, Yamilet Quintana, Wilfredo Urbina
Comments: 10 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Analysis of PDEs
MSC-class: 93B05; 93C25
Title: Zeros of OPUC and Long Time Asymptotics of Schur and Related Flows
Authors: Barry Simon
Subj-class: Spectral Theory
MSC-class: 05E25; 37K10; 39A11
Title: Poisson Brackets of Orthogonal Polynomials
Authors: Maria Jose Cantero, Barry Simon
Subj-class: Spectral Theory
MSC-class: 05E25; 37K10; 53D17
Title: Nonlinear Integral-Equation Formulation of Orthogonal Polynomials
Authors: Carl M. Bender, E. Ben-Naim
Comments: 7 pages
Subj-class: Mathematical Physics
Title: Examples of Feynman-Jackson integrals
Authors: Rafael Diaz, Eddy Pariguan
Comments: 5 figures, 10 pages
Subj-class: Mathematical Physics
Title: Hypergeometric solutions to ultradiscrete Painleve equations
Authors: Chris M. Ormerod
Comments: 10 pages, 2 figures
Subj-class: Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
Title: Relations for zeros of special polynomials associated to the
Painleve equations
Authors: Nikolai A. Kudryashov, Maria V. Demina
Comments: 17 pages, 5 figures
Subj-class: Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
Topic #4 ---------- OP-SF NET 14.1 ---------- January 15, 2007
From: OP-SF NET Editors
Subject: About the Activity Group
The SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions consists of a broad set of mathematicians, both pure and applied. The Group also includes engineers and scientists, students as well as experts. We have around 140 members scattered about in more than 20 countries. Whatever your specialty might be, we welcome your participation in this classical, and yet modern, topic.
Our WWW home page is:
This is a convenient point of entry to all the services provided by the Group.
Our Webmaster is Bonita Saunders (bonita.saunders@nist.gov).
The Activity Group sponsors OP-SF NET, which is transmitted periodically by SIAM. It is provided as a free public service; membership in SIAM is not required.
The OP-SF Net Editors are Diego Dominici (dominicd@newpaltz.edu) and Martin Muldoon (muldoon@yorku.ca).
To receive the OP-SF NET, send your name and email address to
Back issues can be obtained at the WWW addresses:
For several years the Activity Group sponsored a printed Newsletter, most recently edited by Rafael Yanez. Back issues are accessible at:
Given the widespread availability of email and the Internet, the need for the printed Newsletter has decreased. Discussions are underway concerning whether an annual printed Newsletter or Annual Report should be instituted.
SIAM has several categories of membership, including low-cost categories for students and residents of developing countries. For current information on SIAM and Activity Group membership, contact:
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 USA
phone: +1-215-382-9800
email: service@siam.org
WWW : http://www.siam.org
Finally, the Activity Group operates an email discussion group, called OP-SF Talk. To subscribe, send the email message
subscribe opsftalk Your Name
To contribute an item to the discussion, send email to opsftalk@nist.gov. The archive of all messages is accessible at:
Topic #5 ---------- OP-SF NET 14.1 ---------- January 15, 2007
From: OP-SF NET Editors
Subject: Submitting contributions to OP-SF NET
To contribute a news item to OP-SF NET, send email to poly@siam.org with a copy to one of the OP-SF Editors <dominicd@newpaltz.edu> or <muldoon@yorku.ca>.
Contributions to OP-SF NET 14.3 should be sent by March 1, 2007.
o-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o
OP-SF NET is a forum of the SIAM Activity Group on Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials. We disseminate your contributions on anything of interest to the special functions and orthogonal polynomials community. This includes announcements of conferences, forthcoming books, new software, electronic archives, research questions, job openings.
Send submissions to: poly@siam.org
Subscribe by mailing to: poly-request@siam.org
or to: listproc@nist.gov
Back issues can be obtained at the WWW addresses:
WWW home page of this Activity Group:
Information on joining SIAM and this activity group: service@siam.org
The elected Officers of the Activity Group (2005-2007) are:
Peter A. Clarkson, Chair
Daniel W. Lozier, Vice Chair
Javier Segura, Secretary
Peter A. McCoy, Program Director
The appointed officers are:
Diego Dominici, OP-SF NET co-editor
Martin Muldoon, OP-SF NET co-editor
Bonita Saunders, Webmaster