Some links on Fourier analysis and wavelets
Fourier analysis
The Mathematical Atlas. 42 Fourier analysis
standing waves
(animaties en geluid)
Numerical Harmonic Analysis Group, University of Vienna
(Hans G. Feichtinger)
Homepage for A.J.E.M.Janssen
Fast Fourier Analysis on Groups
(Dan Rockmore)
Wavelet Digest
Gallery of links
Surfing the wavelets
(a tutorial)
A wavelet tour of signal processing
, a short presentation by F. Chaplais of S. Mallat's book
JPEG 2000
Biomedical Imaging Group, Ecole Polytechnique Lausanne
Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, historical background
MR/1 Multiscale Analysis Software
WSQ fingerprint image compression/decompression executables
(by Mladen Victor Wickerhauser)
to Tom Koornwinder's home page