FUNCTION: zeilb - summation of terminating hypergeometric series by Zeilberger's algorithm. Copyright 1992, 1996, 1998, 2000 by Tom H. Koornwinder ( VERSION: December 9, 2000, for Maple 6. The 1992 version was a completely rewritten version of a Maple procedure ident_prover.maple by D. Zeilberger. The 1996 version was adapted to Maple V, Release 3 and 4. The 1998 version was adapted to Maple V, Release 4 and 5. The present version works in Maple 6, as well as in Maple V, Release 4 and 5. CALLING SEQUENCE: zeilb([a1, a2, ... ], [b1, b2, ... ], z, f(n), l, t) PARAMETERS: [a1, a2, ... ] - list of numerator coefficients [b1, b2, ... ] - list of denominator coefficients z - argument of hypergeometric function n - truncate hypergeometric series as a sum from 0 to n f(n) - user proposed name of truncated hypergeometric series as function of n l - required order of recurrence looked for in Zeilberger's algorithm t - optional, positive integer determining talklevel of output, default max(1,printlevel) DESCRIPTION: - The function zeilb(a,b,z,f(n),l) tries to evaluate (if l=0 or 1) the truncated hypergeometric series f(n):=sum(fac(a1,k) * fac(a2,k) ... / (fac(b1,k) * fac(b2,k) * ... ) / k! * z^k, k=0..n) where the shifted factorial fac(c,k) is defined as GAMMA(c+k) / GAMMA(c) If l>1 then the function tries to find a recurrence relation in n of order l for this series. - If l>=1 then one of the numerator coefficients must equal -n. - If l=0 then Gosper's algorithm is applied. - If l=0 or 1 and if evaluation of the sum is possible for all n=0,1,2, ... as a quotient of products of shifted factorials then the function will return in this form, with the notation fac(c,k) being used for the shifted factorial. - In all other cases, where the algorithm succeeds, the function will return as a recurrence expressing f(n) in terms of f(n-1), f(n-2), ... , f(n-l), followed by the inequality n>n1 for which the recurrence is valid. - If the algorithm fails then nothing is returned. - If l>0, t>2 and the algorithm succeeds then a short proof of the outcome will be printed. There f(n,k) will denote the k th term of f(n). - This function should be defined by inputting the file zeilb with the read command. - The code has been tested in Maple 6 EXAMPLES: > read zeilb: > zeilb([-n,b],[c],1,f(n),1); fac(-b + c, n) -------------- fac(c, n) > zeilb([b],[ ],1,f(n),0); (b + n) fac(b, n) ----------------- fac(1, n) b > zeilb([-n,b,c+1],[b+1,c],1,f(n),1); n f(n - 1) ----------, 1 < n b + n > zeilb([-n,b],[c],z,f(n),2); (z n + z b - c + 2 - 2 n - z) f(n - 1) (z - 1) (n - 1) f(n - 2) - -------------------------------------- + ------------------------, n - 1 + c n - 1 + c 1 < n > zeilb([-n,n+3,-y],[2,z],1,g(n),2); (z + 2 y) (2 n + 1) g(n - 1) (n - 1) (n - z + 2) g(n - 2) ---------------------------- + ----------------------------, 1 < n (n + 2) (n + z - 1) (n + 2) (n + z - 1) > zeilb([-n,n+3,y+z],[2,z],1,h(n),2); (z + 2 y) (2 n + 1) h(n - 1) (n - 1) (n - z + 2) h(n - 2) - ---------------------------- + ----------------------------, 1 < n (n + 2) (n + z - 1) (n + 2) (n + z - 1) > # Thus for the last two inputs g(n)=(-1)^n * h(n). (Check case n=1 by hand.)