
(In arbitrary order.)

Jeroen Uleman, Ph.D. student

Jeroen shares his time between Radboud MC and UvA on resilience in aging. He will perform group model building sessions in order to create a holistic causal loop diagram (CLD) of the Alzheimer's disease, the most comprehensive and detailed to date, at multiple scales and utilizing multiple domains of expertise. Then he will quantitatively model parts of it.

Loes Crielaard, Ph.D. student

Loes shares her time between AMC and UvA on modeling type 2 diabetes. Together with Pritha and Nadège she will develop CLDs and quantitative models of the complex phenomenology of T2D, from the biology (e.g., chronic inflammation), individual behavior (e.g., food intake, exercise), and social processes (e.g., norm formation).

Pritha Dutta, Ph.D. student

Pritha is an external Ph.D. student working on modeling type 2 diabetes. Pritha focuses on the computational and mathematical side of the quantitiative modeling (individual and population levels).

Bas Chatel

Bas Chatel, Ph.D. student

Bas shares his time between RU and IAS working on a project granted in NWO’s Complexity and Creative Industry call: Grip on Transitions and Resilience. PI: Marcel Olde Rikkert, my role is co-PI covering the complexity side. In total 2 PhDs and 1 Postdoc will be hired, this is the 'complexity' PhD.

Nadège Merabet, Postdoc

Postdoc on the computational T2D project (with Loes and Pritha). The focus will be on computational modeling of bio-physical processes and linking them to the social/psychological processes, to study the emergent properties of this across the scales.

Casper van Elteren, Ph.D. student

Casper (CSL) will analyze police and intelligence data using network theory and information theory, identifying central (informational/causal) nodes and giving insights into optimal strategies.

Open Ph.D. or P.D. vacancy

We are currently still looking for a Ph.D. or P.D. position, see the full description here. The focus will be on using network science to identify value chains in police and intelligence data and better understand their adaptive nature.

Scientific Programmer (TBD)

This person will support the previous two Ph.D. students and develop intuitive interactive visualization for police analysts to work with. More details will follow here later.

Luca Badiali

The focus of Luca is on foundational research on the intersection between information theory and (nudge) causality.

Vincent Pappalardo, Ph.D. student

Vincent works in ACTA with Egija Zaura and others on modelling regulatory processes in dental health. My role is secondary advisor (not co-promotor).

Leon Lang, Ph.D. student

The focus of Leon is the intersection between synergistic information, causality, and artificial neural networks.

Alex Gabel, Ph.D. student

The focus of Alex is the intersection between dynamical systems, physics, and deep learning.

Previous people

(In arbitrary order.)

Omri Har-Shemesh, Ph.D.

Omri promoted on Information Geometry techniques applied to statistical physics models as well as questionnaire data from social science applications.

Alva Presbitero, Ph.D.

Alva shared her time between ITMO and UvA working on modeling innate immune system dynamics in the context of systemic insult, e.g., due to open heart surgery.