You can replace the mini-motor in the switching point by a standard 9V motor; it switches more quickly, but tends to rip the construction apart; also, you should then not cross the rubber band (which in the above construction is done to increase the friction, and hence the transferred torque).
I noticed later that the new switching points tend to be harder to flip, so that you may need to put some more gears in. The new LEGO TECHNIC(r) motor (1997) is stronger, though, so that is an alternative. In all cases, powering them too long tends to rip the construction apart after a while. I prevent this by using some SCOTCH(r)-tape to hold it together... Cheating, of course, but LEGO(r) should have given us a bigger base on the point, to connect to more solidly; and a standard axle. What were they thinking?
If you want to do more, carefully study the anatomy of the switching track!