Clock escapement

This escapement serves the purpose of converting the pendulum motion into an intermittent rotary motion for the operation of the clock. It also transfers the potential energy of the weight into the pendulum motion, so that the pendulum keeps swinging.

I have designed 3 different escapements, functionally interchangeable in the clock design (though the complete clock design shows escapement 1). They all use the same attachment for the pendulum. The part list for each escapement is found at the bottom of this page.

Again, the place of the total assembly for each of the escapements is found on the drawing for the complete clock. The part list for each escapement is given in numbers coding for the parts as follows:

               |   b  c  f  i m*  n q A2 A3 A4 A10 Z14 tri-prong |
| escapement 1 |   0  0 24 24  0 12 4  0 12 12   1  12     0     |
| escapement 2 |  12 12 12  0 12 12 4  0 12  0   1   0     0     |
| escapement 3 |  12  0 12  2 12  0 0 12  0  0   1   0     4     |
       m* is the black version of m
       A  is an axle, with its length
       Z  is a gear, with its number of teeth