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Force10 - 6509 - AR5 Loop


To check the connected performance of the involved network equipment at the Amsterdam Science Park, a site-local loop has been configured. For this test the DAS-2 nodes has been separated into two subnets and corresponding VLAN's which were defined in the Force10 switch, to which the DAS-2 nodes are connected, and the Cisco 6509 switch from SURFnet. They were truncated in the AR5 Amsterdam access router. See .

 | DAS-2 |-\   VLAN A
 +-------+  \
   .....     \   +---+       +---+       +---+
 +-------+    \--|   |       |   |       |   |
 | DAS-2 |--\    | F |-------|   |-------|   |
 +-------+   \---| O |       |   |       |   |
		 | R |       | 6 |       | A |
- - - - - - - - -| C |- - - -| 5 |- - - -| R |-
		 | E |       | 0 |       | 5 |
 +-------+   /---| 1 |       | 9 |       |   |
 | DAS-2 |--/    | 0 |-------|   |-------|   |
 +-------+    /--|   |       |   |       |   |
   .....     /   +---+       +---+       +---+
 +-------+  /
 | DAS-2 |-/   VLAN B

.    Topology of the used connection scheme. The DAS-2 nodes were separated in two subnets and corresponding VLAN's which were defined in the Force10 and Cisco 6509 switches. They were truncated in the Amsterdam access router AR5.

Performed Experiments

The goal in these tests was mainly to investigate the capacities of the involved network equipment. That was especially needed by the mixed characteristices of it. Therefore, especially standard TCP and UDP traffic types have been investigated here.

During these test an intrinsic 8 Gbits/s bottleneck in the Cisco 6509 has been removed by an upgrade of this switch. Also the effect of this upgrade will be investigated.

In the next sub-sections the results of the executed experiments will be presented.

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