Research Students

Prospective Research Students

I'm continuously looking for enthusiastic students with good programming skills to master their graduation projects (afstudeerprojecten) on the Bachelor or Master level in a challenging and stimulating international research environment.

See my research page or my publication page to get an impression of my scientific interests. Alternatively, have a look below what other students have done in the past or are currently doing. For any questions or concrete subject matters simply pop into my office or drop me an email.

Past BSc/MSc research students

Nikolaos Sarris
Towards Compiling SAC for the Xeon Phi
MSc Computer Science, University of Amsterdam / Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2017
Adrian Zborowski
Oxidize: Open Framework for Idiomatic Rule Preservation in the Rust Programming Language
MSc Software Engineering, University of Amsterdam, 2017
Erik Landkroon
Code Quality Evaluation for the Multi-Paradigm Programming Language Scala
MSc Software Engineering, University of Amsterdam, 2017
Sander Ginn
On the Compression of SVG Images
MSc Software Engineering, University of Amsterdam, 2017
Fati Ahmadi
SonarQube Lua Analyzer for Code Smell Detection
MSc Software Engineering, University of Amsterdam, 2017
Stan Janssen
Transforming Source Code into Symbolic Transition Systems for Practical Model-Based Testing
MSc Software Engineering, University of Amsterdam, 2017
Maico Timmerman
CoCoNut: a Metacompiler-based Framework for Compiler Construction in C: Scalability, Modularity, Space Leak Detection and Garbage Collection
BSc Informatica, University of Amsterdam, 2017
Lorian Coltof
CoCoNut: a Metacompiler-based Framework for Compiler Construction in C: High productivity, Traversal Optimization, and AST Serialization
BSc Informatica, University of Amsterdam, 2017
Cedric Blom
Towards Dynamic Adaptation of Parallelism for Better Performance and Less Energy Consumption
MSc Computer Science, Delft University of Technology, 2017
Heinz Wiesinger
Parallel and Persistent Adaptive Asynchronous Optimizations for Array Programming Languages
MSc Grid Computing, University of Amsterdam, 2016
Thomas Macht
Compiling SAC for Distributed Memory Cluster Architectures
MSc Computer Science, University of Amsterdam / Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2015
Floris den Heijer
An object-oriented implementation of the CiviC compiler framework
BSc Informatica, University of Amsterdam, 2015
Riccardo Cefalá
High-Level Coordination for Cloud Computing with S-Net
MSc Computer Science, University of Amsterdam / University of Perugia, 2013
Follow-up position: Cloud Infrastructure Engineer at Mendix, Amsterdam
Jurriaan Bremer
Python Static Code Security Analysis
BSc Informatica, University of Amsterdam, 2013
Follow-up position: Freelance Security Researcher, Amsterdam
Victor Azizi
Time and Space Profiling of Complex Compilers
BSc Informatica, University of Amsterdam, 2013
Sander van Veen
Concurrent Linking with the GNU Gold Linker
BSc Informatica, University of Amsterdam, 2013
Bert Gijsbers
An Efficient Scalable Work-Stealing Runtime System for the S-Net Coordination Language
MSc Grid Computing, University of Amsterdam, 2013
Follow-up position: PhD student at Ghent University, Belgium
Miguel Diogo
Automatic Compilation for Heterogeneous Architectures with Single Assignment C
MSc Grid Computing, University of Amsterdam, 2012
Follow-up position: Systems Developer at Eyefreight, Utrecht
Stefan Kok
Task Migration in S-Net
BSc Informatica, University of Amsterdam, 2012
Follow-up position: CEO of Softbase
Roeland Douma
Nested Arrays in Single Assignment C
MSc Grid Computing, University of Amsterdam, 2012
Follow-up position: Doctoral student at University of Amsterdam
Merijn Verstraaten
High-level Programming of the Single-chip Cloud Computer with S-Net
MSc Computer Science,Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2012
Follow-up position: Doctoral student at University of Amsterdam
Pablo Rauzy
Implicit Parallelization of SAC Code Called from an external and already Parallelized Environment: from Design to Implementation
Internship, University of Amsterdam / Ecole d'Ingénieurs en Informatique Paris, 2011
Follow-up position: Doctoral student at Telecom Paris-Tech, France
Zheng Zhangzheng
Using OpenMP as an Alternative Parallelization Strategy in SAC
MSc Grid Computing, University of Amsterdam, 2011
Follow-up position:
Tim van Deurzen
Runtime Optimisation and Specialisation in SAC
BSc Informatica, University of Amsterdam, 2010
Follow-up position: Master student at University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Jukka Julku
On Distributed Memory Support for the Coordination Language S-Net
MSc Computer Science, Helsinki University of Technology, 2009
(with Juha Pärssinen)
Follow-up position: VTT Technical Research Center of Finland
Kornelis Luyat
A Lightweight Implementation of Records in the Functional Array Language SAC
BSc Informatica, University of Amsterdam, 2009
Harald Krämer
Explicit Thread Scheduling for Adaptivity in S-Net
BSc, University of Lübeck, 2009
Frank Penczek
On the Design and Implementation of a Multithreaded Runtime System for S-Net
Diplomarbeit (MSc)
University of Lübeck, 2007
Follow-up position: Doctoral student at University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Jan-Henrik Baumgarten
Zur Automatischen Generierung von Konsistenzprüfungen aus einer XML-basierten Syntaxbaum-Spezifikation für eine Compiler-Infrastruktur
(On the Automatic Generation of Consistency Checks from an XML-based Syntax Tree Specification for a Compiler Construction Framework)
Studienarbeit (BSc)
University of Lübeck, 2006
Follow-up position: TIG Automation GmbH, Hamburg
Frank Penczek
On the Implementation of a Domain-Specific Language for the Parallel Simulation of Cellular Automata on Distributed Memory Parallel Computer
Studienarbeit (BSc)
University of Lübeck, 2006
Follow-up position: Master student at University of Lübeck
Michael Werner
Type Upgrades and Semi-static Dispatch for a Type System with Hierarchical Array Types and Function Overloading
Studienarbeit (BSc)
University of Lübeck, 2005
Follow-up position: SYSGO AG, Mainz
Kai Trojahner
Implicit Memory Management for a Functional Array Processing Language
Diplomarbeit (MSc)
University of Lübeck, 2005
Follow-up position: Doctoral student at University of Lübeck
Karsten Hinckfuß
With-Loop Fusion für die Funktionale Programmiersprache SAC
(With-loop fusion for the functional programming language SAC)
Diplomarbeit (MSc)
University of Lübeck, 2005
Follow-up position: PPI Financial Systems, Hamburg
Steffen Kuthe
A Hybrid Shared Memory Execution Model for SAC
Diplomarbeit (MSc)
University of Lübeck, 2005
Follow-up position: PTA Consulting, Hamburg
Jiahui Liu
Design of a Bibliography Management System
Exchange student project
University of Lübeck / Zhejiang University, 2003
Follow-up position: Doctoral student at Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
Kai Trojahner
Zur Optimierung geschachtelter With-Loops in der Programmiersprache SAC
(On the optimization of nested with-loops in the programming language SAC)
Studienarbeit (BSc)
University of Lübeck, 2003
Follow-up position: Master student at University of Lübeck
Borg Enders
Zum Scheduling von WITH-Loops in SAC
(On the scheduling of with-loops in SAC)
Studienarbeit (BSc)
University of Kiel, 2001
Follow-up position: PDV Financial Software, Hamburg
Nico Marcussen-Wulff
Über die Verwendung der Static Single Assignment Form zur hochsprachlichen Optimierung der funktionalen Programmiersprache SAC
(On the use of static single assignment form for high-level code transformations in the functional programming language SAC)
Diplomarbeit (MSc)
University of Kiel, 2001
Follow-up position: PPI Financial Systems, Kiel
Björn Schierau
Zur Entwicklung und Implementierung des Tile Size inferierenden Algorithmus TSI
(Design and implementation of the tile size inference algorithm TSI)
Diplomarbeit (MSc)
University of Kiel, 2001
Nico Marcussen-Wulff
Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Interface zur Nutzung von SAC-Modulen in C-Programmen
(Design and implementation of an interface for using SAC modules in C programs)
Studienarbeit (BSc)
University of Kiel, 2001
Follow-up position: Master student at University of Kiel
Markus Bradtke
Realisierung des Array-Paddings für die Programmiersprache SAC
(Realization of array padding in the programming language SAC)
Studienarbeit (BSc)
University of Kiel, 2001
Follow-up position: Provinzial Versicherung, Kiel
Jan-Hendrik Schöler
Optimierungen zur nebenläufigen Programmausführung in SAC
(Optimizations for concurrent program execution in SAC)
Diplomarbeit (MSc)
University of Kiel, 2000
Follow-up position: MobilCom Communicationstechnik, Rendsburg
Helge Ernst
Entwurf und Implementierung eines Integrierten Cache Simulationstools for SAC
(Design and implementation of an integrated cache simulation tool for SAC)
Studienarbeit (BSc)
University of Kiel, 2000
Follow-up position: MobilCom Communicationstechnik, Rendsburg
Jan-Friso Evers
Der NAS-Benchmark FT in SAC - eine Fallstudie zum Vergleich von SAC mit Fortran
(The NAS benchmark FT in SAC - case study and comparison with Fortran)
Studienarbeit (BSc)
University of Kiel, 2000
Follow-up position: Doctoral student at University of Kiel
Björn Schierau
Zur Optimierung von Cachezugriffen in geschachtelten SAC-spezifischen Schleifenkonstrukten
(On the optimization of cache access behaviour in nested SAC-specific loop constructs)
Studienarbeit (BSc)
University of Kiel, 1999
Follow-up position: T-Systems, Stuttgart
Wolfgang Hielscher
Modellierung, Simulation und Implementierung einer Computersteuerung für den Mehrzugbetrieb auf einer Modelleisenbahnanlage
(Modelling, simulation, and implementation of a computer-based control system for multiple train operation on a model railway)
Diplomarbeit (MSc)
University of Kiel, 1999
Dietmar Kreye
Zur Generierung von effizient ausführbarem Code aus SAC-spezifischen Schleifenkonstrukten
On the generation of efficiently executable code from SAC-specific loop constructs)
Diplomarbeit (MSc)
University of Kiel, 1998
Follow-up position: Doctoral student at University of Kiel
Sören Schwartz
Zur Code-Optimierung von Schleifenkonstrukten der Programmiersprache SAC
(On code optimization of loop constructs in the programming language SAC)
Diplomarbeit (MSc)
University of Kiel, 1998
Follow-up position: Daimler-Chrysler, Stuttgart

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