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5.16.9 Miscellaneous

0DA006 ^QMODSYMext
0DB006 ^ModPow
0DC006 ^ZQUOText
0DE006 ^ZDIVext
3E7006 ^PSEUDOPREP ( o2 o1 → o2*a1.n^ o1 a1.n^ )
3FA006 ^PLCZ
3FB006 ^HSECO2RCext ( ob → ob' )
Conversion of constants from internal to user form.
3FC006 ^SECO2CMPext ( seco → symb )
Back conversion of complex. polarflag should be disabled if not at the top level of rational expressions.
Conversion of a complex in polar coordinates. should be used only at the top level of rational expr.
Conversion of a complex in cartesian coordinates.
3FF006 ^VALOBJext ( # {..{Q}..} {var1..varn} → {..{ob}..} )
Back conversion of objects embedded at depth # in lists. Simplifies var1..varn.
401006 ^VAL2ext ( # {..{Q}..} {var1..varn} → {..{ob}..} )
Back conversion of objects embedded at depth # in lists. Does not simplify var1..varn. Conversion is done in asc. power if positivfflag is set, which is useful for SERIES and LIMIT commands.
402006 ^INVAL2 ( P # → symbpoly )
LAM2 must contain Lvar, # is the depth.
403006 ^METAVAL2 ( # Meta_list → Meta_symb )
LMA2 must contain Lvar, LAM1 is modified.
404006 ^VAL1 ( ob → ob )
LAM2 must contain Lvar, LAM1 is modified.
405006 ^VAL1M ( ob → Meta_symb )
LAM2 must contain Lvar, LAM1 is modified.
45C006 ^IDNTEXEC ( symb idnt → symb' )
Tries to find idnt such that symb=0. Return a solution as an equality 'idnt=..' in symb'.
121006 ^MP0 ( ob → ob 1 )
Returns number 1 of the selected type. The symbolic/ROMPTR one looks very strange it is used to avoid infinity^0/undef^0 to return 1.
26C006 ^rpnQOBJext ( ob → ob' )
prg is fetched from the stack. Looks for all d1, d2, ... at the beginning of the name of idnt to determine if idnt represents a derivative of a user function. Stops if at a time the stripped idnt is in the current directory. Example
'd2d1Y' returns { #2 } << >>
if 'd2d1Y' is not defined and 'd1Y' is defined as << >> or
{ #2 #1 } 'Y'
if d2d1Y d1Y and Y are not defined.
29D006 ^SIMPIDNT ( idnt → ob )
Evaluates idnt (looks recursively for its content if defined). Does not error for circular definition, but displays a warning.
29F006 ^RCL1IDNT ( idnt/lam → ob )
Recursive content of an idnt. LAM1 to LAM3 must be bound.
2A7006 ^SWPSIMPNDXF ( ob2 ob1 → ob1/ob2 )
Simplified fraction (internal).
2A8006 ^SIMPNDXFext ( ob2 ob1 → ob2/ob1 )
Simplified fraction (internal).
2B6006 ^CMODext ( C2 C1 → C1 C2_mod_C1 )
2BD006 ^SQFF2ext ( l1...ln #n-1 → l1'...ln' #n-1 )
2BE006 ^PPZ ( p → p/pgcd pgcd )
ob is the gcd of all constant coefficients of P (integer, Gauss integers, irrquads with the implementation of the "gcd" for irrquads).
117007 ^PPZZ ( ob → ob zint )
PPZ with further check to ensure returning a zint. First available in ROM 1.11.
2BF006 ^PZHSTR ( a z → a mod z )
2C0006 ^HORNER1ext ( P r → P[r] )
2C1006 ^PEval ( P r → P[r] )
P must be a list polynomial.
2C2006 ^RISCHext
2C3006 ^risch/
2C4006 ^rischABS
2C6006 ^SQRT_IN? ( {} → {} flag )
Returns TRUE if one element of {} is a symb containing a sqrt.
2C7006 ^IS_SQRT? ( symb → flag )
2C8006 ^XROOT_IN?
2C9006 ^IS_XROOT? ( symb → flag )
2CA006 ^STOPRIMIT ( symb → )
Stores antiderivative in PRIMIT variable.
2CB006 ^CONTAINS_LN? ( symb → symb flag )
2CF006 ^rischlogpart
2D4006 ^FOURIERext ( symb n → cn )
Computes n-th Fourier coefficient of a 2 π periodic function.
2D9006 ^LESSCOMPLEX? ( ob1 ob2 → ob1 ob2 flag )
Compares objects by type and then by CRC. flag is true if ob1 is less complex than ob2 (ob1>ob2). If ob1 or ob2 is an irrq, find first ultimate type of ob1 and ob2. If these ultimate types are equal sort is done by comparing the << depth.
2DB006 ^LIST1i-1-i
Various constants. Caution: these constants are "covered" if you are using them be sure to return an uncovered result on the stack when exiting.
2DC006 ^LIST10-10
2DD006 ^TABLECOSext ( → {} )
Table of special COS values (k*pi/12).
2DE006 ^TABLETANext ( → {} )
Table of special TAN values (k*pi/12).
101007 ^LINEARAPPLY ( symb nonrat_prg rat_prg → symb )
Applies linearity. nonrat_prg is applied for a non rational part symb → symb. rat_prg is applied for a rational part symb → symb. Linearity is applied on symb.
102007 ^linearapply
First available in ROM 1.11.
106007 ^A/B2PQR ( A B → P Q R )
Writes a fraction A/B as E[P]/P*Q/E[R]. Q and positive shifts of R are prime together. First available in ROM 1.11.
107007 ^GOSPER? ( P Q R → P R Y T )
( P Q R → F )
Solves P = Q E[Y] - R Y for Y. First available in ROM 1.11.
0CB007 ^FRACPARITY ( fr → Z )
Tests if a fraction (internal rep) is even/odd/none. Z=1 if even, -1 if odd, 0 if neither even nor odd.
0D5007 ^FR2ND% ( fraction-l → N D % )
Extract trivial power of fraction.
4D1006 ^MSECOSQFF ( ob → Meta )
Factorization of an extension.

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This document was generated by Carsten Dominik on May, 30 2005 using texi2html