3F0006 |
( {o1...on} ob → {o1/ob...on/ob} )
Division of all elements of a list by ob.
Tests if ob=1.
3F2006 |
( {o1...on} ob → {o1/ob...on/ob} )
LOPDext calls QUOText for the division,
unlike DIVOBJ which calls RDIVext .
269006 |
( {} ob binop → {}' )
Applies non-recursively << ob binop >> to the
elements of the list.
26A006 |
( {} ob binop → {}' )
Applies recursively << op binop >> to the
elements of the list (not the list elements
10F006 |
( ob {} → {}' )
Multiplies each element of the list by the
given object.
45F006 |
( ob {} → ob' )
( ob {} → {}' )
The list should be of the form { 'X=1' 'Y=2'
... } in the first case or { 'X=1' 'X=2' } in
the second case. In the first case, all
occurences of X in ob are replace by 1, or Y
by 2, etc. In the second case ob is
evaluated with X=1, X=2 successively.
460006 |
( {} objet → {}' )
461006 |
( {} prog → {} )
Executes prog on each element of ob.
268006 |
( symb prg → symb )
26B006 |
( composite → composite )
Applies 1LAM non-recursively to all elements of
the list.
26D006 |
( ob → ob' )
Applies prg to ob, recursively for lists.
prg is fetched from runstream.