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5.3.2 Conversion

16A006 ^{}TO[] ( {} → [] )
Converts from list-of-lists representation to matrix. No checks on the element type.
17A006 ^LIST2MATRIX ( {} → [] )
( {{}} → [[]] )
( ob → ob )
Converts a symbolic list to a matrix. Does not check that matrix is a valid one. Use DTYPFMAT? to do that.
16B006 ^[]TO{} ( [] → {} )
Converts from matrix to list-of-lists.
179006 ^MATRIX2LIST ( [] → { } )
( [[]] → {{}} )
( ob → ob )
Converts a symbolic matrix to a list.
17E006 ^ARRAY2MATRIX ( [] → [] )
( [[]] → [[]] )
Converts array to symbolic array if necessary.
175006 ^SAMEMATRIX ( M1 M2 → M1 M2 flag )
If one object is a symbolic array, converts both arrays to symbolic form. Returns TRUE for symbolic matrices and FALSE for numeric.
176006 ^SAMEMATSCTYPE ( M ob → M ob flag )
If M is a numeric matrix and ob is not float, converts matrix to symbolic form. Returns TRUE for symbolic and FALSE for numeric.
003007 ^ArryToList ( []/[[]] → {}/{{}} )
Converts normal array (containing only real or complex numbers) to list of lists; errors for symbolic arrays.
17D006 ^MATEXPLODE ( [[ob1..obn]] → ob1..obn [[ob1..obn]] )

This document was generated by Carsten Dominik on May, 30 2005 using texi2html