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4.4.3 The input form message handler commands

021004 ^IfSetFieldVisible ( # T/F(fld/lbl) T/F(val) → )
( # T/F(fld/blb) #0 → T/F(val) )
Toggles the field or label visible or invisible. Second argument specifies if # means a field or a label. Third argument is the value to set. ZERO as third argument means to retrieve the current setting.
022004 ^IfSetSelected ( # T/F(fld/lbl) T/F(val) → )
( # T/F(fld/blb) #0 → T/F(val) )
Toggles the field or label selected or not selected (appears in inverse video on the screen).
023004 ^IfSetGrob ( # T/F(fld/lbl) grb → )
Sets the grob of a field or a label (modifies the data saved in the data string).
024004 ^IfSetFieldValue ( val # → )
Sets the value of a field (full handling, including GROB setting).
026004 ^IfGetFieldValue ( # → val )
Gets the value of the Nth field.
027004 ^IfGetCurrentFieldValue ( → )
Gets the value of the current field.
025004 ^IfSetCurrentFieldValue ( val → )
Sets the value of the current field.
028004 ^IfGetFieldMessageHandler ( # → prg )
Retrieves a field message handler.
029004 ^IfGetFieldType ( # → #type )
Retrieves the field type.
02A004 ^IfGetFieldObjectsType ( # → {} )
Retrieves the field object type list.
02B004 ^IfGetFieldDecompObject ( # → val )
Retrieves the field decomp value.
02C004 ^IfGetFieldChooseData ( # → {} )
Retrieves the field data for choose.
02D004 ^IfGetFieldChooseDecomp ( # → val )
Retrieves the field decomp value in case of choose.
02E004 ^IfGetFieldResetValue ( # → val )
Retrieves the field reset value.
02F004 ^IfSetFieldResetValue ( val # → )
Changes the field reset value.
030004 ^IfGetFieldInternalValue ( # → val )
Retrieves the field internal value.
031004 ^IfDisplayFromData ( → )
Displays the datastring on the screen. Takes care of the command line size.
032004 ^IfGetNbFields ( → #n )
Recalls the number of fields from the data string.
033004 ^IfCheckSetValue ( # val → )
Checks or uncheck a check field.
034004 ^IfCheckFieldtype ( ob → ob flag )
Checks if an object meets the current field type requirements.
04C004 ^IfGetPrlgFromTypes ( {} → {}' )
( #FFFFF → #0 )
Generates a list of the allowed prologs for a field.
035004 ^IfReset ( → )
Resets all fields, set as the current value their reset value. Used to explode the datalist on the stack to work on it.
036004 ^IfSetField ( # → )
Makes a different field "current".
037004 ^IfKeyChoose ( → val )
( → )
If the current field is a choose field, displays the posibilities and let the user choose. A value is returned only if the user does not press CANCEL.
038004 ^IfKeyEdit ( → (cmd line) )
Edits the current field value if possible. You cannot edit a choose and a label choose field.
039004 ^IfKeyTypes ( → (cmd line) )
( → )
Displays a Choose box with all the possible types for this field. A command line is opened only if the user replies with OK.
03A004 ^IfKeyCalc ( → val )
Puts the value of the field on the stack and HALT. Allows to the user to compute a new value.
03B004 ^IfKeyInvertCheck ( → )
Inverts the current check field value.
03C004 ^IfONKeyPress ( → )
On Key handler. Gives the oportunity to the user to perform his own program. Asks to the IF if we can leave. If Yes, puts a FALSE (quit with ON (if canceled)) and sets the 'Quit LAM to TRUE.
03D004 ^IfEnterKeyPress ( → )
Enter Key management. Gives the oportunity to the user to perform his own program. Asks to the IF if we can leave. If yes, puts the fields values on the stack put a TRUE (if validated) and sets the 'Quit LAM to TRUE.
03F004 ^IfSetHelpString ( $dat #n $/# → $dat' )
Sets the help string associated with a field. This is used by the automatic IF generator program and should not be use in other ways.
040004 ^IfSetTitle ( $dat grb/$/# → $dat' )
Alters a DataString modifying the Title part. This is used by automatic IF generator program ans should not be use in other ways.
04A004 ^IfInitDepth ( → )
Initializes the internal depth counter. This has to be used when running a command modifying the stack
042004 ^IfMain2 ( $dat handl {} → F )
( $dat handl {} → ob1...obn T )
Internal Inform Box main program. Alters a DataString modifying the Title part. This is used by automatic IF generator program ans should not be used in a different way.
043004 ^IfPutFieldsOnStack ( → ob1...obn )
Puts on the stack the external value of each field.
044004 ^IfSetFieldPos ( # T/F(fld/lbl) #x #y #w #h → )
Changes the size and position of an object Note: You can not change the size or the X position of a label or a check field.
045004 ^IfGetFieldPos ( # T/F(fld/lbl) → #x #y #w #h )
Gets the size and position of an object.
047004 ^IfSetAllLabelsMessages ( $dat bmsg #n → $dat )
Sets the text of a set of labels.
048004 ^IfSetAllHelpStrings ( $dat bmsg #n → $dat )
Sets the Help String of all fields.
04D004 ^IsUncompressDataString ( $dc → $dat )
Uncompresses a compressed data string.
049004 ^IfCreateTitleGrob
046004 ^IfDisplayFromData2
041004 ^IfSetTitle2

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This document was generated by Carsten Dominik on May, 30 2005 using texi2html