#!/usr/bin/env python # BB-8 Python driver by Alistair Buxton from bluepy import btle import time class BB8(btle.DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self, deviceAddress): btle.DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) # Address type must be "random" or it won't connect. self.peripheral = btle.Peripheral(deviceAddress, btle.ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM) self.peripheral.setDelegate(self) self.seq = 0 # Attribute UUIDs are identical to Ollie. self.antidos = self.getSpheroCharacteristic('2bbd') self.wakecpu = self.getSpheroCharacteristic('2bbf') self.txpower = self.getSpheroCharacteristic('2bb2') self.roll = self.getSpheroCharacteristic('2ba1') self.notify = self.getSpheroCharacteristic('2ba6') # This startup sequence is also identical to the one for Ollie. # It even uses the same unlock code. print('Sending antidos') self.antidos.write('011i3', withResponse=True) print('Sending txpower') self.txpower.write('\x0007', withResponse=True) print('Sending wakecpu') self.wakecpu.write('\x01', withResponse=True) def getSpheroCharacteristic(self, fragment): return self.peripheral.getCharacteristics(uuid='22bb746f'+fragment+'75542d6f726568705327')[0] def dumpCharacteristics(self): for s in self.peripheral.getServices(): print(s) for c in s.getCharacteristics(): print( c, hex(c.handle)) def cmd(self, did, cid, data=[], answer=True, resetTimeout=True): # Commands are as specified in Sphero API 1.50 PDF. # https://github.com/orbotix/DeveloperResources/ seq = (self.seq&255) self.seq += 1 sop2 = 0xfc sop2 |= 1 if answer else 0 sop2 |= 2 if resetTimeout else 0 dlen = len(data)+1 chk = (sum(data)+did+cid+seq+dlen)&255 chk ^= 255 msg = [0xff, sop2, did, cid, seq, dlen] + data + [chk] print('cmd:', ' '.join([chr(c).encode('hex') for c in msg])) # Note: withResponse is very important. Most commands won't work without it. self.roll.write(''.join([chr(c) for c in msg]), withResponse=True) def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data): print( 'Notification:', cHandle, data.encode('hex')) # print( 'Notification:', cHandle) def waitForNotifications(self, time): self.peripheral.waitForNotifications(time) def disconnect(self): self.peripheral.disconnect() if __name__ == '__main__': # Connect by address. Use "sudo hcitool lescan" to find address. bb = BB8('C0:D0:AC:38:8B:F4') # Dump all GATT stuff. #bb.dumpCharacteristics() # Request some sensor stream. print( 'Sensor data 0x80') bb.cmd(0x02, 0x11, [0, 80, 0, 1, 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0]) bb.waitForNotifications(1.0) # Ask for battery level print( 'Battery status') bb.cmd(0x00, 0x20, []) # Wait for streamed data. bb.waitForNotifications(1.0) # Must manually disconnect or you won't be able to reconnect. bb.disconnect()