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promotiedatum (jr.mnd.dg) promovendus instituut promotor(es)/copromotor(es)
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Gepromoveerd in 2006

20060203 Paul Withagen TNO D&V Groen/Schutte(TNO D&V)
Object detection and segmentation for visual surveillance

20060117 Wojtek Zajdel UvA Groen/Kröse
Bayesian Visual Surveillance
From object detection to distributed cameras

Gepromoveerd in 2004

20041208 Sjaak Verbeek UvA Groen/Kröse, Vlassis
Mixture Models for Clustering and Dimension Reduction

Gepromoveerd in 2003

20031114 Roland Bunschoten UvA Groen/Kröse
Mapping and Localization from a Panoramic Vision Sensor

20031015 Joris Portegies Zwart UvA/TNO-FEL Groen/Kröse, Gelsema, van der Heiden
Aircraft Recognition from Features Extracted from Measured and Simulated Radar Range Profiles

Gepromoveerd in 2002

20020611 Mirjam Snellen TNO-FEL Groen, Simons(TNO-FEL)
Sea bottom parameter estimation by inversion of underwater acoustic sonar data

20020522 Rien van Leeuwen UvA Groen
Motion estimation and interpretation for in-car systems

20020125 Nikos Massios UvA Groen, Lambalgen/ Dorst, Voorbraak
Decision-Theoretic Robotic Surveillance

Gepromoveerd in 2001

20010221 Stephan ten Hagen UvA Groen, Kröse
Continuous State Space Q-Learning for Control of Nonlinear Systems

Gepromoveerd in 1999

19990217 Marco Wiering IDSIA, Lugano Groen/ Schmidhuber
Explorations in efficient reinforcement learning

Gepromoveerd in 1998

19980930 Anuj Dev UvA Groen/ Kröse
Visual navigation on optical flow

19980612 Jurriaan Mulder UvA Groen/ Van Wijk
Computational steering with parametrized objects

19980115 Joris van Dam UvA Groen/ Kröse
Environment modelling for mobile robots: neural learning for sensor fusion

19981027 Rene van der Heiden UvA Groen
Aircraft recognition with radar range profiles

19980928 F.M. Vos VU Groen/ Van der Heijde, Spoelder
A system for measuring, modelling and visualizing corneal shapes based on pseudo random encoding

Gepromoveerd in 1997

19971119 Marcel Wijkstra UvA Groen/ Dooijes
Building a computer model for the rat hippocampus

Gepromoveerd in 1996

19960909 Karen I. Trovato UvA Groen/ Dorst
A* planning in discrete configuration spaces of autonomous systems

19960312 Zbigniew R. Struzik UvA Groen/ Dooijes
From coastline dimension to inverse fractal problem: the concept of Fractal Metrology

19961104 V. Viysniauskas Lithuania Groen
Performance issues of feedforward neural networks

Gepromoveerd in 1995

19950324 Patrick van der Smagt UvA Groen/ Kröse
Visual robot arm guidance using neural networks

Gepromoveerd in 1994

19940609 Peter Nacken UvA Groen/ Heijmans, Toet
Image analysis methods based on hierarchies of graphs and multi-scale mathematical morphology

19941031 Carol Orange TUD Groen, Young
Supervised boundary formation

Gepromoveerd in 1992

19920323 Rein van den Boomgaard (cum laude) UvA Groen/ Smeulders
Mathematical Morphology, extensions towards Computer Vision

19920506 Jaap Kaandorp UvA Groen/ Dooijes
Modelling growth forms of biological objects using fractals

19920911 Taco Visser UvA Groen/ Brakenhoff, Ferwerda
Diffraction of electromagnetic waves and image formation in confocal microscopy