See also the Repository of Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences OpenAIRE, the Digital Academic Repository of the University of Amsterdam, UvA profile.
Also see the DBLP index or the aminer index, Google Scholar profile, Semantic Scholar profile, ResearchGate profile, OrcID profile, Web of Science profile,
Loop profile,
Scopus profile
,, ACM Kudos profile, altmetric profile, ACM profile.
- Yue Cao, Wei Shangguan, Arnoud Visser, Junjie Chen, Linguo Chai and Baigen Cai, "Segment-Based Trajectory Prediction and Risk Assessment for RSU-assisted CAVs at Signalized Intersections", in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, June 13, 2024. (official page).
- R. Sheh, S.Schwertfeger and A. Visser, "16 Years of RoboCup Rescue", KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, Volume 30, Issue 3, October 2016 (available online).
- H.L. Akin, N. Ito, A. Kleiner, J. Pellenz and A. Visser, "RoboCup Rescue Robot and Simulation Leagues", AI Magazine, Vol 34, No.1, pp.78-86, 2013.
(AAAI official version), (local copy).
- N. Dijkshoorn and A. Visser, "Integrating Sensor and Motion Models to Localize an Autonomous AR.Drone", International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, Volume 3 (4), pp. 183-200, December 2011 (Available online), (local copy).
- B. Balaguer, S. Balakirsky, S. Carpin and A. Visser, "Evaluating maps produced by urban search and rescue robots: lessons learned from RoboCup", Autonomous Robots 27 (4), pp. 449-464, November 2009. (Available online).
- J. Sturm and A. Visser, "An appearance-based visual compass for mobile robots", Robotics and Autonomous Systems 57 (5), pp. 536-545, Available online 31 May 2009, DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2008.10.002.
S. Balakirsky, S. Carpin, A. Kleiner, M. Lewis, A. Visser, J. Wang and V.A. Ziparo,
"Towards heterogeneous robot teams for disaster mitigation: Results and Performance Metrics from RoboCup Rescue",
Journal of Field Robotics, volume 24(11-12):pp. 943-967, November
(local copy)
A. Visser, H.H. Yakali, A.J. van der Wees,
M. Oud, G.A. van der Spek, L.O. Hertzberger,
"An hierarchical view on modelling the reliability of a DSRC-link for ETC applications",
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Vol. 3: No. 2, pp. 120-129, June 2002,
(Portable Document Format 1.4 Mb)
H. Afsarmanesh, R. Belleman, A. Belloum, A. Benabdelkader, J.F.J. van den Brand,
T.M. Breit, H. Bussemaker, G. Eijkel, A. Frenkel, C. Garita, D.L. Groep,
A.W. van Halderen, R.M.A. Heeren, Z.W. Hendrikse, L.O. Hertzberger, J. Kaandorp,
E.C. Kaletas, V. Klos, P. Sloot, R.D. Vis, A. Visser, H.H. Yakali,
"VLAM-G: A Grid-Based Application Environment",
Scientific Programming Vol. 10, No. 2 (2002) 173-181.
(IOS Press' version)
(local copy).
A. Visser and K. Nagel, "Traffic Simulation", Future
Generation Computer Systems, volume 17(5):pp. 625-665, March 2001.
L. Dorst, A. Hoekstra, J.M. van den Akker, J. Breeman, F.C.A. Groen,
J. Lagerberg, A. Visser, H. Yakali, L.O. Hertzberger,
"Evaluating Automatic Debiting Systems by modelling and simulation of virtual sensors",
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine, June 1998, vol.1, no.2, pp. 18-25.
(IEEE official version)
(local copy)
G.D. van Albada, A.Visser, J.M. Lagerberg and L.O. Hertzberger, "A
low-cost pose-measuring system for robot calibration", Robotics and
Autonomous Systems, Vol 15., No. 3, pages 207-227, Aug. 1995.
(Portable Document Format 725 Kb)
A.Visser "An exception-handling framework", International Journal
of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 8, No 3, pp. 197-203, May-June 1995.
(Taylor&Francis' official version), (local copy)
G.D. van Albada, A.Visser and J.M. Lagerberg, "Eye in hand robot calibration", Industrial Robot, Vol. 21, No. 6, pages 14-17, Dec. 1994.
(Portable Document Format 233 Kb)
P. J. van der Zaag, Th. Schmidt, H. van der Laan, A. Visser and S. Völker,
"Photoreactive Disordered Systems Studied by Permanent and Transient Hole-Burning", Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Volume 183, pages 105 - 118, 1990.
(Portable Document Format)
R. van den Berg, A. Visser and Völker,
"Optical dephasing in organic glasses between 0.3 and 20 K. A hole-burning study of resorufin and free-base porphin",
Chem. Phys. Lett. 144(2):105-113, February 1988.
- Sven Behnke, Manuela M. Veloso, Arnoud Visser and Rong Xiong (Eds.), "RoboCup 2013: Robot World Cup XVII", Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 8371, Springer, July 2014, 683p, ISBN 978-3-662-44467-2 (softcover), ISBN 978-3-662-44468-9 (eBook).
Jonathan Salzer and Arnoud Visser, Bringing the RT-1-X Foundation Model
to a SCARA robot, BNAIC / BeneLearn, November 18-20, 2024 (preprint arXiv 2409.03299)
Qi Zhang, Zhihao Lin and Arnoud Visser, An Earth Rover dataset recorded at the ICRA@40 party, accepted as Late-Breaking extended abstract to IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, September 25, 2024 (preprint arXiv 2407.05735)
Stijn Oomes and Arnoud Visser, Position and Altitude of the Nao Camera Head
from Two Points on the Soccer Field
plus the Gravitational Direction, Proceedings of the RoboCup 2024 symposium, Eindhoven, July 2024
(local copy, preprint arXiv 2407.03041)
Xavier Monté, Joey van der Kaaij, Rogier van der Weerd and Arnoud Visser, Using Neural Factorization
of Shape and Reflectance for Ball Detection, in RoboCup 2023: Robot World Cup XXVI
Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence (LNAI 14140), Springer, pp. 129–140, March 14, 2024.
(Springer's official version), (local copy).
Midas Amersfoort, Michael Dubbeldam and Arnoud Visser, Improving multi-object re-identification
at night with GAN data augmentation, in Intelligent Autonomous Systems 18, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS, volume 795), Springer, April 2024, p. 481-493. (Springer version, local copy)
Gijs de Jong, Leon Eshuijs and Arnoud Visser, Learning to walk with a soft actor-critic approach,
35th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Delft, November 2023. (local copy)
Leon Eshuijs, Gijs de Jong and Arnoud Visser, Demonstrating reinforcement-learned gaits with two small quadrupeds,
35th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Delft, November 2023. (local copy)
Midas Amersfoort, Michael Dubbeldam and Arnoud Visser, Improving multi-object re-identification
at night with GAN data augmentation in Dutch cities, the Netherlands Conference on Computer Vision , The Hague, September 2023. (local copy)
Maël Wildi, Alexandre Alahi and Arnoud Visser, Training traffic light behavior with end-to-end learning, Intelligent Autonomous Systems 17, Lecture Notes on Networks and Systems, volume 577, pp. 753-764, January 2023. (local copy, Springer version )
Nicky Sadighi, Mohammad Hossein Shayesteh, Amirreza Kabiri, Fatemeh Pahlevan
Aghababa, Masaru Shimizu and Arnoud Visser, ROS2 compatible simulation environment for RoboCup Rescue Simulation, Proc. of the 25th RoboCup International Symposium - Research Showcases, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2022. (abstract , poster)
Thomas Wiggers and Arnoud Visser, Learning to drive fast on a DuckieTown highway, Intelligent Autonomous Systems 16, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 412. Springer p. 183-194, April 2022. (local copy, Springer version )
Thomas van Orden and Arnoud Visser, End-to-end Imitation Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Steering on a Single Camera Stream, Intelligent Autonomous Systems 16, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 412. Springer p. 212-224, April 2022. (local copy, Springer version )
Marlon de Jong and Arnoud Visser, "Combining Structure from Motion with visual SLAM for the Katwijk Beach dataset",
32th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2020), Leiden, November 19-20, 2020, page 420-423 (local copy, official proceedings)
Josie Huges, Masaru Shimizu and Arnoud Visser, "A Review of Robot Rescue Simulation Platforms for Robotics Education",
Springer Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series LNAI 1151, pp. 86–98, December 2019.
(Springer's official version), (local copy).
Anne-Ruth José and Arnoud Visser, "A residual neural-network model to predict visual cortex measurements",
31th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2019), Brussels, Belgium, November 6-8, 2019 (local copy)
Josie Hughes, Fatemeh Pahlevan Aghababa, Amirreza Kabiri,
Masaru Shimizu and Arnoud Visser, "A proposal on more advanced Robot Rescue
Simulation challenges for Robotics Education", Workshop on Educational Robotics, Sydney, July 8, 2019. (local copy).
Arnoud Visser, Luis G. Nardin and Sebastian Castro, "Integrating the Latest Artificial Intelligence Algorithms into the RoboCup Rescue Simulation Framework", Springer Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series LNAI 11374, pp. 1–12, 2019.
(Springer's official version), (local copy)
Jonathan Gerbscheid, Thomas de Groot and Arnoud Visser, "Intelligent News Conversation with the Pepper Robot", in the Proceedings of the 29th Belgian-Netherlands Conference
on Artificial Intelligence
(BNAIC 2017), Groningen, The Netherlands, November 8-9, 2017, page 398-399 (local copy)
Arnoud Visser, "Learning robots to rescue", Proceedings of the Delft Workshop on Robot Learning (DWRL) 2017, Delft, The Netherlands, October 2, 2017. (local copy)
Caitlin Lagrand, Patrick de Kok, Sebastien Negrijn, Michiel van der Meer and Arnoud Visser, "Autonomous robot soccer matches", in the Proceedings of the 28th Belgian-Netherlands Conference
on Artificial Intelligence
(BNAIC 2016), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 10-11, 2016, pp 237-238. (local copy)
Masaru Shimizu, Nate Koenig, Arnoud Visser and Tomoichi Takashi, "A realistic RoboCup Rescue Simulation based on Gazebo", in RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX, Springer Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series, volume 9513, 2016, pp. 331-338. (Springer's official version), (local copy)
Caitlin Lagrand, Michiel van der Meer and Arnoud Visser, "The Roasted Tomato Challenge for a Humanoid Robot", IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), Bragança, Portugal, May 4-6, 2016. (local copy), published online
Mircea Trăichioiu and Arnoud Visser, "Hierarchical Decision Making for Search and Rescue Teamwork ", in the Proceedings of the 27th Belgian-Netherlands Conference
on Artificial Intelligence
(BNAIC 2015), Hasselt, Belgium, November 5-6, 2015.
(local copy)
Martin van Harmelen, Michiel van der Meer, Maarten Boon, Jonathan Gerbscheid and Arnoud Visser, "Hunting a robot controlled by an artificial brain", in the Proceedings of the 27th Belgian-Netherlands Conference
on Artificial Intelligence
(BNAIC 2015), Hasselt, Belgium, November 5-6, 2015.
(local copy)
Georgios Methenitis, Daniel Hennes, Dario Izzo and Arnoud Visser, "Novelty Search for Soft Robotic Space Exploration", in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '15), ACM, 2015.
(local copy)
Victor Spirin, Julian de Hoog, Arnoud Visser and Stephen Cameron, "MRESim, a multi-robot exploration simulator for Rescue Simulation League", in RoboCup 2014: Robot World Cup XVIII, Springer Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series, volume 8992, May 2015, pp. 106-117.
(Springer's official version), (local copy)
Arnoud Visser, Nobuhiro Ito and Alexander Kleiner, "RoboCup Rescue Simulation Innovation Strategy", in RoboCup 2014: Robot World Cup XVIII, Springer Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series, volume 8992, May 2015, pp. 661-672.
(Springer's official version),
(local copy)
Niels W. Backer and Arnoud Visser, "Learning to recognize horn and whistle sounds for humanoid robots", in the Proceedings of the 26th Belgian-Netherlands Conference
on Artificial Intelligence
(BNAIC 2014), Nijmegen, The Netherlands, November 6-7, 2014, p. 1-8.
(local copy)
Jaysinh Sagar and Arnoud Visser, "Obstacle avoidance by combining background subtraction, optical flow and proximity estimation", in the Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, August 14, 2014.
(local copy)
Zeid Kootbally, Stephen Balakirsky and Arnoud Visser, "Enabling codesharing in Rescue Simulation with USARSim/ROS", in RoboCup 2013: Robot World Cup XVII, Springer Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series, volume 8371, July 2014, pp. 592-599.
(Springer's official version), (local copy)
Jaysinh Sagar and Arnoud Visser, "Obstacle avoidance by combining background subtraction, optical flow and proximity estimation", in the Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, August 14, 2014.
(local copy)
Auke Wiggers and Arnoud Visser, "Discovering reoccurring motifs to predict opponent behavior", in the Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, page 33-40, Montevideo, Uruguay, November 25-29, 2013.
(official IEEE version)
(local copy)
Nicolò Girardi, Chiel Kooijman, Auke Wiggers and Arnoud Visser,
"Automated Optimization of Walking Parameters for the Nao Humanoid Robot",
in Proceedings of the 25th Belgian-Netherlands Conference
on Artificial Intelligence
(BNAIC 2013), page 72-79,
Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands,
November 7-8, 2013.
(Portable Document Format 483 Kb)
Georgios Methenitis, Patrick M. de Kok, Sander Nugteren and Arnoud Visser
"Orientation finding using a grid based visual compass",
in Proceedings of the 25th Belgian-Netherlands Conference
on Artificial Intelligence
(BNAIC 2013), page 128-135,
Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands,
November 7-8, 2013.
(Portable Document Format 450 Kb)
Arnoud Visser, Julian de Hoog, Adrian Jiménez-González and José Ramiro Martínez de Dios, "Discussion of Multi-Robot Exploration in Communication-Limited Environments", Workshop "Towards Fully Decentralized Multi-Robot Systems: Hardware, Software and Integration" at the ICRA Conference, Karlsruhe, May 6, 2013.
(local copy), (official version)
Francesco Amigoni, Arnoud Visser and Masotoshi Tsushima, "RoboCup 2012 Rescue Simulation Winners", Springer Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series, volume 7500, pp. 20-35, June 2013.
(Springer's official version)
(local copy)
Sander van Noort and Arnoud Visser, "Extending Virtual Robots towards RoboCup Soccer Simulation and @Home", Springer Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series, volume 7500, pp. 332-343, June 2013.
(Springer's official version)
(local copy)
Camiel Verschoor and Arnoud Visser, "Integrating disparity and edge detection algorithms to autonomously follow linear-shaped structures at low altitude", Proceedings of the RoboCup IranOpen 2013 Symposium (RIOS13), April 2013.
(IEEE Xplore's version)
(local copy)
Maarten de Waard, Maarten Inja and Arnoud Visser, "Analysis of flat terrain for the Atlas robot", Proceedings of the RoboCup IranOpen 2013 Symposium (RIOS13), April 2013.
(IEEE Xplore's version)
(local copy)
Arnoud Visser,
"The International Micro Air Vehicle flight competition as autonomy benchmark",
Robotics Competition: Benchmarking, Technology, Transfer and Education Workshop - European Robotics Forum,
Lyon, France,
March 20,
(Portable Document Format 1.22 Mb)
Anders Bouwer, Arnoud Visser, Frank Nack and Bas Terwijn, "Location Awareness, Orientation and Navigation:
Lessons Learned from the SmartInside Project", Proceedings of the IUI Workshop on Location Awareness for Mixed and Dual Reality (LAMDa), March 19, 2013, Santa Monica, USA.
(Portable Document Format 195 Kb)
Djura Smits, Arnoud Visser and Frans Groen, "Modeling pedestrians in an airport scenario with a time-augmented Petri net", In "Intelligent Autonomous System 12", (edited by Sukhan Lee, Hyungsuck Cho, Kwang-Joon Yoon, Jangmyung Lee), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series, Vol 194, pp 543-551, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. (Springer's official version),(local copy).
Sander van Noort and Arnoud Visser,
"Validation of the dynamics of an humanoid robot
in USARSim",
Proceedings of the Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop
(PerMIS'12), (Edited by Rajmohan Madhavan, Elena R. Messina and Brian A. Weiss), NIST Special Publication 1136, pp. 190-197, National Institute of Standards and Technology, November 2012.
(Portable Document Format 3.79 Mb)
Olaf Zwennes, Astrid Weiss and Arnoud Visser, "Adapting the mapping difficulty for the automatic generation of rescue challenges", Proceedings of the RoboCup IranOpen 2012 Symposium (RIOS12), April 2012.
(Portable Document Format 2.14 Mb)
Nobuhiro Ito, Arnoud Visser and Alexander Kleiner, "Rescue Simulation League", in "RoboCup 2011: Robot Soccer World Cup XV", (edited by Thomas Röfer, N. Michael Mayer, Jesus Savage, Uluc Saranli), Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series, volume 7416, p. XIV-XV, Springer, Heidelberg, March 2012.
(Springer's official version)
Arnoud Visser, Nick Dijkshoorn, Martijn van der Veen and Robrecht Jurriaans,
"Closing the gap between simulation and reality in the sensor and motion models
of an autonomous AR.Drone",
Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition (IMAV11), page 40-47, September 2011.
(Portable Document Format 1.7 Mb)
Arnoud Visser, David de Bos and Hessel van der Molen,
"An Experimental Comparison of Mapping Methods, the Gutmann dataset",
Proceedings of the RoboCup IranOpen 2011 Symposium (RIOS11), April 2011.
(Portable Document Format 234 Kb)
Okke Formsma, Nick Dijkshoorn, Sander van Noort and Arnoud Visser,
"Realistic Simulation of Laser Range Finder Behavior in a Smoky Environment",
in "RoboCup 2010: Robot Soccer World Cup XIV",
(edited by Javier Ruiz-del-Solar, Eric Chown and Paul G. Plöger),
Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series,
volume 6556, p. 336-349,
Springer, Heidelberg, March 2011.
(Springer's official version), (local copy)
Alexander van der Mey, Frank Smit, Kees-Jan Droog and Arnoud Visser, "Emotion Expression of an Affective State Space; a humanoid robot displaying a dynamic emotional state during a soccer game", Proceedings of the 3rd D-CIS Human Factors Event, p. 47-49, November 2010. ( Portable Document Format).
Julian de Hoog, Stephen Cameron and Arnoud Visser, "Autonomous Multi-Robot Exploration in Communication-Limited Environments", Proceedings of the 11th Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (Taros 2010), Augustus/September 2010. ( Portable Document Format).
Julian de Hoog, Stephen Cameron and Arnoud Visser,
"Dynamic Team Hierarchies in Communication-Limited Multi-Robot Exploration", Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security & Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2010), pp. 1-7, July 2010. ( Portable Document Format).
Julian de Hoog, Stephen Cameron and Arnoud Visser, "Selection of Rendezvous Points for Multi-Robot Exploration in Dynamic Environments", Proceedings of AAMAS 2010 Workshop on Agents in Real-time and Dynamic Environments, May 2010. Portable Document Format 589 Kb).
Maarten van der Velden, Wouter Josemans, Bram Huijten and Arnoud Visser,
"Application of Traversability Maps in the Virtual Rescue competition",
Proceedings of the RoboCup IranOpen 2010 Symposium (RIOS10), April 2010.
(Portable Document Format 299 Kb)
Frans A. Oliehoek and Arnoud Visser,
"A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Collaboration: Principal Description Methods and Efficient Heuristic Approximations", in "Interactive Collaborative Informations Systems", (edited by R. Babuska and F.C.A. Groen), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 281, p. 87-124, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, March 2010. ( Springer's official version ), (local copy)
Fares Alnajar, Hanne Nijhuis and Arnoud Visser,
"Coordinated action in a Heterogeneous Rescue Team",
in "RoboCup 2009: Robot Soccer World Cup XIII", (edited by J. Baltes, M.G. Lagoudakis, T. Naruse, S. Shiry), Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series, volume 5949, p. 1-10, Springer, Heidelberg, February 2010.
(Springer's official version),
(local copy).
Julian de Hoog, Stephen Cameron and Arnoud Visser,
"Role-Based Autonomous Multi-Robot Exploration",
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications (Cognitive 2009, part of ComputationWorld 2009), pp. 482-487, November 2009.
(Portable Document Format 488 Kb)
Quang Nguyen and Arnoud Visser,
"A Color Based Rangefinder for an Omnidirectional Camera",
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2009), Workshop on Robots, Games, and Research: Success stories in USARSim, p. 41-48,
Stephen Balakirsky, Stefano Carpin, Mike Lewis Eds., ISBN 978-1-4244-3804-4, IEEE, October 2009.
(Portable Document Format 1.4 Mb)
Gideon Emile Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Tijn Schmits and Arnoud Visser,
"Identifying Free Space in a Robot Bird-Eye View",
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2009), p. 13-18,
Ivan Petrović, Achim J. Lilienthal Eds., ISBN 978-953-6037-54-4, KoREMA, Zagreb, Croatia, September 2009.
(Portable Document Format 1 Mb)
Benjamin Balaguer, Stefano Carpin, Stephen Balakirsky and Arnoud Visser,
"Evaluation of RoboCup Maps",
Proceedings of the 9th Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems (PERMIS'09) workshop, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, September 2009.
(Portable Document Format 5.5 Mb)
Stephen Balakirsky, Stefano Carpin and Arnoud Visser,
"Evaluation of The RoboCup 2009 Virtual Robot Rescue Competition",
Proceedings of the 9th Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems (PERMIS'09) workshop, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, September 2009.
(Portable Document Format 1.1 Mb)
Arnoud Visser, Bayu A. Slamet and Max Pfingsthorn,
"Robust Weighted Scan Matching with Quadtrees",
in "Proc. of the Fifth International Workshop on Synthetic Simulation and Robotics to
Mitigate Earthquake Disaster (SRMED 2009)", Graz, Austria,
July 2009.
(Portable Document Format 779 Kb)
Tijn Schmits and Arnoud Visser,
"An Omnidirectional Camera Simulation for the USARSim World", in "RoboCup 2008: Robot Soccer World Cup XII", (edited by L. Iocchi, H. Matsubara, A. Weitzenfeld, C. Zhou),
Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series, volume 5339, p. 296-307, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, June 2009.
(Springer's official version) (Local copy)
scholar 10
Steven Roebert, Tijn Schmits and Arnoud Visser,
"Creating a Bird-Eye View Map using an
Omnidirectional Camera",
Proceedings of the 20th Belgian-Netherlands Conference
on Artificial Intelligence
(BNAIC 2008), page 233-240,
University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
October 30-31, 2008.
(Portable Document Format 2.9 Mb)
Julian de Hoog, Stephen Cameron and Arnoud Visser, "Robotic Search-and-Rescue: An integrated approach".
Proceedings of the Oxford University Computing Laboratory Student Conference 2008, page 28-29, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, October 2008 (Portable Document Format)
A. Visser and Julian de Hoog, "Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces - Realistic Simulations to aid research and education in advanced Robot Control algorithms", Proceedings of the Scientific ICT Research Event Netherlands (SIREN 2008), page 22, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2008. (Portable Document Format 671 Kb)
Arnoud Visser, Xingrui-Ji, Merlijn van Ittersum, Luis A. González Jaime and Laurentiu A. Stancu,
"Beyond frontier exploration",
in "RoboCup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI", (edited by U. Visser, F. Ribeiro, T. Ohashi, F. Dellaert),
Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series, volume 5001, p. 113-123,
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, July 2008.
(Springer's official version), (Local copy)
Max Pfingsthorn, Bayu Slamet and Arnoud Visser,
"A Scalable Hybrid Multi-Robot SLAM Method for Highly Detailed Maps",
in "RoboCup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI", (edited by U. Visser, F. Ribeiro, T. Ohashi, F. Dellaert),
Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series, volume 5001, p. 457-464,
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, July 2008.
(Springer's official version),
(local copy)
Arnoud Visser and Bayu A. Slamet, "Including communication success in the estimation of information gain for multi-robot exploration", in the "Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt'08)", pp.680-687, IEEE Publishing, ISBN 978-963-9799-18-9, July 11, 2008.
(Portable Document Form of 2.8 Mb).
Martijn Liem, Arnoud Visser and Frans Groen, "A Hybrid Algorithm for Tracking and Following
People using a Robotic Dog", in "Proceedings of Third International Conference
on HumanRobot Interaction (HRI 2008)", pages 185-192, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2008.
(Portable Document Form of 1.8 Mb).
Tim van Oosterhout and Arnoud Visser, "A Visual Method for Robot Proxemics Measurements", in "Proceedings of Metrics for HumanRobot Interaction", (edited by C.R. Burghart and A. Steinfeld), pages 61-68, February 2008.
(Portable Document Form of 1.4 Mb).
Arnoud Visser and Bayu A. Slamet, "Balancing the information gain against the movement cost for multi-robot frontier exploration", in "European Robotics Symposium 2008", (edited by Herman Bruyninckx, Libor Přeučil and
Miroslav Kulich), Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, volume 44, pages 43-52, Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg, February 12, 2008.
(Springer's official version),
(local copy).
J. Sturm, P. van Rossum, A. Visser,
"Panoramic Localization in the 4-Legged League: Removing the dependence on artificial landmarks" ,
in "RoboCup 2006: Robot Soccer World Cup X", (edited by G. Lakemeyer, E. Sklar, D. Sorrenti and T. Takahashi),
Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series, volume 4434, p. 387-394,
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, October 2007.
(Springer's official version),
(local copy)
Arnoud Visser, Bayu Slamet, Tijn Schmits,
Luis A. González Jaime, and Aksel Ethembabaoglu
"Design decisions of the UvA Rescue 2007 Team on the Challenges of the Virtual Robot competition",
Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on
Synthetic Simulation and Robotics to
Mitigate Earthquake Disaster, July 2007, Atlanta, GA (pp. 20-26).
(Portable Document Format 1.5 Mb)
D.A. van Soest, M. de Greef, J. Sturm and A. Visser,
"Autonomous Color Learning in an Artificial Environment",
Proc. 18th Dutch-Belgian Artificial Intelligence Conference, BNAIC'06,
October 2006, Namen, Belgium (pp. 299-306).
(Portable Document Format 102 Kb)
cited by, citeseerx cid 1172133.
Arnoud Visser, Jurgen Sturm and Frans Groen,
"Robot companion localization at home and in the office",
Proc. 18th Dutch-Belgian Artificial Intelligence Conference, BNAIC'06, October 2006, Namen, Belgium (pp. 347-354).
(Portable Document Format 629 Kb)
F.A. Oliehoek, A. Visser,
"A hierarchical model for decentralized fighting of large scale urban fires" ,
Hierarchical Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems H-AAMAS'06, May 2006, Hakodate, Japan.
(Portable Document Format 143 Kb)
B. Slamet, A. Visser,
"Purposeful perception by attention-steered robots" ,
Proceedings of the 17th Dutch-Belgian Artificial Intelligence Conference, BNAIC'05, October 2005, Brussels (pp. 209-215).
(Portable Document Format 181 Kb)
A. Visser, G. Pavlin, S.P. van Gosliga, M. Maris.
"Self-organization of multi-agent systems",
Proc. of the International workshop Military Applications of Agent Technology in ICT and Robotics, The Hague, the Netherlands, 23-24 November 2004.
(Portable Document Format 101 Kb)
F.P. Terpstra, A. Visser and G.R. Meijer.
"Intelligent Adaptive Traffic Forecasting System using Data Assimilation for use in Travel Information Systems",
The Symposium on Professional Practice in AI a stream within the First IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations AIAI-2004, Toulouse France, August 2004.
(Portable Document Format 186 Kb)
A. Visser, J.G. Zoetebier, H.H. Yakali, L.O. Hertzberger
"An Experiment for the Virtual Traffic Laboratory: Calibrating Speed Dependency on Heavy Traffic (A Demonstration of a Study in a Data Driven Trafic Analysis)",
International Conference on Computer Science (ICCS 2004), Krakow, Poland, 6-9 June, 2004., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3038, p. 771-779, Springer, 2004.
(Springer's official version),
(local copy)
A. Visser, J.G. Zoetebier, H.H. Yakali, L.O. Hertzberger
"The measurement architecture of the Virtual Traffic Laboratory",
International Conference on Computer Science (ICCS 2004), Krakow, Poland, 6-9 June, 2004., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3036, p. 515-518, Springer, 2004.
(Compressed PostScript 159 Kb)
(Portable Document Format 167 Kb)
S.B.M. Post, M.L. Fassaert, A. Visser
"The high-level communication model for multiagent coordination
in the RoboCupRescue Simulator", in
D. Polani, B. Browning, A. Bonarini, K. Yoshida (Eds.), RoboCup 2003,
Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3020, p. 503-509, 2004.
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
(Portable Document Format 119 Kb)
M.L. Fassaert, S.B.M. Post, A. Visser
"The common knowledge model of a team of rescue agents",
1th International Workshop on Synthetic Simulation and Robotics to Mitigate Earthquake Disaster, Padova, Italy, 6 July 2003.
(Portable Document Format 119 Kb)
F.P. Terpstra, G.M. Meijer, A. Visser
"Information discovery and combination from divergent data sources for Travel
Information Systems",
submitted to the 7th European Conference on Principles and Practice of
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKKD-2003), Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, 22-26 September 2003.
(Compressed PostScript 115 Kb)
(Portable Document Format 321 Kb)
S.B.M. Post, M.L. Fassaert, A. Visser
"Reducing the communication for multiagent coordination in the RoboCupRescue
7th RoboCup International Symposium, Padua, Italy, 10-11 July 2003.
(Portable Document Format 119 Kb)
A. Visser, A. van Inge, F.A.Groen
"Experiences with the innovation of an Autonomous Systems Course",
9th International Conference of European University
Information Systems, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2-4 July 2003.
(Compressed PostScript 98 Kb)
(Portable Document Format 98 Kb)
A. Visser, I.E.M. Breuker, S.J. Huiberts
"Advanced Logistics Information Exchange - 'Hoe verbeteren we de dynamiek
bij het vergelijken van logistieke diensten?'",
Vervoerslogistieke Werkdagen, Corsendonk, Belgium, November 2002.
(Compressed PostScript 457 Kb)
(Portable Document Format 585 Kb)
A. Visser, H. Kok, M. Bergman, H.H. Yakali, L.O. Hertzberger,
"Calibration of a traffic generator for high-density traffic, using the data collected during a road pricing project",
paper 4052 to the 9th World congress on Intelligent Transport
Systems, Chicago, Illinois, October 2002.
(Compressed PostScript 484 Kb)
(Portable Document Format 529 Kb)
cited by.
A. Visser, H.H. Yakali, A.J. van der Wees,
M. Oud, G.A. van der Spek, L.O. Hertzberger,
"The reliability of
a DSRC-link for ETC applications modelled on 5 levels of detail",
IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 375-380, September 3-6 2002, Singapore.
(PostScript 2.9 Mb)
(Portable Document Format 1.4 Mb)
F. Terpstra, A. Visser, L.O. Hertzberger,
"An On-Line Planner for MARIE",
Proceedings of the 12th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (AICS2001), NUI Maynooth, September 2001, p. 199-209.
(Compressed PostScript 1.9 Mb)
(Portable Document Format 401 Kb)
A. Visser, A.J. van der Wees, and L.O. Hertzberger,
"Discrete Event Modelling Methodology for Intelligent Transport Systems",
paper 2016 of the proceedings of the World congress on Intelligent Transport
Systems, Torino, Italy, November 2000.
(PostScript 428 Kb)
(Portable Document Format 67 Kb)
cited by.
A.G. Hoekstra, L. Dorst, M. Bergman, J. Lagerberg, A. Visser, H. Yakali,
F. Groen and L.O. Hertzberger, "Modelling and simulation of automatic
debiting systems for electronic collection on motor highways",
proceedings IASTED International Conference Applied Modelling and Simulation,
Ed M.H. Hamzam pp 104-108, 1997.
(PostScript 1.3 Mb)
(Portable Document Format 270 Kb)
L. Dorst, F.C.A. Groen,
J.M. van den Akker, J. Breeman, A. Hoekstra,
J. Lagerberg, A. Visser, H. Yakali, L.O. Hertzberger,
"The virtual sensor concept applied to simulation:
the evaluation of Automatic Debiting Systems",
Proceedings of
1997 Workshop on Emergent Technologies & Virtual Systems for
Instrumentation and Measurements, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada,
May 15-17, pages 118-124, 1997.
(PostScript 358 Kb)
(Portable Document Format 175 Kb)
A.G. Hoekstra, L. Dorst, M. Bergman, J. Lagerberg, A. Visser, H. Yakali,
F. Groen and L.O. Hertzberger, "High Performance Discrete Event Simulations
to evaluate Complex Industrial Systems. The case of Automatic Debiting
System for Electronic Toll Collection on Motor Highways", High Performance
Computing and Networking, Eds. Bob Hertzberger and Peter Sloot, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 1225 (Springer), pp. 41-50, 1997.
(Springer's official version)
(local copy)
A. Visser, G.D. van Albada and L.O. Hertzberger, "Data and event
handling for the MARIE vehicle", in J.I. Soliman and D. Roller,
editors, 28th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and
Automation ISATA, Proceedings of the dedicated conference on
robotics, motion and machine vision in the automotive industries,
pages 403-410, (Automative Automation Limited, Croydon, England),
Sep. 1995.
(PostScript 95 Kb)
(Portable Document Format 28 Kb)
G.D. van Albada, A.Visser, J.M. Lagerberg and L.O. Hertzberger, "A
portable measuring system for robot calibration", in J.I. Soliman and
D. Roller, editors, 28th International Symposium on Automative
Technology and Automation ISATA, Proceedings of the dedicated
conference on mechatronics - efficient computer support for
engineering, manufacturing, testing and reliability, pages 441-448,
(Automative Automation Limited, Croydon, England), Sep. 1995.
(PostScript 125 Kb)
(Portable Document Format 66 Kb)
cited by.
A. Visser, G.D. van Albada and J.M. Lagerberg, "Photogrammetry
applied to robot calibration", in 14th Benelux meeting on Systems and
Control, page 142,
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Departement Elektrotechniek),
March 1995.
(PostScript 38 Kb)
(Portable Document Format 2 Kb)
K. Schroer, S.L. Albright, M. Grethlein, A. Lisounkin, G.D. van
Albada, J.M. Lagerberg and A. Visser, "Advances in robot calibration:
modelling, parameter identification, measurement" in Proceedings of
the 25th International Symposium on Industrial Robots (25th ISIR),
pages 733-740, (Mechanical Engineering Publications, England),
April 1994.
B.G. Welz, L. Camerinha, T.C. Lueth, S. Munch, L. Stochiero,
J. Tramu and A. Visser, "A toolbox of integrated planning tools - a
Case Study", in Proceedings of the IFIP TC/5WG5.10 Working
Conference on Interfaces in Industrial Systems for Production and
Engineering, (Elsevier, Amsterdam), 1993.
Arnoud Visser,
"A New RoboCup@Home Challenge",
Benelux A.I. Newsletter. 31(1), p. 3-6,
Summer 2017.
Alexander van der Mey, Frank Smit, Kees-Jan Droog & Arnoud Visser,
"Emotionele voetbalrobot",
De Connectie, Vol. 5(2), p. 6-8,
December 2010.
A. Visser,
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, Vol. 68/9, p. 311,
September 2002.
(Portable Document Format 132 Kb)
M. Hommes, A. Visser, L.O. Hertzberger,
"VriendenOV, de gebruiker als bron van dynamische reisinformatie",
Verkeerskunde 3/2001 (ANWB, Den Haag), March 2001.
(Portable Document Format 5.3 Mb)
Arnoud Visser, VisualSfM - Ubuntu installation, Technical Report IRL-UVA-24-02, Universiteit van Amsterdam, December 23, 2024.
Qi Zhang and Arnoud Visser, Automatic Control, Calibration and Recording for the FrodoBots, Technical Report IRL-UVA-24-01, Universiteit van Amsterdam, September 21, 2024.
Wike Duivenvoorden, Lex Bolt, Derck Prinzhorn, Fyor Klein Gunnewiek, Lasse van Iterson, Hidde Lekanne gezegd Deprez, Thomas Brouwers, Gijs de Jong, Harold Ruiter, Arnoud Visser, Team Qualification Document for RoboCup 2023 Bordeaux, France - Dutch Nao Team, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 13, 2023.
- Niels Sombekke, Wim Pilkes and Arnoud Visser, "Team Description Paper of the UvA Drone Team for the IMAV 2022 Nanocopter AI Challenge - Delft", Universiteit van Amsterdam, May 2022.
Wike Duivenvoorden, Hidde Lekanne gezegd Deprez, Thomas Wiggers, Jakob Kaizer, Rogier van der Weerd, Pim Heeman and Arnoud Visser, Team Qualification Document for RoboCup 2022 Bangkok, Thailand - Dutch Nao Team, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 14, 2022.
Jan-Pieter Paardekoper, Arnoud Visser, Eric Pauwels et al, Meaningful Control of Autonomous Systems, MCAS Project - Final report, February 2021.
Hidde Lekanne gezegd Deprez, Pieter Kronemeijer, Caitlin Lagrand, Thomas Wiggers, Douwe van der Wal, Quinten Coltof, Wouter Zwerink and Arnoud Visser, Team Qualification Document for RoboCup 2020 Bordeaux, France - Dutch Nao Team, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 22, 2020.
Anne-Ruth José Meijer and Arnoud Visser, "A shallow residual neural network to predict the visual cortex response", Algonauts 2019 Challenge model building report, arXiv:1906.11578, 27 June, 2019 ( arXiv Repository, local copy).
Pieter Kronemeijer; Caitlin Lagrand; Sébastien Negrijn; Michiel van der Meer; Douwe van der Wal; Jier Nzuanzu; Rob Hesselink; Wouter Zwerink; Akash Raj Komarlu Narendra Gupta; Arnoud Visser, "Team Qualification Document for RoboCup 2019 Sydney, Australia - Dutch Nao Team", University of Amsterdam, 15 January, 2019 ( Portable Document Format).
Arnoud Visser, Luis Gustavo Nardin and Sebastian Castro, "RoboCup Rescue Simulation Machine Learning Workshop",
University of Amsterdam, Brandenburg University of Technology & The MathWorks, Inc, February 2018 ( Portable Document Format).
Caitlin Lagrand, Sébastien Negrijn, Michiel van der Meer, Douwe van der Wal, Linda Petrini, Hidde Lekanne Deprez, Pieter Kronemeijer, Santhosh Kumar Rajamanickam,Jier Nzuanzu, Lukas Jelinek and Arnoud Visser, "Team Qualification Document for RoboCup 2018 Montreal, Canada - Dutch Nao Team", University of Amsterdam, 31 December, 2018 ( Portable Document Format).
Jonathan Gerbscheid, Thomas Groot, Merijn Testroote, Noah Le Roy, Bas Terwijn and Arnoud Visser, "UvA@Home Team Description paper 2018", University of Amsterdam, 15 October, 2017 ( Portable Document Format).
Jonathan Gerbscheid, Thomas Groot and Arnoud Visser, "UvA@Home Team Description paper 2017", University of Amsterdam, 15 July, 2017 ( Portable Document Format).
Caitlin Lagrand, Sébastien Negrijn, Patrick de Kok, Michiel van der Meer, Douwe van der Wal, Pieter Kronemeijer and Arnoud Visser, "Team Qualification Document for RoboCup 2017 Nagoya, Japan - Dutch Nao Team", University of Amsterdam & Maastricht University, 30 November, 2016 ( Portable Document Format).
Jonathan Gerbscheid, Thomas Groot and Arnoud Visser, "UvA@Home 2017 Standard Platform Proposal", University of Amsterdam, 25 November, 2016 ( Portable Document Format).
Arnoud Visser, "A Guide to the RoboCup Virtual Rescue Worlds",
Technical report IRL-UVA-16-01, Intelligent Robotics Lab, University of Amsterdam, May 2016 ( Portable Document Format).
Arnoud Visser, Francesco Amigoni and Masaru Shimizu, "The Future of Robot Rescue Simulation Workshop - An initiative to increase the number of participants in the league",
University of Amsterdam, Politecnico di Milano & Chukyo University, January 2016 ( Portable Document Format).
Patrick de Kok, Sébastien Negrijn, Mustafa Karaalioǧlu, Caitlin Lagrand, Michiel van der Meer, Jonathan Gerbscheid, Thomas Groot and Arnoud Visser, "Dutch Nao Team - Team Qualification Document for RoboCup 2016
Leipzig, Germany", University of Amsterdam & Maastricht University, 1 December, 2015 ( Portable Document Format).
- Masaru Shimizu, Tomoichi Takahashi, Nate Koenig and Arnoud Visser, "Hinomiyagura 2015 TDP for RoboCup 2015 Rescue Infra Structure League: A realistic RoboCup Rescue Simulation based on Gazebo", April 2015 (Portable Document Format).
- Mustafa Karaalioǧlu and Arnoud Visser,
"UvA Rescue - Team Description Paper - Virtual Robot competition - Rescue Simulation League - Iran Open 2015 - Tehran, Iran", January 31, 2015 (Portable Document Format).
- Valerie Scholten, Victor Milewski, Tessa Bouzidi, Celeste Kettler and Arnoud Visser, "UvA@Work - RoCKIn Camp 2015 - Peccioli, Italy", Team Description Paper, Intelligent Robotics Lab, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 2015 (Portable Document Format).
- Iván David Riaño Salamanca and Arnoud Visser,
"Final report 'Establishing bonds for the advancement of the Rescue League", December 24, 2014 (Portable Document Format).
- Iván Riaño and Arnoud Visser,
"Mid-Term report 'Establishing bonds for the advancement of the Rescue League", July 13, 2014 (Portable Document Format).
- Victor Spirin, Mustafa Karaalioǧglu and Arnoud Visser,
"Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces - Team Description Paper - Virtual Robot competition - Rescue Simulation League - RoboCup 2014 -João Pessoa - Brazil", June 30, 2014 (Portable Document Format).
Patrick de Kok, Duncan ten Velthuis, Niels Backer, Jasper van Eck, Fabian Voorter, Arnoud Visser, Jijju Thomas, Gabriel Delgado Lopes, Gabriëlle Ras and Nico Roos, "Dutch Nao Team - Team Description for Robocup 2014 - João Pessoa - Brazil", University of Amsterdam,TU Delft & Maastricht University, June, 2014 ( Portable Document Format).
- Sébastien Negrijn, Janosch Haber, Ysbrand Galama and Arnoud Visser, "UvA@Work - RoCKIn2014 - Toulouse, France", Team Description Paper, Intelligent Robotics Lab, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2014 (Portable Document Format).
- Arnoud Visser,
"UvA Rescue - Team Description Paper - Infrastructure competition - Rescue Simulation League - RoboCup 2014 -João Pessoa - Brazil", June 30, 2014 (Portable Document Format).
- Mircea Traichioiu and Arnoud Visser,
"UvA Rescue - Team Description Paper - Multi-Agent Challenge - Rescue Simulation League - RoboCup 2014 -João Pessoa - Brazil", June 30, 2014 (Portable Document Format).
- Mircea Traichioiu and Arnoud Visser,
"UvA Rescue - Team Description Paper - Agent competition - Rescue Simulation League - RoboCup 2014 -João Pessoa - Brazil", June 24, 2014 (Portable Document Format).
- Sébastien Negrijn, Janosch Haber, Stephan van Schaik and Arnoud Visser,
"UvA@Work - Customer Agriculture Order - Mid-Term Report", Intelligent Robotics Lab, Amsterdam, January 31, 2014 (Portable Document Format).
- Mircea Traichioiu and Arnoud Visser,
"UvA Rescue - Team Description Paper - Agent competition - Rescue Simulation League - Iran Open 2014", Tehran, April 2014 (Portable Document Format).
- Arnoud Visser,
"UvA Rescue - Team Description Paper - Virtual Robot competition - Rescue Simulation League - RoboCup Iran Open 2014", Tehran, April 2014 (Portable Document Format).
Patrick de Kok,
Sébastien Negrijn,
Eugenio Bargiacchi,
Amogh Gudi,
Chiel Kooijman,
Ilse van der Linden,
Georgios Methenitis,
Sander Nugteren
Nikolaas Steenbergen,
Duncan ten Velthuis,
Camiel Verschoor,
Auke Wiggers,
Jijju Thomas,
Gabriel Delgado Lopes,
Nico Roos
Arnoud Visser, "Dutch Nao Team - Team Description for Robocup 2014 - João Pessoa, Brasil", Qualification edition, Universiteit Amsterdam, TU Delft & Maastricht University, December 2013 ( Portable Document Format).
- Sébastien Negrijn, Stephan van Schaik, Janosch Haber and Arnoud Visser, "UvA@Work - RoCKIn@Work Camps 2014 - Rome, Italy", Team Description Paper, Intelligent Robotics Lab, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2013 (Portable Document Format).
- Arnoud Visser, "UvA@Work Customer Agriculture Order", Team Description Paper, KUKA Innovation in Mobile Manipulation Award, Informatics Institute, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2013 (Portable Document Format).
Camiel Verschoor, Patrick de Kok and Arnoud Visser, "Intelligent Robotics Lab",White Paper, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June 26, 2013 ( Portable Document Format).
Patrick de Kok, Nicolò Girardi, Amogh Gudi, Chiel Kooijman, Georgios Methenitis, Sebastien Negrijn, Nikolaas Steenbergen, Duncan ten Velthuis, Camiel Verschoor, Auke Wiggers and Arnoud Visser, "Dutch Nao Team - Team Description for Robocup 2013 - Eindhoven, The Netherlands", Universiteit Amsterdam & TU Delft, May 26, 2013 ( Portable Document Format).
Camiel R. Verschoor, Auke J. Wiggers, Harrie R. Oosterhuis and Arnoud Visser, "Maneki-Neko - Team Description for Iran Open UAV 2013 - Teheran, Iran", Universiteit van Amsterdam (February 2013) (Portable Document Format).
Arnoud Visser, "UvA Rescue Technical Report: A description of the methods and algorithms implemented in the UvA Rescue code release", Technical Report IAS-UVA-12-02, Universiteit van Amsterdam (December 2012) (Portable Document Format).
Duncan ten Velthuis, Camiel Verschoor, Auke Wiggers, Hessel van der Molen, Tijmen Blankenvoort, Michael Cabot, Anna Keune, Sander Nugteren, Hendrik van Egmond,
Richard Rozeboom, Inge Becht, Maarten de Jonge, Richard Pronk, Chiel Kooijman, Roman Slaap and Arnoud Visser, "Dutch Nao Team - Team Description for Robocup 2013 - Eindhoven, The Netherlands", Qualification edition, Universiteit Amsterdam & TU Delft, November 2012 ( Portable Document Format).
- Arnoud Visser, "A survey of the architecture of the communication
library LCM for the monitoring and control of autonomous mobile robots", Technical Report IAS-UVA-12-01, Informatics Institute, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2012 (Portable Document Format).
Nick Dijkshoorn and Arnoud Visser,
"An elevation map from a micro aerial vehicle for Urban Search and Rescue", Proceedings CD of the 16th RoboCup Symposium, Mexico, July 2012
(Portable Document Format).
Arnoud Visser, Nick Dijkshoorn, Sander van Noort, Olaf Zwennes, Maarten de Waard, Sammie Katt and Richard Rozeboom,
"UvA Rescue - Team Description Paper - RoboCup 2012", Intelligent Robotics Lab, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2012
(Portable Document Format).
Duncan ten Velthuis, Camiel Verschoor, Auke Wiggers, Michael Cabot, Anna Keune, Sander Nugteren, Hendrik van Egmond,
Tim van Rossum, Hessel van der Molen, Richard Rozeboom, Inge Becht, Maarten de Jonge, Richard Pronk, Chiel Kooijman, Roman Slaap and Arnoud Visser, "Dutch Nao Team - Team Description for Robocup 2012 - Mexico City, Mexico", Amsterdam, January 11, 2012 ( Portable Document Format).
Camiel Verschoor, Auke Wiggers, Duncan ten Velthuis, Anna Keune, Michael Cabot, Sander Nugteren, Erik van Egmond, Hessel van der Molen, Robert Iepsma, Maurits van Bellen, Merel de Groot, Eszter Fodor, Richard Rozeboom and Arnoud Visser, "Dutch Nao Team - Code Release 2011 and Technical Report 2011", Amsterdam, October 2011 ( Portable Document Format).
Nick Dijkshoorn, Helen Flynn, Okke Formsma, Sander van Noort,
Carsten van Weelden, Chaim Bastiaan, Niels Out, Olaf Zwennes, Seváztian
Soffia Otárola, Julian de Hoog, Stephen Cameron, and Arnoud Visser,
"Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces - Team Description Paper - Virtual Robot competition - Rescue Simulation League - RoboCup 2011", Proceedings CD of the 15th RoboCup Symposium, Istanbul, July 2011 (Portable Document Format).
- Duncan ten Velden, Camiel Verschoor, Auke Wiggers, Sharon Gieske, Anna Keune, Sander Nugteren, Michael Cabot, Eszter Fodor, Maurits van Bellen, Timothy Dingeman, Tim van Rossum, Steven Laan and Arnoud Visser,
"Dutch Nao Team - Team Description for RoboCup 2011", Proceedings CD of the 15th RoboCup Symposium, Istanbul, July 2011 (Portable Document Format).
- Elise Koster, Camiel Verschoor, Auke Wiggers, Michael Cabot, Erik van Egmond, Anna Keune, Sander Nugteren and Arnoud Visser,
"Dutch Nao Team - Team Description for RoboCup 2011 - Iran Open", Februari 21, 2010 (published online).
- Martijn van der Veen, Robrecht Jurriaans and Arnoud Visser, "UvA Drone Team - Team Description Paper - IMAV 2011, Parrot AR.Drone competition", November 23, 2010 (Portable Document Format).
- Arnoud Visser, Quang Nguyen, Bas Terwijn, Moos Hueting, Robrecht
Jurriaans, Martijn van der Veen, Okke Formsma, Nick Dijkshoorn, Sander
van Noort, Radoslaw Sobolewski, Helen Flynn, Magda Jankowska, Swaroop
Rath, and Julian de Hoog,
"Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces - Team Description Paper - Virtual Robot competition - Rescue Simulation League - RoboCup 2010 and Iran Open", Proceedings CD of the 14th RoboCup Symposium, Singapore, June 2010 (Portable Document Format).
- Julian de Hoog and Arnoud Visser, "Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces: Infrastructure Contribution Plan", May 2010 (Portable Document Format).
- Arnoud Visser, Robert Iepsma, Maurits van Bellen, Ravi Kumar Gupta, and Bardia Khalesi,
"Dutch Nao Team - Team Description Paper - Standard Platform League - German Open 2010", January 30, 2010 (published online).
- Arnoud Visser, Gideon Emile Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Hanne Nijhuis, Fares Alnajar, Bram Huijten, Maarten van der Velden, Wouter Josemans, Bas Terwijn, Christiaan Walraven, Quang Nguyen, Radoslaw Sobolewski, Helen Flynn, Magda Jankowska, and Julian de Hoog, "Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces - Team Description Paper - Virtual Robot competition - Rescue Simulation League - RoboCup 2009", Proceedings CD of the 13th RoboCup Symposium, Graz, Austria, July 2009 ((Portable Document Format)).
A. Visser, T. Schmits, S. Roebert, G.E. Maillette de Buy Wenniger and J. de Hoog, "Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces - Team Description Paper - Virtual Robot competition - Rescue Simulation League - Latin American RoboCup Open 2008", Salvador, Brazil, October 2008 (Portable Document Format).
A. Visser, T. Schmits, Steven Roebert and Julian de Hoog" Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces -
Team Description Paper -
Virtual Robot competition -
Rescue Simulation League -
RoboCup 2008",
Proceedings CD of the 12th RoboCup Symposium, Suzhou, China, July 2008,
(Portable Document Format 788 Kb)
A. Visser, J. Sturm, P. van Rossum, J. Westra and Th. Bink "Dutch Aibo Team: Technical Report RoboCup 2006",
December 2006,
(Portable Document Format 880 Kb)
Max Pfingsthorn, Bayu Slamet, Arnoud Visser, and Nikos Vlassis,
"UvA Rescue Team 2006; RoboCup Rescue - Simulation League",
Proceedings CD of the 10th RoboCup International Symposium, June 2006, Bremen, Germany.
(Portable Document Format 288 Kb)
A. Visser, P. van Rossum, J. Westra, J. Sturm, D.A. van Soest and M. de Greef,
"Dutch AIBO Team at RoboCup 2006",
Proceedings CD of the 10th RoboCup International Symposium, June 2006, Bremen, Germany.
(Portable Document Format 406 Kb)
J. Sturm, A. Visser and N. Wijngaards,
"Dutch Aibo Team: Technical Report RoboCup 2005",
Technical Report, Dutch Aibo Team,
October 2005.
(Portable Document Format 602 Kb)
Niek Wijngaards, F. Dignum, P. Jonker, T. de Ridder, A. Visser, S. Leijnen, J. Sturm, S. Weers,
"The Dutch AIBO Team at RoboCup 2005" , in
Proceedings CD of the 9th RoboCup International Symposium, July 2005, Osaka.
(Portable Document Format 68 Kb)
- Stijn Oomes, Pieter Jonker, Mannes Poel, Arnoud Visser, Marco Wiering, Wouter Caarls, Stefan Leijnen; Silvain van Weers, Niek Wijngaards and Frank Dignum, "The Dutch AIBO Team Report on RoboCup 2004",
Proceedings CD of the 8th RoboCup International Symposium, July 2004, Lisbon, Portugal.
(Portable Document Format 181 Kb)
A. Visser, S.B.M. Post and M.L. Fassaert,
"The communication approach of the 'UvA Rescue C2003'-team" , in
Proceedings CD of the 7th RoboCup International Symposium, July 2003, Padua, Italy.
(Portable Document Format 195 Kb)
- A. Visser, H. H. Yakali, J. M. Lagerberg and L. O. Hertzberger,
"Contra-expertise Rekeningrijden Phase 2, Measurement Analysis,
Final Report", Technical report, Universiteit van Amsterdam, June
2000, confidential.
- J. van Dam, A. Dev, L. Dorst, F.C.A. Groen, L.O. Hertzberger, B.J.A. Kröse, J. Lagerberg, A. Visser, Organization and Design of Autonomous Systems, Syllabus, Universiteit van Amsterdam, August 1999.
- A. Visser, P. de Waal, J. van den Akker and J. M. Lagerberg, "Contraexpertise
Rekeningrijden Phase 1, Simulation, Final Report", Technical
report, Universiteit van Amsterdam and National Aerospace
Laboratory NLR, October 1999, confidential.
A. Visser, H.H. Yakali, A.J. van der Wees,
M. Oud, G.A. van der Spek, L.O. Hertzberger,
"An hierarchical view on modelling the reliability of
a DSRC-link for ETC applications", Technical Report CS-99-02,
(Portable Document Format 1.4 Mb)
A. Visser, M. Wiedijk, F. Tuijnman, H. Afsarmanesh
, 'Application Study: Robot Arm Control - An experience using distributed AIM',
Technical Report CS, University of Amsterdam, November 1993
(Portable Document Format 185 Kb)
A. Visser, "Revision of concept, an adaptation of the IRAS
architecture to multiple users and devices", technical report for ESA
contract 10016/92/NL/JG, (ESTEC, Robotics Department,
Noordwijk), Sept. 1993
G.D. van Albada, J.M. Lagerberg and A. Visser, "Demonstration of
principles of a low-cost measuring system and presentation of
simulation results", Public deliverable for ESPRIT 5220 CAR, MC-
WP-UA-06 93/7, Univ. of Amsterdam, Jul. 1993
W.-P. Foth, Y. Cuvellier, F. Tuijnman, A. Visser, J. Froehlich and H.
Schaude, "Interactive remote automation & robotics servicing - Final
Report", Public deliverable for ESA contract 9459/91/NL/JG,
(ESTEC, Robotics Department, Noordwijk), March 1993
F. Tuijnman and A. Visser, "Knowledge acquistion and control
functions, an orthogonal robot control architecture", ESA Study
9459/91/NL/JG Report UvA/IRAS/200+300/TN:5, 1992
George den Boer, Dick van Albada, Arnoud Visser, Martin Mergel, Cornelius Koburg, Rudolf Sadowski,
Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Bob Hertzberger, Jos Geerts and Nick Gouvianakis, "System architecture for the vehicle -
Updated version September 1992" , Public deliverable for ESPRIT 2043 MARIE, WPx-UvA-DEL-920930, Sep. 1992
George den Boer, Dick van Albada, Arnoud Visser, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Bob Hertzberger, Martin Mergel,
Cornelius Koburg, Rudolf Sadowski, Uwe Vogel, Nick Gouvianakis and Jos Geerts, "Architecture for the vehicle",
Restricted deliverable for ESPRIT 2043 MARIE, GEN-VOL-TRP-910121, Jan. 1991
Arnoud Visser, "Measurement-Driven Simulation of Complex Engineering Systems", PhD thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 23 October 2007 (Portable Document Format 102 Mb) .
A. Visser, "Hoge resolutie spectroscopie aan octaethylporphine in n-alkaan kristallen bij temperaturen tussen 1.2 en 10 K", research thesis, final draft,
Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 30 June 1991
(Portable Document Format 5.9 Mb)
Arnoud Visser, "Photochemical hole-burning in organic solids at low temperature", Msc thesis, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 20 October 1987 (Portable Document Format 32 Mb)
A good article explains about an algorithm:
- the benefit (the promise to the readers)
- the proof (to make the readers believe the claim)
- the difference (so the readers can compare it with other solutions)
A good article also has a good abstract.