O Opleiding Kunstmatige Intelligentie - Zoeken, Sturen en bewegen`

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"Zoeken, Sturen en Bewegen"


This is the information of year 2012

The site of the previous year 2011 can be found here.

The last week the course is dedicated to experimentation.

Go, where no one has gone before.

This time it is not the result that counts, but your summery of your survey. Document your progress, experiments and decisions in a LabBook. You will be evaluated on your LabBook at the end of the week.

Here is the schedule for the last day and the location of the labbooks:

9:30 Jelle van Assema, Daysel Willems, Martijn Loos, Victor Hofstede Tekenen met de Umi en de Kinect LabBook
10:00 Sanne Verhoeven, Areg Shahbazian, Mick van het Nederend RoboNova Langlauf LabBook
10:30 Sebastiaan Hoekstra, Marco Schaap, Michiel Mosmans, Kees Halvemaan Handschrift verandering met de Umi LabBook
11:00 Ruben de Vries, Julien van der Werve, Ysbrand Galama, Wolf Vos Mimicken met de RoboNova LabBook
11:30 Ivan Plantevin, Nick de Wolf, Thomas Brinkman, David Woudenberg Winkelen met de UmiRtx LabBook
13:00 Jouke van der Maas, Marysia Winkels, Wessel Klijnsma, Koen Keune The Nao Goal Kick LabBook
13:30 Casper van Houten, Steve Nowee, Eva van Weel, Miriam Huijser Samenspelen Aibo en Nao LabBook
14:00 Michiel Folkers, Casper Driesen, Jeroen Serdijn Pavlov Aibo robots LabBook
14:30 Carla Groenland, Harrie Oosterhuis, Fabian Voorter Rescue Drone LabBook
15:00 Menno van Leeuwen, Niels Backer, Jonas Lodewegen, Fokke Dekker Endgame schaken met de Nao robots LabBook
Last updated 28 June 2012

o This web-page and the list of participants to this course is maintained by Arnoud Visser (arnoud@science.uva.nl)
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam

visitors in arnoud@science.uva.nl