Monday we made some conclusions about the reachability using both search-techniques. We thus worked on the implementation of a rough version of the depth-first search and node representation.

Tuesday we decided to represent a node as a position on the board and the configuration number to which the next move would be (see the table/picture in results). This was a good idea, though when checking for occurence of a node in the path, only the location is ofcourse important. At the end of the day we wrote a gui-animation for a found path.

Wednesday we worked on porting the calculated path to movements in the robot arm. With the experience of the project before this wasn't much of a problem, though we worked sometime on the esthetics of the knight's move.

Thursday we rewrote some parts of code to be more generic, so now boards of dimensions 5x5 and higher can be calculated. On the internet we found that boards with lower dimensions can't be solved, so that's why we took the =< 5 limit. Also we wrote and adjusted an algorithm to solve 3d-boards, though this isn't part of our official research.

Friday, presentation.