Faculty of Science UvA


Course Information Revolutions

Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies

This is the information of Spring 2020


Based on evolution, life and humans learned to learn in their own unique ways. This in turn allowed them to become significantly more complex than anything that had existed on Earth before.

Will this happen again in the near future, or not? Is our current technology only step towards super-intelligence? What role will Artificial Intelligence play?

Learning objectives

See the course description for the full list of learning objectives; as Artificial Intelligence (AI) researcher it is my task:
  • to describe how information technology and AI are currently developing;
As you can imagine, AI is developing very fast, so I will concentrate on a part of AI which studies complex adaptive systems. I will do that by
  • demonstrating how genetic algorithms and multi-agent interactions allow the development of increasingly complex systems;


The detailed schedule can be found at datanose.nl The material of the other lectures can be found at Canvas.




Last updated March 4, 2020

o This web-page and the list of participants to this course is maintained by Arnoud Visser (a.visser@uva.nl)
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam
