7.2.2 How to Make a Thread?

The manipulation of a single thread is done with four operations:

  1. creating,
  2. starting,
  3. running, and
  4. stopping.


There are essentially two ways of making a thread. See also the examples below.

  1. There is a class Thread that may be subclassed.
  2. You may also implement the interface Runnable. This is good practice if the class is already a subclass of another class. To activate such an object as a thread, you start an new instance of the thread class with this object as an argument, like in mythread = new Thread(myobject).


A thread is started by the message start(). This means that at this moment, the thread will get its first turn from the Virtual Machine and the run() method of the thread is called.


The run() method is the heart of the thread (or the runnable object). This method is called automatically by the start-method, it is not directly called by the user. It contains the sequence of instructions that belongs to this thread. If this method exits, the thread stops. So for continuous movements like in the above applet, you will find a never ending loop. At some moment, you may tell the thread to sleep, e.g. with Thread.sleep(30) the thread will go asleep for 30 miliseconds.


The thread stops when the run-method exits, or when an explicit stop() call is done.

CAVEAT: When making an applet, it is important to stop your threads. Otherwise, the threads keep running as long as the browser is up, even when the page containing the applet is not visible. You stop your threads in the following way: implement the stop() method of the applet and include calls to the stop-methods of all threads.

Example: Subclassing Thread

In this example we make a class Ball that extends the Thread class. The code shows how the run-method is implemented. Note that the sleep-method might generate an exception, so it has to be surrounded by a try-catch construct. The buttons do a call to the creation, the start and the stop method. The code for the Ball is in the file Ball.java, the code for the interface is in the file SingleThreadApplet.java

class Ball extends Thread {


  public void run ( ) {
    while (true) {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {

  void move ( ) {

Example: Implementing the Runnable Interface

In contrast with the previous example, the current class is not a subclass of the thread class, but it implements the Runnable interface. This means that it contains a method run(), and therefore can be used as an argument for a thread object. In this case this thread object is an instance variable of the class itself, and we encounter therefore the instantiation thread = new Thread(this) Note that we implement methods to pass on the start and the stop. The code for the class is in the file RunnableBall.java, the code for the applet is in RunnableBallApplet.java

class RunnableBall implements Runnable {

  Thread thread;

  RunnableBall (...) {
    thread = new Thread(this);
  public void start () {

  public void stop () {

  public void run ( ) {
    while (true) {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {

  void move () { ...}