Stieltjes Afternoon


February 12th, 2003


Korteweg-de Vries Instituut voor Wiskunde
Room P.227 (second floor)
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Plantage Muidergracht 24
The Netherlands

Route description


13.30--13.45                             Coffee and tea
13.45--14.00                                Presentation of the Stieltjes prize 2001
14.00--14.30                         Lecture by the Stieltjes prize winner 2001
14.30--15.30                                Prof. Eric Opdam (UvA), A simple boson gas
15.30--16.00                                Coffee and tea
16.00--16.45                                Stieltjes visiting professor Maxim Kontsevich (IHES, France), Affine manifolds and modular forms
16.45--17.00                                Break
17.00--18.00                                Prof. Maxim Kontsevich (IHES, France), Non-Archimedean Kaehler geometry, second lecture of the lecture series Non-Archimedean Kaehler geometry and Mirror Symmetry
17.00--                                Drinks in the common room on the second floor

Organisors and contacts

Chris Klaassen, Jasper Stokman.

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