/ research

short description
I'm a PhD student at the Language and Inference Technology group at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. My PhD research focuses on the use of natural language processing techniques and resources for corpus-based Question Answering. We are currently developing a Question Answering system called Tequesta.

In addition I'm interested in other areas of information processing and human language technology, such as Document Retrieval, Summarization, and Information Extraction.

publications, software, and other resources
Complete list of my publications This list is reversely chronologically ordered, and allmost all publications are available online. If you are looking for a topically ordered list, follow the respective current research activities links below.

During my research I've developed quite some software (note: the emphasis here is on quantity not quality). Please see the respective research areas below for further information how to get it.

The same holds for other resources, such as named entity list, blingual dictionaries, decompounding lists, etc. Please follow the respective current research activities links below.

research activities
Question Answering Corpus-based question answering systems aim at automatically returning an answer to a user's question by analyzing a collection of natural language documents, such as newspaper/newswire articles and web sites. Our local efforts resulted in the implementation of the Tequesta system, more ...

Document Retrieval Internet search engines, e.g. Google, are probably the most popular examples of document retrieval systems. I'm interested in improving current methods, and in particular how they can be adapted to languages other than English. To this end, I've implemented the FlexIR retrieval system, more ...

Document Layout Analysis and Reading Order Detection The task is to determine the reading order from the scanned image of a complex document. This project involves techniques from several disciplines, such as document recognition, spatial reasoning, and natural language processing, more ...

Computational Semantics and Theorem Proving During my undergradute studies at the Institute for Natural Language Processing (German: Instut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung), IMS, I got interested in the integration of theorem proving techniques and underspecified representations of natural language, more ...